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Everything posted by goonfan

  1. Yeah man really likng it after working on the Z all day.... needed something to drown out the pain.
  2. Damn.... Most "good" beers get into the 10-12 range here, but that is for the really good stuff. I wanna say a 4 pack of Dogfish 90min is $12.... I mostly drink ducers though, I like to mix it up.
  3. So my panic attack isn't over but I did go back out there. Even though the mounting holes for the feneder are way off when I put an actual fender and hood on, it looks pretty good. Sooooo I'll check things out tomorrow and go from here. It's gonna be a fuck it and make the panels fit kinda situation or I'm gonna start looking at my Series one reeeeeal close with a swap in mind. I held off on the series one donor because my 72' has some unique chassis mod that I would have to replicate. Or find a cheap shell.... This would be ideal.
  4. Just picked up a 6'r... Liking it.... It's cheap too, they carry at the corner store a couple blocks from my house for 8 dollars 50. Nice and hoppy, chalk full of those good ol cascade hops we love so much up here. ABV of 8.5% is noce too. I'm going to let my buds know. Thanks for the suggestion!
  5. Oh yeah, Ihad that as a desktop for a while. I *think* it was a carsbykris rendering. He did a really good Camaro too. LOL, or not, it says right on the bottom left...
  6. It depends on the HP/LB ratio. The Z was cheap to begin with so thats no biggie to me. I'd like to see them go back to a 2.4L 6.... Inline or V i don't care either way. Well if I had to pick I'd say inline. If they did something like the TVR Sagaris but Jap style, I'd be in.
  7. FML!!! The car gods hate me

    1. NKrader


      car gods like donations of money, in the cash form

    2. MicroMachinery


      Your sacrifice wasn't sufficient.

