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i keep pulling out the credit card :(

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I feel ya. Just buy all the shit you need for your Dat. and get that "instant gratification" feeling and slowly pay the credit card company back....


But after a few weeks of having your car the way you want it, you start to want something else, then something breaks, then you (god forbid) get laid-off and start using the cards more and more and more and more...


Vicious cycle!


Put the card away, it's a "Rat, son!"

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comply, ive been on the dave ramsey plan since i bought my 78 620 in 2005. It only had an AM radio and i happened to tune in his show one day. I have also never had a credit card and never will. Only once have a had payments and that was on my Frontier. I swapped it with my sister for her explorer when i got to where i couldnt make the payments, and then she totaled it. Im 24 now and debt free(well expect for owing my grandmother about $10k for my boat, that is sunk now)

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I'm only 23, but I've never had any credit card debt. I pay for everything in cash. If I dont have cash for it, I don't buy it. Dave Ramsey has some good ideas having to do with finances.


Are you planning on renting a place to live for the rest of your life?

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of course, it's hard to get a good rate on a home if you don't have any established credit in the first place. having a charge card that you pay off every month is not a bad way to go, if you only use it to pay for things you ordinarily purchase with cash anyway. you just put that cash aside and pay down the balance before any interest acrues. You just have to be responsible, that's all.

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of course, it's hard to get a good rate on a home if you don't have any established credit in the first place. having a charge card that you pay off every month is not a bad way to go, if you only use it to pay for things you ordinarily purchase with cash anyway. you just put that cash aside and pay down the balance before any interest acrues. You just have to be responsible, that's all.


Thats the way I did it. My credit score skyrocketed with this method.

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i was real stupid when i was 18 with credit cards. i really messed my credit up bad. i vowed to never use a credit card again after that. 4 years later i turned around and fixed my score and now the only debt i have is my mortgage on my first home i bought at 22 this year. credit cards are the devil.

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the only time a house or land increase in value (beyond inflation) are when demand skyrockets (ie the recent bubble that burst causing this recession) or rezoning puts your land as commercial use and becomes desireable. A large majority of residential housing does not increase in an amount making it a 'good' investment. Consider all costs involved with home ownership and renting now looks much more attractive. Sure at some point ill buy, but im content with renting for the time being. Prices still well with the market, I dont pay property taxes, wear and tear damages are not paid by me..etc.etc

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A house can either be an investment, or a place to live. It's best not to mix the two together, or you'll never be satisfied with either your investment or your home.


Buying or building a home (instead of investment property) is generally a good idea, unless renting allows you to somehow leverage your income to do more work than what is gained from the equity built into a home. This is uncommon, however, since rent money is gone as soon as you write the check; a mortgage payment is like buying something you get to keep.

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;) Possibly.

People say houses are an amazing investment, but I'm not so convinced on that.


houses are a lot of liability, even more so when you own rental property. if possible, one should have multiple types of investments, and let their money work for them (kinda like owning a lot of datsuns:lol:), for that is part of the beauty of the american way.

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