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Please help im going crazy!!!!


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i have a ka24e powered 510 wagon this thing runs like total shit! i have no idea whats going on ive tried it all! No codes (exept the 55 code), new sensors, ohm tested everything even checked voltage going and coming from the ecu etc. iac cleaned, cant find any vaccumm leaks everything works like it should. the car runs so rich, and it wont idle at all. timing is set 15 degrees, tps is set, iac valve basically does jack shit, im at a total loss ive been trying to figure this out for about a year now. i just keep movin on to other projects. the motor is basically new great compression etc. I need physical help or good advise before i lose my god damn mind! anyone live near salem? i just put a fuel pressure reg on it and set it to the factory service manual specs 43lbs with no vaccumm 33 with vacumm did absolutley nothing still rich as hell and wont idle.

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Its something not related to anything the ecu controls or needs cause it has no fault codes. So its either fuel related which it is running very rich or eletrical which I'm going back through cause I don't think my alternator is workin.

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I'd say the first place to go is O2 sensor, but if it's not throwing any codes that wouldn't necessarily be it right? Are you sure you don't have a problem with the ECU? My mom's minivan had a short in the ECU that was causing all kinds of problems with the camshaft position sensor and throwing no codes. We went all over the place trying to get it fixed and ended up having a re-mapped ecu installed.

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its possible i have tried multiple ecu's with no results everything seems fine except cold start and idle it revs fine its almost like it never comes outta the enrichment cycle for a cold start and just dies it always restarts just wont idle it shuts off almost as if ya just turned the key off its really hard to explain online.

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ok so i'll describe it in short. start car runs on high idle like it should. about 5 seconds later it trys to idle down and dies, it will idle very very rough when warmed up,eventually stalling. and thats it no codes nothing outta place thats why im asking for some help. my last guess is something voltage going on somewhere, my alternator is really confusing me cause when i un hook the 2 wire plug from it and the positive cable from the battery my car stays running?????????????? wtf when i leave the plug for the alternator pluged into the alternator my battery will go dead overnight.

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Its something not related to anything the ecu controls or needs cause it has no fault codes. So its either fuel related which it is running very rich or eletrical which I'm going back through cause I don't think my alternator is workin.


When Nissan air flow meters fail, they very rarely set codes. They just go all haywire trying to compensate for whatever it thinks its seeing. I wouldn't assume its good because of no codes.

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ok so i'll describe it in short. start car runs on high idle like it should. about 5 seconds later it trys to idle down and dies, it will idle very very rough when warmed up,eventually stalling. and thats it no codes nothing outta place thats why im asking for some help. my last guess is something voltage going on somewhere, my alternator is really confusing me cause when i un hook the 2 wire plug from it and the positive cable from the battery my car stays running?????????????? wtf when i leave the plug for the alternator pluged into the alternator my battery will go dead overnight.


Are you using the KA alternator or stock 510 with external regulator?


Usually a bad diode will discharge it overnight.

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Well normally when maf sensors go bad and the ecu goes into limp mode correct? I assume mine is working cause when I unhook it the engine dies instantly I'm running the stock ka24e alternator I did the jumper wire trick with the wiring to bypass the external reg. I hooked the big fat white wire directly to power and the little yellow wire to what I assume is the charge light in the dash. I don't know how to test for leaky injectors I put new orings on them and I tested another set I have but nothing changed so I kinda ruled that out

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's strange, it seems to be running quite well above idle. I almost want to say that it's getting too much gas at idle. Perhaps a fault in the ECU? Have you considered running by Nissan and having them run diagnostics on the ECU? Usually it's done no charge.


My mom's minivan had a problem where the ECU was saying the camshaft position sensor was bad, but everytime you replace it it would still run like shit with a check engine light. If you unplugged the sensor it would go into limp mode and revert to factory specs and it would run fine with no light. Took it to many mechanics, and none found the fault. Took it by Chevy and they tested the ECU and found a fault causing a short in the circuit for the CPS. You could be having a similar problem.

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If thats the case then i would have 3 ecu's with all the same fault. cause ive tried 3 different ones! im starting to think i have something really funky going on with the idle air control i dunno what though. I've cleaned it, inspected it etc the solinoids are clicking but i noticed with it running it makes this hissing sound through the intake when i unplug it it quits but it still wont idle.

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Yes I have doubles of every sensor on this motor I've put on my other iacv on with no change if I do have a vaccumm leak ts internal somewhere cause I've checked everywhere else. I only have one hose and the actuall Intake itself.

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