  8. Arghhhhh so unhappy!! I mocked everything up, there are all kinds of little differences between 240z and 280z I never knew about. It's not even fucking close. I still need to pull the tower over some but there is no way it's going to line up correctly.... meybe if I can pull straight down? Looks like the wole frame was "pushed" up about 3/4", idk jsut a guess. Too pissed off to measure it, too pissed off to take pics of it. I'm wrapping up for the night.... I'll post pics of what I did do after a beer to drown my agony. vv Check out my new sig! vv
  9. Silver City is pretty good. I think they've slipped a bit during the expansion but they are getting back. Service is till great but the quality of the food still has a way to go.
  10. lol, speaking of special release I have some Vertical Epic bottles from every year going back to 6/6/6... this is the last year! I've also got the original release of the Russian stout and Old Gaurdian
  11. I'd have to see it. Up here we have Central Market, they carry a lot of good stuff. Tacoma Boys in Tacoma always has really hard to find stuff along with all the special releases. Stone, Dogfish and Victory did a special release were they brewed a beer together called Saison du BUFF, TB had it. I didn't like it, maybe with some Lamb it would have been good, I was eating chips and salsa, lol.
  12. Well I didn't get nearly as much done as I was planning. I fused with my welder forever wasting time. I have one of those rotary track remote switches, I just can't get the hang of it. I'm really starting to hate the damn thing.... I should have got the linear version. My hands were killing me today too so that didn't help either, I'm going to have some serious arthritis when I get old. Started with prepping the patch panel. You can see even my patch panel needs a patch panel, lol. Getting it marked up for the section to cut out. Tracing out the patch to transfer to my sheet metal. Cut it out. Then I tried to plug up some holes with some discs I punched out. I tried using a magnet to hold them in place, even with only 30a it was too much for the magnent. I forgot to take a pic but trust me it was a disaster. Looks cool though. That's all I took pics of. I did do more, I'll post pics I take of that stuff tomorrow.
  13. Whoa $3 for a ducer is a good deal, I haven't had it yet. Tricerahops is like $6 a pop.
  14. ohhhhh at makes more sense. Tricerahops for tonight.
  15. Yeah, Portland rocks for beer and food, way dog friendly too. It was a big culture shock going from the PNW to LA a few weeks ago. Everywhere up here is about fresh local food and good craft beer, chilling at an outdoor table with you pooch and your buds is the norm. Down there it was all chains and dogs aren't even allowed in the hardware stores, what... no dogs in the hardware stores? I couldn't believe it. Probably sounds silly to some people but I guess I'm just used to it, and like it the way it is here. Now if the rain would just stop....
  16. What country are you in that you just got alcohol? Well as you can tell my favorite brewery is Ninkasi. I also drink a lot from a local brewery called Silver City.
  17. Can't help with one and two but in pick 3 the ground loop goes to the nut on the left, the 1 at about 10 o'clock. I don't know what that extra ring terminal coming out of the hot wire is all about.
  18. Yeah I was really enjoying a local breweries scotch ale last night. I just got back from being in California and I was disappointed in the beer selection big time. Figured with all of the members on here from the northwest I can't be the only one feels let down when traveling.
  19. Yeah I saw that stuff... Guess I was thinking maybe the motor or interior had something that would distinguish from the rest.
  20. Isn't that pretty sweet though.... he's already setup for it even. The aftermarket is a little weak for heads but cams are out there and since we are talking a 510 200-28-lb of torque coming in by 3k is plenty and that's from stock pickings. It's hard to say where his frame is at, I sold a wagon (to Izzo) and looked very similar to the pics he posted of his 510, the frame and the rails were straighter than any 40yr car I've ever seen, they were perfect. Personally I wouldn't want to do the EFI thing... I'd look for the carb option.
  21. Beer is the fucking best! Hard alcohol... wine... sake... it sucks dick. Beer fucking kills it! So I'm drinking, obviously, and it's got me thinking... Beer is soooo much better in the PNW. I'm not some world traveler or anything like that but in the last couple of years I've been to a lot of different states and all kinds of social-economic areas and the beer selection SUCKS. I mean I can go to the smallest, tiniest, backwoodsiest, no teethiest GAS station here in Wa or Or and find all kinds of great beer. I go outside of the PNW and the beer selection sucks, I'm talking all over the SW, NE, up and down the Ca coast, the SE, jack shit.... I'm form the Bay Area and had this illusion in my mind that everything was better "back home" but it's not, the beer sucks there too.... For me it's even become a joke. Npw when ever I travel I take pictures..... of the beer isle. Then I send them to my friends here and we have a laugh. They are starting to do the same thing and the results are in... PNW has the best beer selection hands down, with out a fucking question. Can you feel me? ***This is for the average persons exposure to beer, of course you can find good brew anywhere if you look hard enough and know where to look***
  22. lol, that vacum leak test is so old school... it reminds me of back when I use to get up before the sun so I could make it to the auto auction before everybody else had a chance to fuck things up on the "runners", back before fixing and flipping cars got you a TV show. You can use the same trick on clogged breather/PCV too, if it runs better when a PCV is pulled you got problems, lol. I'm gonna bet 280z and 280ZX is the same.... but you never know.
  23. Well that Buick 215 was around way back in the early 60's up into the late 70's. "215" could mean anything up to a late 90's Rover motor, the block stays the same externally but the accessories, heads, valve covers, mani's can change a lot. Rovers have factory SS headers, btw, kinda cool imo. Look into and post what you find out! I'm thinking if a 4.0L Rover motor can be had for <1K and you either do the go with the stock injection or find out if you can swap over to the earlier motors carb setups (UK had quad SU's on some performance models) than that's a pretty sweet way to get a light weight motor with an ass ton of torque cheap.
  24. Been quite on this, as I'm sure many others have been, I've been keeping my eyes out for you though! Sucks major Donkey Kong for you. Can you post any specifics, w/ pics, of your car? Such as parts and what not. I'm guessing it will chopped up. So far I haven't seen any new parts listed on CL, from Oregon to Canada. I check CL like a Muslim praying to Alah!
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