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Everything posted by goonfan

  1. I like some kind of car from every decade and just about every manufacturer Alfas to Zondas and buggies to rock crawlers. If I had the money my collection would be a lot like Lenos with every kind of car you can think of.
  2. Man... more bad news. My lady forgot to buy my beer, WTH!?
  3. Great, now what did I do then? So are you saying the electrolysis just won't work period or I screwed something up? Of course it's better to sand blast but I'm broke so it wasn't much of an option, but thinking about it some I spent a bit to make that damn bath.
  4. Well shit. Where were you last Sunday when I was in my basement making this damn thing?! lol... I was planning to do some test welds near the black spots. I'm not sure how bad that stuff will effect my welds, I know rust is like the mortal enemy of my tig welds so I do not have high hopes. I may have to knock that all off and rebuild the areas back up with filler. I better buy some more wire.
  5. lol yeah! I'm hoping one day I can get my hands on one of the big mills at work. They seriously just want to toss them both out. The only reason we have them still is becasue they are so damn big we couldn't just chuck them.... like we did with 2 air compressors ;)
  6. Update w/ pics, just for you Tristin! So here is a few shots of the upper core support and webbing before it went into the "big" tank, it had 12-18hr on the little 6a charger at this point. You can see the paint was coming off. Only overall shot I took, before the anode grid was built. Here is a shot of the results I'm not happy with. 36hr on the 40a charger, never got past 20a though. It looks better here because I hit it with some 80 grit to knock off the oxide. better but still very black in the pitted areas. Not so pitted here, this WAS painted. Most of the paint has come off but not all of it. On the other side it's the opposite and most of the paint it still on, I processed it with the rusty side down. The electrolysis works on a line of sight. Overall I'm not happy at all. I could have just sanded this thing down and got the same if not better results. I'll have to do some more research on the best setup for this sort of thing. Maybe my bath got more ineffective over time as the rust accumulated in the electrolyte solution. You can see how thick it is in the pics. Also I'm having second thoughts about the pitting, problem is even I decide it's not going to cut it that is the BEST upper w/ webbing I can find. Maybe I'll just box in the lower core support and use the upper only, that's a good option, I'll look into that some more. Bottom line: Electrolysis has been a fucking waste of time.
  7. Yeah I've been try'n to do just that but the problem is I'll get lost in the work, next thing I know it's 10:00 and I still have 4hrs of homework to do. I've got to put the school first, although sometimes I don't know.... I'm going for an ME degree... but w/ 10 yr experience in manufacturing sprinkle in lots of design work and now I'm doing a lot more design and R/D I'm not sure it's worth it. I keep thinking if I spent money on a home/hobby machine shop I could be further along in the 5 more yr of night classes if I spent that time doing hands on design. argh IDK. Just keep plugging along with life I guess.
  8. lol, LOL I was not happy about the whole waste of my F'n time thing and not in the mood to snap some pics. I'll get some going I guess....
  9. Update w/o pics.... So after about 36hrs I wasn't impressed with the results. The rust is gone but it's got a shitload of "black", some kinda oxide residue. So at this point I'm a little disappointed it didn't work better and now I think I wasted all that time that I could have been welding. I'll look to see if there was some way I could have gotten better results. It's final week for me so I won't have any time after work. This weekend is gonna be hard to get time for the car too. It will be a while before I can get back to the Z. Maybe I'll just pick up a fuel tank and cruise the series one for a bit. At least I'll be in some kinda Z.
  10. If your gonna do a parts store the only ones that are any good around here another Westbay stores, NAPA now. I wanna say that the hub for them is in Auburn. The "number one" branch is in Port Orchard, Navy Yard city is the paint and machine shop, they have bankers hours. I'm sure you'll get some good news today, based off what your interview was like at TMF.
  11. If your gonna do a parts store the only ones that are any good around here another Westbay stores, NAPA now. I wanna say that the hub for them is in Auburn. The "number one" branch is in Port Orchard, Navy Yard city is the paint and machine shop, they have bankers hours. I'm sure you'll get some good news today, based off what your interview was like at TMF.
