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First Post and new truck

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Set motor at TDC and see which plug wire the rotor is pointing at under the cap. Loosen and rotate dizzy 90 degrees counter clockwise, move all four plug wires one position clockwise. This may give you some adjustment. Hainz help me here!

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It has been a long weekend.



The truck ran really good other then a slight timing, a tapping (lifter I think), and NO BRAKES (E brake work). So I think I am going too try too get back out there soon and do timing, add a radiator (temp fix out of different non rat), and do the compression test. I really think the compression will run good as it doesn't seem too have any bad sounds from motor.



If everything is good then I will start too file for a title for the vehical. I will do some work inside the cab, put tires on, and fix brakes. Then use as dally driver. I will continue too do work while I drive it and maintain well.


Thanks for all the support of the forum and I will keep you all updated. I didn't take any photo's as nothing has changed yet.



I think I found a set of chrome rims. I will have too take one off and see if it fits. They are 14 with 6 lug pattern so cross fingers that they fit. I also may have found a small crane (corner 2 ton style) for the rear bed too help me lift items in. This will ROCK and really make this thing good for me.


The only major mod I have planed at this point is too add a limited slip dif.. I think this would make this truck a 2 wheel drive tank. I know they are running 400 big ones pluss but I really really think this would be nice.

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Ok I guess its hard not too double post on projects.


I got the abandoned vehicle papers today so I will start filling them out. I also purchased some tools becouse they were half price. Here is the tools I purchased yesterday that should help me with my work.


Torque wrench 1/2" (power built) 18.99


6" Caliper (MIT I know generic POS) $2.99


Combo Tune-Up Gauges (filler gauges stanless steel/brass, wire Gauges and adjuster for spark plugs)$3.50


New set of allen keys (power built) $2.50


1/2-3/8 adapter $2.00


Haynes Manual for Datsun $21.65 (ok not half price)



I don't have the receipts with me so I am trying too remember what the prices are but they should be close. I had too have them order my manual in because they didn't have any.


I know that there are other tools I need first and I already have some but these at 50% off I couldn't resist and I don't know what all I need. They didn't have any 3/8 torque so I couldn't get that :( I really wish I could have gotten one.


When I get my book I will be buying the rubber hose for fuel lines. Anyone know how many feet I need for a compleete replacement of that rubber? I am going to clean the gass tank out so I am not sending tarnished gas through my system. I will also buy some line so that I can bleed my brakes and maby return my brakes too working order.

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OK did some work here is the readings from the compression testing.




1. 130

2. 130

3. 120

4. 170




1. 145

2. 145

3. 130

4. 210



I didn't bring my notebook home so these are what I believe it was. This is with a warm vehicle.


I also bleed the brakes with no luck they still do not work so I have too look at whats going on.


I also cleaned the tank and it came out clean so that was good (I suspect they drained gas to use in another vehicle because bolt was loose). I also replaced all the engine compartment fuel lines. I will replace the tank ones next week. So I am back to using the gas tank instead of the radiator overfill.


The truck sounded like it was missing this time and was not because it sounded different each time I pulled a wire. The spark plugs looks as though it is running a little too much fuel (dry black color).


So now for the question.


What do you all think about the compression readings?

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I think you need to adjust the valves and recheck the compression, as well as check the cam timing.


Yes I cant seem to get good timing with the distributor. So I will have to adjust the another way (GRRRRRRRRRRR). I will adjust the valves next as that was planed this weekend but I had some other work I had too due before that and didn't have time. I doubt I will get too it next weekend but I also need to figure the inside wireing out so that I can start and kill it from within the cab. This will be the first time to adjust valves so wish me luck that I get it right. I might tighten up the belt so that I can turn the cam easier as right now I have to turn both the fan and the a/c compressor to keep it from slipping. If I am not able to get the compression leveled out would these numbers affect the engine any?

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Verrrrry curious....does this truck have discs in front? A lot of us here use rockauto.com for parts, most everything you need is available for a 620 if you don't mind waiting a few days. There is even a sticky in the General Discussion forum with discount codes. I'm still new to the L series engine, but I'm wondering if you've got a points or electronic distributor? An EI upgrade is highly recommended, and I agree with Hainz on checking the valves. #4 seems high, #3 seems low. If you find the head gasket needs replaced, search here for Hainz's (banzai) video, really good stuff.


Congrats, nice looking little truck. For the interior stuff, take a look in the classified section here. The 620 is pretty popular right now.


Oh, and welcome to Ratsun :)

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Verrrrry curious....does this truck have discs in front? A lot of us here use rockauto.com for parts, most everything you need is available for a 620 if you don't mind waiting a few days. There is even a sticky in the General Discussion forum with discount codes. I'm still new to the L series engine, but I'm wondering if you've got a points or electronic distributor? An EI upgrade is highly recommended, and I agree with Hainz on checking the valves. #4 seems high, #3 seems low. If you find the head gasket needs replaced, search here for Hainz's (banzai) video, really good stuff.


Congrats, nice looking little truck. For the interior stuff, take a look in the classified section here. The 620 is pretty popular right now.


