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Everything posted by bustedknuckles

  1. sorry i couldnt make it ive been sitting in the e.r. for the last few hours for puking up blood oh joy right? i just want this night to be done so i can go home already
  2. im very sorry to hear about your son hope he recovers quickly you and your family will be in my thoughts
  3. thanks man im still pretty new to this stuff
  4. glad to know that there is going to be an s.o. meet not sure if i will be able to make it but is this something that would be happening more often?
  5. so just a little update on things ive done recently... new voltage regulator, new alternator, speedo cable, water pump, cap rotor wires plugs, and tuned the weber. i also got a floor plate and shifter boot for it put on... BUT my headlights have randomly stopped working any ideas?
  6. looking for some stockers with the hub caps for my 521 let me know if anyone has some can pick them up anywhere on the i5 stretch vancouver washington to northern cali pm me with asking price thanks
  7. not mine but sick http://portland.craigslist.org/mlt/ctd/2661605308.html
  8. my 521 is my daily and my girlfriends 79 kc is her daily not long ago we took her kc 500 miles round trip to the coast and back i would take either of our datsuns anyplace
  9. the alt i put in is one of the internally regulated ones. same with the kind i took out
  10. well the 521 and i had a fun experience... left my girlfriends house the other night and apparently my alternator went bad so my lights and everything shat out on some back roads going home finally found a good spot to pull over made a call and got picked up went home grabbed another alternator that had been laying around in my garage and was pretty sure it was still good thinking to myself sweet now i dont have to spend any cash... WRONG i got back to the truck threw it in there in the dark and it was shit... said f it went home and jumped it in the morning and drover her home so off to napa in the next day or 2. Oh i also changed out her water pump a couple days before this happened before to long she will hopefully be road worthy haha
  11. thank you for the welcome but ive been on here for a short while i have a 76 chop top on here already new to the 521's tho
  12. no noise in neutral when idling only when in gear and driving the shaft doesnt have any pressure on the fork i am able to wiggle it around a little bit it is not excessive but enough. im not sure if i will be able to check the rear end and the ujoints out today my daughter is around and i have a couple of antique vending machines ive been restoring for a guy that i need to clear coat today. i will let u guys know after i get the time to check them out. thank you everyone for all of your help. in the world of datsuns i would be lost with out ratsun
  13. so i do have a little bit of play in the rod on the slave. the whine is a higher pitch the faster i go and tends to quiet a bit once i hit freeway speeds but is still there. my girlfriend just uses hers as a driver she doesnt haul anything with it thats what her turbo powerstroke is for. seeing where all of u guys live sure makes me wish i was still in vantucky i lived in orchards off of 49th for 15 years.
  14. no it is not a dog leg its a standard i wish it was a dog leg my girlfriend has one in her 79 kc that i want to steal from her... there is no play in the slave i had a new one that i threw on when i bled the clutch. it only makes the noise when in gear and it is loudest at lower rpms 5th gear is the worst. and i dont think the vin plates where changed around im the third owner of the truck the original owner had it from new and then gave it to his 16 year old daughter who blew up the l16 that was in it and then he put the l20b in there and sold it to the fella who i got it from and the guy that i got it from put the tranny in there because the original owner could figure out how to make the bracket for the tranny i will get under the truck tomorrow and take some pictures
  15. i was told the motor and tranny came out of a 1980 720
  16. my 521 has a straight drive shaft with no carrier bearing on it and it whines the worst in 5th :(
  17. the whine is while im driving and i put brand new gear oil in the tranny as soon as i got it to my house and i guess u are right banzai about people being cheap and after all i did get the truck out in bfe prineville oregon haha other than the whining tranny im stoked on the truck
  18. super clean lookin man wish mine looked this good are the exterior door handles painted or removed?
  19. so took her out on the maiden voyage today after getting it registered and new tags and she runs super strong can even climb a hill in 5th with no power loss very happy with her but she has some whining coming from the clutch that worries me a little bit the guy that i bought it from said he replaced the clutch in it and hadnt ran it since he replaced the clutch... could it be the throw out bearing? but why on earth would u replace a clutch and not replace the throw out bearing at the same time? any ideas?
  20. im in need of a front bumper where are u at on northern cali im in southern oregon so i would be willing to make the drive if u still got it
  21. how much are u wanting for one of those bumpers? and do u have an extra set of brackets? i can make the brackets if u dont but i am dying to take care of this ugly ass front bumper situation asap
  22. well got the exhaust hooked up to the header and welded the piping back together and she sounds decent a few leaks here and there that need to be addressed still tonight after work im going to clean up the floor pans and throw a coat of primer over them will post before and after pics tomorrow or so haha
  23. yeah the bumpers are nasty no doubt about it i want to do a roll pan on the back and find a stock front one and i do have a full set of wheels for it just need to get the tire switched over my next step for it is to redo the bench seat for it and i would like to find a shelf for it so if anyone knows where to find a stock bumper and a shelf let me know please
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