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what do you guys pay for your cell phone?

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i had cricket an payed 50 a month for unlimited everything and it was good but the coverage was SHIT! anything out of the portland area sucked. i had to let my service laps,so now i own then 102 bucks and im thinking theirs got to be something better out there...so what do you guys pay for you phone? and what carrier and plan do you have? i know boost mobile has a monthly plan for 50 like cricket but you have to pay full price for the phone. what do you guys recommend??

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Ya it's really hard at 1st lol but the longer you go the easier it gets. There is a certain freedom to be had imho.


yeah i never had a phone till about a year ago and now im lost without it lol....ever try givin up the internet : )

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Haha I'm jealous of the 50 dollar unlimited stuff

I have 900 minutes and unlimited text for about $80 a month after my %20 off from fedex. and I'm on verizon but i always have reception.


I'm no authority but that strikes me as expensive, esp after a rebate. No?

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Haha I'm jealous of the 50 dollar unlimited stuff

I have 900 minutes and unlimited text for about $80 a month after my %20 off from fedex. and I'm on verizon but i always have reception.


yeah verizon has really good service, i think my mom pays like $200 for 5 phones and like 1000 minutes no text from them

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3 phones, unlimited text for all 3, unlimited internet on mine, and insurance with 1000 minutes nationwide coverage (which we have yet to go over) for $150. through t-mobile. the only issue i have is no reception INSIDE my house. other than that its been great.

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Never had one, never will. Except for police emergency and real true personal emergencies we could do without them. NO teenager below 18 should be allowed one and none above without a written test. I would never miss seeing some total asshole spewing his internal dialogue or another describing where he is and what he sees louder than necessary while walking on a public street, or hearing what some fuck had for breakfast while I was trapped in a check out line, or a conversation interrupted in public by someones phone. I have only seen a have dozen cell phone calls that were legit in the last year, one was a 911 call the rest were messages and not conversations. Next time you are on the phone in public ask these questions... is this conversation really, I mean really necessary? Could this conversation wait till I get home? Am I distracted by this conversation? Am I really aware of what's going on around me, and am I disturbing others? If you are receiving a message or important information, especially a business call or placing an emergency call, then carry on. But if the answer is yes, say "can I call you back later?" and hang up.


How many hours were wasted on these?



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3 phones on one plan for $80/month with AT&T through my work's 25% rate plan & 50% phone/accessories discount. Haven't have a landline for over 10 years and would never have one again.

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3 phones on one plan for $80/month with AT&T through my work's 25% rate plan & 50% phone/accessories discount. Haven't have a landline for over 10 years and would never have one again.


Well your computer counts as a land line no?

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$10/mo for verizon on my bro's family plan. I use my phone so little that it works out great for me this way. I'm not a conversationalist and frankly think people talk too much...boring. Or maybe it's just that they talk about stupid stuff and nothing mentally stimulating.

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Well your computer counts as a land line no?


Nope...cable internet. I can't wait for FOIS to come our way.

Edited by 71DIMER
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Nope...cable internet. I can't wait for FOIS to come out way.


Ya I didn't mean dial up. You can call through cable without a special provider.


You prefer fios there? I had fios when I moved and switched to roadrunner, I get way more bandwith. Is it dif out there? I know here from provider to provider/ area to area makes a pretty big dif.

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Ya I didn't mean dial up. You can call through cable without a special provider.


You prefer fios there? I had fios when I moved and switched to roadrunner, I get way more bandwith. Is it dif out there? I know here from provider to provider/ area to area makes a pretty big dif.



We just don't have a need for a home phone..it's cheaper not to have one and stick to our cell phones. From what I've read FIOS is 2x faster but I can't confirm since that's what I've read on it. All I do know is going to a friend's house with DSL it's painfully slow compared to our cable internet.

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We just don't have a need for a home phone..it's cheaper not to have one and stick to our cell phones. From what I've read FIOS is 2x faster but I can't confirm since that's what I've read on it. All I do know is going to a friend's house with DSL it's painfully slow compared to our cable internet.


Ya its fine if you have no need. I'm just saying you do have a land line without paying more. I also think its good to have, just in case. If cell phone service went out it wouldn't be the 1st time.


There it could be 2x fast idk, curious though to compare. Here base to base it was slower then with I think $15 a month more they almost double the bandwith which then beats time warner/road runner.


I get just under 1950 kbps with roadrunner and I was getting 1500 with fios. 1950 kbps for 30 bucks works for me lol.


Here is cnets test.


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