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Everything posted by MachineMan

  1. Speak for "Yourself" Michael. I apologized and you accepted my apology. Then I moved on to car / truck stuff, music, etc. Trying to "Maybe" some blame on me, doesn't fly in a forum, "Everything Is In Writing For All To See" I apologized and moved on. I didn't strike out as I was going down as you imply. "You're" the one that pulled out a shovel and started digging up a corpse so you could keep kicking it. In my book, that shows "Poor Form", and "Ill Will" MM
  2. You are correct, I was not baited into posting, "Truthfully", how I was treated when I lived up there. BUT, and like Jennifer Lopez, this is a big but, "I Apologized" to Mike and stated I would stick to car / truck posts and cracking some jokes. Mike read the posts, and clicked "LIKE" https://ratsun.net/topic/83720-scammer-on-ratsun-~-you-be-the-judge/?do=findComment&comment=1812746 https://ratsun.net/topic/83720-scammer-on-ratsun-~-you-be-the-judge/?do=findComment&comment=1812784 Then Mike, fully aware that I apologized, and that I made it clear I was going to stick to car / truck posting, tossing some jokes in as well,.................. He then came to this thread to open an old wound and stir up dissent and discord. Now "you" kick a member who apologized,....after the apology was accepted, in an attempt to stir up more trouble. Ok Para, I'll put it "you", "do I stay and benefit from the forum, and the forum benefits from my being here? Or pack my bags and and leave quietly? I put this on "you" because it appears that to you a sincere apology has no worth or value whatsoever. At least that's the view from where I'm sitting, I'm sure a good amount of members here have the same view. So,...... should I stay or should I go? (from the song of the same name) MM
  3. Michael, I posted that I am going to stick to car / truck talk,...and cracking jokes. It isn't ethical that you're trying to bait me back into political back and forth. I'm going to focus on getting my little 720 squared away,...... much more rewarding then debating the way the wind blows when it comes to politics. MM
  4. Back in the day,........ 1978 My best friend and body guard back in the day. (this picture was taken in 1978) He out weighed me,... 145 lbs vs 125 lbs Saved my life twice. When he passed, the better part of my heart passed with him.
  5. I think they still do it on older cars, the ones that don't have the fancy plug under the hood.
  6. I'll stick to car / truck talk and cracking jokes. No sense in rocking the boat
  7. I was there in the winter, it was about 40 deg below zero when we arrived at the border. Got there in the winter and left in the winter. Mosquitoes like you say,.... your right, I would have boogied out of there asap. It looked nice with all that snow everywhere ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  8. Both idle and the in ground roller. I'm in California and always have had older cars. If your car is running well what we would do was make an appointment. Install fresh spark plugs, get up on the freeway and do some driving. Show up on on time and let them do their thing, usually no problem. Old cars with old carburetors can have issues with wear at the butterfly shaft. I have seen, and had to make replacements for, bushing that were so "oval" air was rushing in. When there are no bushings, just the carb body it's self, life gets complicated. But I have repaired that headache more than once. Most recently a 1978 Toyota forklift with bushings that were ovaled and bell mouthed beyond belief. A little over 24 working hours to remove it, rebuild it complete, including making replacement parts, plus modding it to make it more simple, then install it and adjust it. The rebuild kit was very hard to find, and cost $94.00 My invoice to them, was a favor and a gift at $1,200.
  9. I swear every word I wrote is true. I loved the 80's too! Roller Skating! The music, the vibe. I posted in "What u watching" a favorite of mine. The Miami Vice car scene, "In the air tonight" People say that it's more 80's than the 80's it's self,......LOL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-aMCzRj3Syg "A Lot" of people say it changed television forever. When I was up there I was on a farm on the outskirts of Beauséjour. About 45 minutes drive from Winnipeg. Before I felt so unwelcome I was considering to work and live up there. I applied at a large company in Winnipeg, Chicago Blower. Passed their testing on knowledge and inspection. I'm proud to say the man told me I was the first ever to get 100% There was a question that no had ever answered correctly. I got it right. The question was: "What is the most basic function of an engine lathe" I guess people would think of the most common operations,.... turning, generating diameters. I thought about it before answering, my answer was,..... "To remove material" The look on that guys face, he reached out and shook my hand. A good job, beautiful country, I was thinking of staying. Michael, like about everything else, I figured the anti US vibe up there had only gotten worse over years.
