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Everything posted by dirtydiesel

  1. um its not really in "fantastic" shape. but yeah when i get the wheel off ill post pics of it. should you decide that you still want it. then sure.
  2. dirtydiesel

    Junkyard score

    cherry bombs!!!!!! with a rusty folgers can for a tip. thats what i did with my friends tercel. its am abnoxiously bad ass sound
  3. thanks guys. i just didnt want to end up picking at a point where i might kink something. or twist whats left of the body.
  4. it was supposed to be.... do you like dragons? cuz id be draggin these nuts across your face.
  5. thats ass is smokin.... ( tongue rolling on the floor like jim carey`s in the mask)
  6. pulled the fenders this morning around 7am. managed to save the mounting plates for the headlights by drillin out the rusty ass screws. yay for not cuttin them. ill get pics up tomorrow when the photo develops...... i have been thinking of paint alot lately. i think im going to keep it black but paint the engine bay red as well as inside cab. paint the mighty max rims red with black/ maybe white lug nuts. i def. want white walls. i love me some white walls. and put a monster claw green logo on the passenger side from hood to fender. maybe some of my "galactic empire" stencil from high school. rattle can all they way........
  7. wooooooo!!!!!! back to -1 in rep.

    1. NOTES...


      What were u at?

    2. dirtydiesel


      i went from 0 to 1 to -1 haha now im at +4 who decides your ranks?

    3. NOTES...


      people on ur posts... when u post somehing at the bottom right there is a green button and a red... if u press green its +1 and red -1.. so if people press red on u then u get - and so on...

  8. oh classic cure for adhd. alcohol and sex...
  9. i find it kind of funny how we go from a single question about lowerin a truck to talking about college teachers... is ratsun full of adhd or am i the only one...
  10. whats the best picking point to safely lift a 521 cab off the frame with out cuasing damage to the roof and such. the only time i have picked up a vehicle with a hoist like abject was my old explorer with a boom truck and a strap thru the windows. kinked evrything (it was scrap tho). some insight would be much apprecaited.
  11. how diffiuclt was it to remove your fenders?
  12. H that's a much cheaper carb than weber place.
  13. even acces to cnc machines to make axact adapters
  14. thats not a problem. i got stuff for doin that.
  15. no. i think its called a valence. kinda where a spook would go. do you have two head light assembly bases that you would be willing to part with?
  16. thanks guys that definately clears it up for me.
  17. im going to order me up one from webercarbsdirect.com there are two kits listed. wk 657 has a 32/36 DGV and the wk 663 has a 32/36 dgev. again i am running the stock L16. which one to i get to run properly. i have heard about one of these to have a fuel issue and i really dont want to order twice. please and thank you.....
  18. would you be interested in selling complet head light assemblys? ( minus bulbs) mine are trashed and ill prolly have to cut the mounting plates to get to the rust under neath
  19. oh boy do i just love drinking alll night just to find out that its pointless to sleep cuz you got work in 2 hours

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. fastdadd


      how much sleep do you need

    3. dirtydiesel


      depends on the work load really anywher from 4 - 9 hours

    4. dirtydiesel


      depends on the work load really anywher from 4 - 9 hours

  20. lame cookies dude.i feel your pain.... what did they take tho?
  21. Curious to know if you have the head light assembly base. The part where they bolt up to. And the bolt on body piece that's under the bumper.
  22. So there is this radio... Looks pretty old. I dont know the condition of it or if it works. But i dont foresee me using it. Who wants to trade a rack of beer for it?
  23. Yeah. The hood is in great shape minus the very front lip.
  24. oh any body interested in the steering wheel cuz when im done with the cab i wont be using it.
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