Oh, and welcome to Ratsun :)


It has drum they came out with disc in 78/79 I cant recall witch, I may at some point due a switch over. I will check out rockauto.com and see what I think as this is a one day a week project, so waiting is no problem. I have points as EI came out also in 78/79. I am looking at upgrading too pointless but not sure if I am going matchbox, kit or GM switch. I will search for the video as I love videos for learning things. I have replaced Head gaskets before so shouldn't be a problem. I do not believe the head gasket is bad at this point but we will see.


Not keeping interior stock..

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It has drum they came out with disc in 78/79 I cant recall witch, I may at some point due a switch over.

Yes and no. skunktruckin's truck has not been modified, is a '77 Deluxe with factory discs. That's why I was curious about yours.

I have points as EI came out also in 78/79. I am looking at upgrading too pointless but not sure if I am going matchbox, kit or GM switch.

This is probably the most swapped out item on stockers. Matchbox's come up here from time to time. Sounds like you already know what you need. :)

I will search for the video as I love videos for learning things. I have replaced Head gaskets before so shouldn't be a problem. I do not believe the head gasket is bad at this point but we will see.

Like I said, I'm no L expert, but I think the primary 'problem' area with head gaskets normally presents between #3 & #4, which is why I mentioned it.


Looking forward to watching your progress.

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Yes and no. skunktruckin's truck has not been modified, is a '77 Deluxe with factory discs. That's why I was curious about yours.


This is probably the most swapped out item on stockers. Matchbox's come up here from time to time. Sounds like you already know what you need. :)


Like I said, I'm no L expert, but I think the primary 'problem' area with head gaskets normally presents between #3 & #4, which is why I mentioned it.


Looking forward to watching your progress.


Thanks for the advice and I stand corrected on the disc I was going by what the manual said. I don't really know what I need on the distributor, I just know the three options but am unsure what would be the best for my situation of a hard used daily driver. I am researching this truck daily and have had a couple in the past. So if I say something wrong I love to be corrected as I take it as a learning curve.


What style switch over and why would you recommend for EI?

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Hainz L series video


It's from the FAQ sticky in the general discussion forum. The FAQ has quite a few useful links. The board can get kind of catty sometimes, thanks for not being overly sensitive. Sometimes it's difficult to predict how folks will interpret what they read. So, good on 'ya for asking questions. You are definitely in the right place. I am certainly not the expert, just some guy who's got a couple Datsuns myself.


There are different perspectives on the 'best' EI upgrade, but personally I like the drop-in matchbox setup. If the dizzy is functional, it's nearly a fool proof upgrade.

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Hainz L series video


It's from the FAQ sticky in the general discussion forum. The FAQ has quite a few useful links. The board can get kind of catty sometimes, thanks for not being overly sensitive. Sometimes it's difficult to predict how folks will interpret what they read. So, good on 'ya for asking questions. You are definitely in the right place. I am certainly not the expert, just some guy who's got a couple Datsuns myself.


There are different perspectives on the 'best' EI upgrade, but personally I like the drop-in matchbox setup. If the dizzy is functional, it's nearly a fool proof upgrade.


Thanks for the link and yea I watched this before...Just didn't realize what video it was.


I don't get upset in chat rooms (forums) although sometimes others think I am by the way I respond. I just believe in typing my thoughts and sometimes some take it wrong. I only get mad when others bash one another. I realy do like being proven wrong as it not only teaches me something but corrects something i learned wrong to begin with.

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They had an old car show here in Havasu today and there was a 510 there the fenders and door of a 620. I saw it was a 510 and like NO WAY ONLY 620 HAS DOOR WINGS. I later talked with the fellow and he said it had 620 doors and fenders I do believe. I really wish I had a camera with me. He had this thing SLAMMING THE GROUND. It had a bunch of rust and bare metal but has potential. It was still SOOOOOOO wonderful. After talking with the owner he said the car was once on sale here on ratsun.net. He said he used too be a member, however; has not been on in some time. I am sorry I didn't get his name.


I don't think I will get much done on the rat this week. I did buy a valve cover gasket so I could check the adjustments. The problem is I just spent a fortune getting my winabago up too the property so I can stay in it once in a while. This RV SUCKS and eats gas like there is no tomorrow. I will snap a few pics of it this weekend if I go up.


I also am checking on another 620 that is setting on someone's property. I will se how that turns out. I may wait tell I have money to walk with first though so that he doesn't call bull dodo on me. I will also try to get some pics of this datsun too.



EDIT: March 29'th 10: Forgot Camera, and didn't get a chance to check on other truck

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OK I said I wasn't doing anything too my truck this weekend but I ended up pulling the vacuum assist, master cylinder, and fan. I also dropped a old radiator in there so I can move it in a week or two. I will not have a fan but will be moving so air will still be flowing. It also sounded good again and have no idea why one week it misses and one week it sounds good!?!?!?!?! (maybe its my ears)


I thought I was going too rebuild the master cylinder, however; it turns out its $2.00 cheaper to buy a rebuilt one through autozone. So I am going to just get theirs for now. If it has problems like most of their products I will deal with this later. The vacuum assist is off just so I can paint it while the master is off. I will just be using some spray paint for this.