  10. Our closest neighbor to the North. "Common ground" is found in the fact that everyone hopes and prays they have a good next door neighbor. I had no idea that Canadians disliked the "states", as they call us, until I lived up there. It was 1980, I was there during the winter Olympics. Sitting in a room full of Canadians watching what in the end became, "The Miracle On Ice", was no fun at all. Not dislike, more like hatred. One of my friends uncles stated proudly, "I went to the states once",...... "got off the plane, looked around, got right back on the plane and flew back home". He owned a good sized company that made roads deep into the pulpwood areas so the trees could be harvested. All of his machinery and equipment was "Caterpillar", so I asked him, "if you dislike the US so much, why buy Caterpillar equipment made there?" I said, "Hitachi" and "Fiat Allis" make good equipment, why not buy theirs?" He just glared at me. Like if he had a gun he would have shot me. I asked around, "where are the closest machine shops?", people said "Seattle". I got on a bus and went there. As the bus was making it's way there, Mt. St. Helens erupted. I arrived to ash everywhere. It's not too often I bump into someone from Canada, but when I do they are here to see a doctor or dentist. They've told me the wait times are really long for treatment up there. And there is some kind of "wage cap" or something? Once a medical professional reaches their earning limit,.. they stop seeing patients, go on vacation, or just take it easy, as opposed to basically working for free. That causes a shortage of medical treatment providers. It tough living up there, you really have to avoid getting sick or injured, many make due without treatment. As for "not" watching the news,.... my mom was famous for that. "I never watch the news", she would say, "It's depressing" she would say. There was one of these California wild fires less than 2 miles from the senior community where she lived,..... I called and asked her if she was going to be ok, she said, "what fire?" It was Hilarious! Of course not watching the news comes with a cost. Like when a con artist attorney made the rounds in the senior community where my mom lived. He convinced her to sign over my fathers "one million dollar Lockheed life insurance policy". He told her, "That's not life insurance, that's death insurance", "no one benefits from it until someone dies". "We will invest that money, never touching the parent amount, investing just the interest" That scam had been covered on the news for ten years or more, but, my mom never heard about it, because she found the news "depressing". You know what's depressing Michael? Losing a million dollars. That was my inheritance. Not watching the news can be expensive,...... at least it was for me. Your results may vary. LOL (have to laugh about it, no sense crying, that money is "poof gone", no amount of tears will ever change that) MM
  11. Ok Stoff, I get it, I'll just drop the subject altogether. Honestly it's a waste of time to post about something that's obvious to 9 out of 10 people. Like the whole "woke" thing, comedians get a lot of mileage out of it, but that doesn't make it funny. Boring, and far from breaking news. For instance, posting that water is wet, and that the sun rises every morning,,...... everyone already knows this stuff. If a post doesn't get a laugh or provide information that is new and different, (at least to the reader), then that post is just a waste of time and taking up space. I apologize. MM
  12. Not made up at all, made the mainstream news "Internationally". (just as it says in the title of the video) I see you're in Vancouver, yes,......of course, wealthy chi-coms give your local government some money and they are welcomed in with open arms. Then they go on to build horrible looking Mandarin palaces that are as out of place as a rice paddy on the moon. Local residents and tourists can't stand it,..... it's taken away the quaint traditional look and atmosphere that many held dear. As a bonus, the real estate market is "Ruined" prices are off the map, now Canadians can't afford a home there. I have always known that Canada was a socialist country, but taking chi-com money and kicking your culture to the curb,..... I never expected that. Of course the citizens of Canada can't do anything about it, you allowed your government to take away your guns. You know, like Hitler did. Some comments from YouTube under this video,...... Our government should have never allowed This to happen. Due to this an a large majority of an entire generation will probably never be home owners! As well as the generations proceeding the millennials ... Liberals I love all people. I really do. But. I feel like Vancouver is really only for Asian People. This is not really a city for anyone else. After living here 10 years, you can really see and feel Asians do not want other ethnicities. Which feels very sad. Every where u go you only see Asian with Asian. You never see a white person or Latino or any other ethnicity. Vancouver is the only city in Canada that doesn't feel like Canada. Unkind, and only speaking their language. If I moved to Asia. I would respect people and their culture.But Asians here only want to be around Asians . Well this is Canada. It's time to mix and experience other cultures. To sum it up, Canada shields muslim extremist, gives them a safe place to plan jihad,...... as a bonus they welcome chinese communist into their country with open arms. This presents, "a clear and present danger to the sovereignty of the of the United States of America",...... Ok, got it, Canada is now an enemy of the United States. Socialist do not make good friends. Communist are only useful as a food source for Lions, Tigers, and Bears,...........oh my. MM
