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erichwaslike last won the day on July 29 2011

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About erichwaslike

  • Birthday 02/22/1987

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  • Gender
  • Location
    la habra
  • Cars
    67 rl411, 66 pl411 racecar, 67 pl411 rat, 67 wrl411,70 521,71 521,84 720, 86 suzuki sami
  • Interests
    cars, music, LEGOS!!!!, offroading
  • Occupation
    tood designer and engineer

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  1. threw rod #4 yesterday on the way to eagle rock, got saved by a random datsun guy i didnt know, thanks Gabriel! now ive got to figure what motor im gonna put in it......

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. MikeRL411


      Think you can have number 4 cylinder sleeved? Like TR4s and Chevy Vegas.

    3. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      Give it a day or two .. head high ... and dig in!

    4. erichwaslike


      negative on everything here. no sleeve, ni fj, sr, lseries or kade. the only thing other than stock im entertaining right now is a ka24 signle slammer. im giving the car to my mom cause i own 43 of them. she doesnt want it to be fast.....

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