  12. I feel ya man. I've always thought from the right angle a 1200 is like a mini Charger.
  13. Lol no. We work with them when ever we have jobs that we need quicker than the parent company can.
  14. I work with TMF too, you can use me as a recommendation is it helps.
  15. Good progress! I wanna here that beast! I've been looking at the Innovate stuff but have been turned off by the problems they have with the LM-2 and the way they handle it. They have gone so far has to close the support forum they had. The O2 stuff they sell is good from everything I've read. I'll be going with Zeitronix when I make a buy.
  16. Dam that sucks man. Wish I had some good news for you about the job. Still looking like late June/July. Try not to sell your ride, life is more important than cars though.
  17. So today I just messed around building the bigger electrolysis tank. Spent forever getting my rigged up POS pump for my tig torch to work, cost me a LOT of time. Still forgot to take pics of the part before I loaded it into the new tank, some of the paint is even peeling. I'm hoping to really get a lot of the rust off with the new setup, you'll see why below. I'll be using my Everlast 250EX tig welder, I took a chance to some degree in buying an off shore brand but I love this baby so far. I'm using a CK Worldwide CK20 flex head with super flex cable and a rotary switch. the switch takes some getting use to as you'll see in a minute, started getting better towards the end. Time to lay out the cut up rebar. Oops I don't have mild steel filler rod that's big enough, only some Al, SS, and super tiny .025" steel spool wire. Then I remembered I picked up some "rebar" wire when I bought some more rebar. It's a real PITA to weld right on the floor but hey it will work. Other side Here is a shot of one of the 6 uprights I'm using for the grid. In the kiddy pool she goes after cleaning some time on the wire wheel and all the cables are tied on, perfect fit! It gets suspended just above the anode with my "filler rod" and some scrap wood. Kick on the new battery charger, 40 amps vs the previous 6. WTF?! It's only hitting 15a! i don't know why, I tried the 200a jump start mode and it only goes up to 20ish. It may need to sense a load so I but a dad battery on it but nothing changed. I've also read that it will creep up on you, so I'm hoping it gets to 40a. I'll check it in a little while. Here are some bubbles though! A ton of crap has come loose already too, this was about 5min in. I hope this works and cleans this part up big time. I didn't want to risk thinking the metal down anymore than it was and since I'll be tig welding I want to be sure there are no contaminants as tig is more sensitive to them. So while it sucks that this is slowing me down in the long run I feel it was the best decision.
  18. This rebuild stuff takes ages...

  19. lol, well I fooled you! I don't have too much experience at all really, not with this sort of thing anyway. I've thought about doing the whole tube front end thing, maybe at some point I will but not now. I don't have the proper tools for that kind of set up. One day I will have a tubing bender and a good, probably old, band saw. I'd also like to get a torch set up along with a plasma cutter. Moved this over to a build thread http://community.ratsun.net/topic/43785-goonfans-72-240z-resurrection-build/page__p__692155#entry692155
  20. If those are spot weld that broke that's some crazy force to pull it apart. Good news on the frame!
  21. So I got started on the same process of knocking down the high spots on the patch panels. No pics of the part just yet. After knocking them down I started to prep the holes with the wire wheel. But I was not liking how much surface rust I was finding and with the wire wheel being a little aggressive I tied some BKF. It's basically an acid that removes oxidation. I use this stuff on all my stainless pans and my fancy kitchen knives, JDM knives yo! Then add some water to scrub away the rust. Uuurch, hands are covered in this stuff so no pics. After rinsing I'm still not satisfied. So one more trip to Lowes later. Electrolysis. You can see the bubbles here. This was the biggest container they had, I looked at garbage cans too. I only have a 12v 6amp charger, wish I had something with more amps. After being in there for one night it's coming along but I need to go bigger, headed out for a kiddy pool in a little bit. I'll shoot some progress pictures when I transfer over the parts. In any case this won;t be done today so I'll work on cleaning up the engine and welding up the low spots.
  22. These pics look worse than a "curb" too me. The first one looks like there are stress cracks in the sub frame, and that there was a previous repair. Second pic, those holes look like slide hammer marks. Telling me it got very bent up and they pulled it back out, then sprayed some shitty under coating back over it. Of course I could be wrong. It's always hard to see things in pictures and figure out just what is going on.
  23. Use a file hosting service such as photobucket
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