  13. Oh Canada,..... what on earth is wrong up there? What ever is wrong up there, "Please Keep It Up There!" We have enough headaches and problems with the liberal lefties on our own soil! While you're at it, keep all the radical muslim troublemakers, that you treat like "Honored Guests",...... Keep them up their too. The last one coming down here had a trunk full of dynamite and was planning to kill a lot of innocent people. MM
  14. This movie is a good example of how to handle scammers. (of course the liberal left crowd would prefer to give them a bouquet of roses and an apology) I say give the liberal left crowd there own place, let them run it right into the ground,...... Then latch the gate and not let them back in. "You made your bed, now lay in it" "You reap what you sow" Why should the the policies of the left affect everyone in the nation? The left can keep their madness and insanity, and the common sense crowd should be allowed to live what has always been considered, a "reasonable" life. MM
  15. Bit by bit getting a few things to square away my 720. "This Came Today" Post a quick pic of what you got today for the unit you're working on. MM
  16. Michael, ..... this is California. The homeless here are given an EBT card, free medical and mental treatment, free dental, even housing. "That is why the taxes here are so high!! " Cops leave them alone, they sometimes pitch camp right in the middle of the side walk,.... people don't say anything. People often have to walk in the street in an area with a number of encampments. My 4Runner has been broken into 4 times. First time, my "Ray Ban" sunglasses, probably wore them a half a dozen times, $179.00 Also a little 4" dial caliper that I owned for about 20 years. They broke into my 57', stole the "Pukka Shell necklace off the rear view mirror, and stole all my road tools from under the seat. Most of those tools I'd had for as long as I have had the truck, about 36 years. So we give em' all this free stuff,.... and then they damage our property and steal our stuff "Michael, ever heard the saying, "Don't bite the hand that feeds you" ? These ungrateful people literally do. If you don't see the incredible injustice of this, then you have yet to be exposed to it. MM
  17. Part Two When I was 18 I was at my cousins birthday party, as always I was behind with a project,..... her birthday gift. I was finishing it up, using one of those cone shaped mounted wheels to grind my way through a glass bottle. I had it in the sink on some towels , water flowing over it. My future mentor Joe Bokody, (Hungarian guy), heard the noise and wandered into the kitchen. He watched for a while over my shoulder, then he asked, "How would you put that stone back in shape now that it's all worn and grooved up?" I answered, "these only cost a dollar, if it does the job for a dollar I'm happy",..... "but, I continued, if I had to, I would lock down this drill motor rock solid, spin the stone and carefully profile the stone with something very hard, like a diamond" I had given him the correct answer, the "Exact" answer. It was then he said, "would you like a job?" He owned and operated J.F.B Precision in Glendale,Ca. A precision grinding, honing, and lapping shop. September 1975 I started a 7 year European style apprenticeship. Next door was a company named, "Precision Machining", (still there, run by the sons). That is where I learned the turret lathe and the chucker. I later in life worked at other companies, learning I.D. grinding at one, Blanchard grinding at another. At one point I worked at "Santa Fe Machine", "Huge Machines", learned to run them, and to "spray weld". I worked at "Hawker Pacific", (now Hawker Lufthansa), an FAA repair station that specialized in overhauling "Landing Gear" (learning the big machines at Santa Fe Machine really paid off when I applied at Hawker!) Pretty stressful setting up and grinding parts that belong to a customer, (UPS, FEDX, Delta, etc.), that are valued at a million dollars or more. I had my small shop when I was working for Hawker and once in a while they sent me home with home work. Small tedious jobs that needed close attention. When I left Hawker they continued to send me work, good close tolerance jobs, for over 20 years. I've spent the last 9 years or so mostly handling the jobs from