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Everything posted by Will

  1. Will

    710's unite!!!!!!!!

    ...wait... is that 710 being driven? I see that it still has plates!
  2. It's weird that the bumpers changed so much from 74-77. I think it went like this: 74 Smiley chrome bumpers on Hardtops Painted steel bumpers with grey end caps on all other 710s 75 Painted steel bumpers with grey end caps on all 710s 76-77 chrome bumpers on all 710s with black plastic end caps
  3. The trunk lids are the same, but the bumpers and the panel between the taillights were changed after '74. (The license plate was moved up between the taillights instead of the bumper.)
  4. Here's a picture of the car at the yard A junkyard in Texas offered to send me a bumper from their hardtop - maybe they can send you a trunk lid? Here's the contact: Trenton Browne brownesalvage@earthlink.net
  5. Nope - I don't think the ad had his phone number. I put up a wanted ad for the car in the local craigslist but the only response was from someone who said that it had been scrapped - I called the local junkyards and there was no trace of the car. Rats!
  6. I'll let you know if I see any - I'm looking for 710 parts myself for my hardtop, but I don't need a trunklid. Maybe I'll see one during my search.
  7. I'm on the other side of the country - Brooklyn, NY. zip code 11222. The car had some hamfisted electrical work, so I need to make things right.
  8. I'm starting to get my 710 healthy again, so here are some of the odds and ends I need: L-series rocker arms rear package shelf radio delete panel passenger grab handles (white) throttle linkage (I'm hooking up a Hitachi SU carb setup, and right now the car has a cable linkage from a DGV setup.) ignition switch and underhood wiring (if you have a boxfull of 710 wiring, that would help a lot!)
  9. That's a 120Y VAN! They were the utility version, made without cutouts for windows!
  10. I just saw your car's twin on Craigslist! http://vancouver.en.craigslist.ca/rds/bar/2486454730.html
  11. I figured it was something flaky with the wiring - after problems with the ignition switch and fuses that replaced the fusible links left me stranded a few times on the cross-country roadtrip. I need to track down my multimeter!
  12. Oh, nice! It is the same color combination as mine - only the color hasn't been washed away by the sun. Best of luck with your project!
  13. Woah... Things got all Canadian around here! The 710 is safely nestled in Brooklyn and the road trip is at an end. I think it's time to start a project thread for this car - I started disassembling the SSS motor so that I can get the head resurfaced, and after 4,000 miles it is absolutely necessary that I install a radio! Also, sometimes the starter doesn't want to turn... gotta figure that one out.
  14. Could you post a closeup of the throttle linkage? I'm using the same carb setup on my 710, and I need to figure out how to connect everything!
  15. It looks better than mine, and I made it all the way from Sacramento to Syracuse! I was getting close to 30mpg the whole way, but my car has a 5-speed.
  16. Sure, let me know if you find them - it would make my car a whole lot less rainy/windy!
  17. Too bad I didn't know about this when I drove through Sacramento! I could have used some parts from this car! Were all four of those aluminum wheels present?
  18. It looks like the same seal that's missing on my 710 hardtop - it made for a noisy/rainy road trip! Were they expensive? *rear 1/4 glass to door glass seal if you need anything like this, this is who you need to contact: J&J Auto Fabrics 247 S Riverside ave Rialto Ca 909 874 3040
  19. I think one driver that cut me off managed to do everything on that list! My friend in Detroit bought a mini from the northwest - I thought you might like the grille badge:
  20. Jeez, I've driven through 13 states in the past week, and you know which one has the craziest drivers? Ontario. IMG_6557 (posting the BBC code from flickr doesn't seem to be working for me lately.) Here is a photo from just after I crossed back into the States - Niagara Falls! I'm amazed at how this car is dwarfed by the Chevy Cobalt parked next to it. I drove over 3,300 miles, but the 710 finally made it back to New York State. It will be staying at my folks' place in Syracuse while I borrow their van for two weeks to finish up some construction work, but after that it will finish the last leg of its journey down to Brooklyn. I replaced the alternator in my friend's driveway in Detroit - the last one was junk, but the Saturn alternator tested okay. The voltage regulator had already been removed and the wires spliced, so I just needed to pick up a new plug for the alternator and wire everything together. I could run the headlights AND the heater! I think the battery might be dead, so I'll need to test everything with my voltmeter. There are a billion tiny things that need to be fixed, but I think 'ol Violet will clean up real purty.
  21. I've safely arrived in Detroit, but I was still getting the "CHG" light whenever I ran the car with the headlights on, so I gave the electrical system another check to see what was happening. The old alternator was dead - I'm installing the Saturn alternator that was attached to the 510sss motor right now - let's see if that does the trick.
  22. After driving 2800 miles in a 710 over the last week, I agree - there's no lumbar support in those seats. I'll try and add some strategically-placed foam when I sew together the busted seams in the upholstery.
  23. 2600 miles so far! Oklahoma: Finally in the midwest: I head off to Detroit in a few hours, and then I'll almost be home! I wonder if Canadian customs will give me any guff about having an engine in my passenger compartment.
  24. Oh, cool, thanks for offering to help. The engine still looks very clean from the outside, and the air filter is making a nice JDM armrest until I can drop it off in Providence in a few days.
  25. Yes, he told me - I know it will need some work because of the overheating.
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