Oh yea and I got a free ticket to Travis Tritt on Saturday night it was a blast!

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OK OK Much more then a double post but I am kinda using this build to keep track of stuff also.


So here is what I am working on. The new master cylinder is ordered and will arrive on Saturday. I am currently working on striping and painting the vacuum assist. I am going too paint it what they call "safety blue" as for the master cylinder I am debating between paint or just giving a smoothing and polishing.


Here is the master cylinder half striped and the can that has the painted blue top is the color I will run with. I have finger prints in it because I was checking its dry time.




Oh yea the background in the picture is what I was thinking of using for my seats, dash, door panels, and headliner. I will be using something a little thicker though but hoping to get around this pattern and tone. I will also surround the gauges in wood. I like the leather and wood mix look.



EDIT: Sorry it arrives Friday but wont be able to pick up tell Saturday.

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  • 6 months later...

Sorry all that its been so long. It gets VERY HOT DURING THE SUMMER HERE and I was not able to work on it during the heat of the summer. I am in school right now but will be trying to get it too my place to start back up on it in a month or two. I have also been spending my money on new scuba gear so the car has been in limbo to that. Will start posting again soon.

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  • 1 year later...

OK I have not done diddly squat to the rat for over a year. I even had an offer to buy from someone on the forums I must say thanks but no thanks.


I decided I wasn't going to get crap done where it was and I had to move it anyhow so its in town. I got it purring like a kitten and its time to fix the brakes and get her to the DMV. She is drivable as far as everything other then the brakes and cooling. Please don't get me wrong SHE IS NOT MINT. She still looks like crap and I don't know how she will handle in town. I am glad to have her where I can put some lube on her and rub her with a wrench now and then. My friend is letting me keep her at his place for now. I am also working on a 71 f100 pickup truck.


I hope to have the brakes fixed by the end of the month and a new radiator on the 19th of the month (HOPE KEYWORD). Will start posting as progress goes.

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OK its purring but has a little tap I am hopping that I can get over there and put the brake parts back on now that I found everything except my reserves. I will be using PVC just to test out the rest of the braking system. I am hopping to get this thing to the DMV quick but we will see. I still have lots of work but I can start using it soon I hope.


I know this is a lot of double posts but just want to keep you all updated.

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Wow Im new here so only just seen this thead now you've posted the little update. Would love to find a KC like that and ship it to where I live. I have been looking for 15 years for a 620 which isn't rotting to pieces. Amazing find. Found a couple of Okay ones since joining here but not Kingcab.

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Wow Im new here so only just seen this thead now you've posted the little update. Would love to find a KC like that and ship it to where I live. I have been looking for 15 years for a 620 which isn't rotting to pieces. Amazing find. Found a couple of Okay ones since joining here but not Kingcab.


Good luck in your search. I hope you find your dream 620.


I got the master cylinder, vacuum booster, and spacer back into the vehicle using a Magiver type of reserve (tubing). I tried bleeding the brakes but its still verry soft and I didn't have enough fluid to try bleeding anymore. I don't see any leaks but there could be some I cant see. I also hooked up a radiator that is not a good fit but will get me to the DMV once I have the brakes worked out. Right now to get it drivable (other then DMV trip) I need to fix the rest of the braking system, Get a radiator and electric fan (blades are braking off current fan), do a better tuneup (fluid changes, points, timing, and spark plugs). and get a cute girl to sit in the passenger seat.


I did fix my drivers side door so that I can now open it from the outside without keeping a window open or holding onto the clip with vice grips, I also got it where I can start and kill the engine from inside the cab with a toggle switch and push button. I tested the Charging system and A/C pump, the alternator works A+, however the a/c pump engages and turns but makes some noise so I will have to check this out hopefully its simple. I don't know if I will get out there again this week but am looking for 2 used (DIRT CHEAP) tires that hold air so i can take this girl to the DMV as soon as I fix the brakes. I could use the E-brakes but prefer not being that I will be on the highway for a 1/2 mile or so.

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OK I tried to bleed the brakes but they didn't send out any blood.


The bleeding took for around 5 min and then I could go strait back down to the floor with no resistance. I guess its time to take off the tires and drums and look at what is going on in there. The hoses all look fine other then being old but no signs of leakage. So I will take it to the DMV with just parking brakes.


I found another 620 but don't know the year yet I am going to go check out for parts. If anyone needs something off it shoot me a price and I will see what they say as they are parting the thing out. I am hopping it is a 79 then I can steal the distributor (pointless), the rear axle (4.11 gearing), The radiator (cross my fingers it looks good), Dash if its good, rpm or clock (ether or dosnt matter), I also hope to score a L20B to rebuild but it has to be DIRT CHEAP.


I don't know anything about this truck other then its a 620 and I have not seen it yet.



P.S. I wont get to see it tell this coming weekend.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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