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I just found a 1971 510 WAGON for sale!!!

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For what it's worth, PACIFIC COAST DATSUN (Mark) had a hell of a time dealing with getting his sweet goon titled. He spent well over a year and was still unsuccessful so just a bit of warning for any perspective California buyers to keep in mind. Best bet is to have the owner get the DMV paperwork straightened out BEFORE you buy it. I can't see the pics for some reason but heck for $1500 for a running 510, heck it's worth it alone to just keep it a running classic to enjoy, rust be damned, just drive and enjoy it as-is.

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photo bucket pics are down..or moved.


When I purchased my 69 from person 3, he had a title. It was not in his name. he bought it from person 2 who bought if from person 1 who bought it from the guy on the title. NO ONE had done the paper work to put it in their name. No biggy, just sign my name as it was being sold to me...right. WRONG. the guy on the title had once tried to use the title as collateral. Then used white out to cover it up. DMV would not accept the white out w/out a letter stating why white out was used. So call the guy I got the car from, oh I got it from this guy...blah blah blah. come to fine out no one can get ahold of the guy that was on th title. So I just wrote a letter stating that the car was going to be used for collateral and my mind was changed, then had a guy @ work sign the letter like the signature on the title and went to the DMV. I now have a clean & clear title to my 69... =) took 2 weeks.


if the car is out of the system, cant you just goto the DMV and ask some questions about fees and such?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey Guys!


Exciting news! Today I went to the post office where there is a local garage next door.

I saw a 510 wagon sitting in the parking lot.


So I went up to the shop owner to ask about it...."is this a customer's car or is it for sale?"

I thought maybe it was someone on here. The guy said, "It's a customer's car, but he's selling it."


Goosebumps kick in..."how much is he selling it for?"

Guy says, "$1500"

...my goosebumps had goosebumps! Calmly I reply, "nice."

(but inside, I'm screaming up and down like I won the lottery or something! :lol: )


Anyways...which brings me to the purpose of this thread...


Though I'm really temped to buy it myself, I already have a GOON that I'm happy and proud of. Plus I already have 3 cars, so I thought I would share the news to RATSUN. I would also LOVE to see a fellow RATSUNer rock it!


here are the pics:











oh...and yes...it IS running!!



C'mon! $1500 for a running 1971 510 GOON in this day and age???


If someone buys it...do I get a finder's bonus?



Looking out for my DATSUN brothers,


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sorry guys! I don't have the owners contact info anymore...I posted this about 1 year ago.


PM kyushakai here on ratsun. I passed the contact info to him. Maybe he still has it.






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I am in San Clemente. And will buy this car today!


please email me a address and info!!




Ive rebuilt a few bmw 2002s.

Ive always loved the Datsun. Had a 210 back in the day.

I need something that fits a surfboard!


oh never mind haha

keep a eye out tho!!

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