one company. An FAA repair station that specializes in the C-130. Hamilton Standard stuff most of it. The owner recently retired and I'm finishing up one last project for him. In closing, I have never referred to myself as a, "Master Machinist" As I mentioned before, customers and clients do, my daughter does, but I don't. The only feather in my cap, or pat on the back I get is when someone with more years in the trade than I have,.... asks me for advise. My neighbor, Charlie, Dimension Tool, mostly commercial CNC work. He is 74, started working in his dad's shop at 14. He has about 60 years in the trade compared to my close to 50. A few times a year he asks me for advise. Hell, Joe, the guy who trained me in precision grinding, my mentor, by the time I was 40 he called pretty often asking my opinion. I'm proud inside when that happens, some may say that doesn't mean much.,...... but it means something to me. MM I posted some cool pictures in the "1975" thread if you want to check them out
  18. My beginning started early on. Our house was across the street from an elementary school, that I attended. So,.... when the teacher wanted to talk to my mom, she just walked across the street. Well, on one occasion my teacher came over and my mom made coffee. As they sat down at the kitchen table my mom said, "ok mister big ears, get out". I headed for the back door, (from the kitchen to the back yard), and as I started out I opened the "louver" window in the door and sat just outside the door. The teacher says to my mom, "your son can be a success at anything he chooses, if he would just settle down and stop making the class laugh". That is all I needed to hear. I walked straight into the garage and looked at my stuff,....... You see two doors down there was a "Genius" kid, "Randy Murphy", I say kid, he was a lot older than me,... probably 19 or so. He was kinda famous. At 14 I think he was a professor at UCLA or USC. He went on a game show at I think at 14 and cleaned them out,... LOL. He built a ham radio from bits and pieces, had shoe boxes full of post cards from all over the world. The few dollars I made doing this and that,... I bought stuff off him. Laboratory glass ware mostly, graduated cylinders, beakers, and the like. I was fascinated with electronics and had a small cabinet with dividers. I took apart any none working electronic items and put the resistors in one of the square spaces, and the capacitors in another, transistors in still another, switches, jacks, even the fasteners had a place. At my feet, my "Go Kart". So I look at this stuff, and remembering what the teacher just said,..... I said to myself, "you can be anything you want to be" I looked at all the lab glass and said, "you can be a scientist", I looked at all the radio components, and said, "you can be an electronics guy",.... Then I looked down at my go kart,.......... and I said, "I want to be a machinist". As if I was going to be making go karts for the rest of my life,... LOL! But what does a kid know about such things. My mom helped make me smart. She would bring home broken stuff from yard sales and give them to me to fix. Clocks that wouldn't run, locks with no keys, timers that had gone south,... all kinds of stuff. Sometimes the people would ask, "why do you want that?" My mom would proudly say, "my son can fix anything" LOL, she had more faith in me than I deserved by a long shot!! I fixed maybe half of the stuff she brought home,.... (found a broken wire, a missing screw, needed a new cord) stuff like that. I took the locks apart to see how they worked. Then I made a set of pass keys that made life entertaining. Decision made, 7th grade, the first year of junior high, straight into metal shop, stayed all three years there, "went to summer school all three years just to stay in metal shop" Come High school, same thing,... only I put the fix in. I reverted to my old ways, the class comedian. Wore down my teachers, got them to agree to give me a "drop D". I wound up with 5 periods of metal shop and one period of phs ed. I could not get out of gym. Some kind of state requirement or something. So,... I took 7:00 am gym, (the period before 1st period), froze my butt off, and the rest of the day in metal shop. And again summer school to have access to the shop. Please remember, the San Fernando Valley in the summer is hot as hell. Asphalt getting sticky hot. So there I am, in a metal shop, with a casting furnace, half the time I was welding or soldiering. "I was bit by the trade and bit hard" I'm gonna post a part two, cause the post has gotten long, too detailed. Sorry, for that. MM
  19. franken, over all those years, decades really, we tagged only two coyotes. There were a great many, way too many to count. You would have to use helicopters and sharpshooters over a very long time to upset the the balance to a point where an adverse effect would rear it's ugly head. franken,...... there's an old saying,.............. "When you hear hoof beats,.... don't think zebras,......very likely, it's just a horse"
  20. "Scotus ok's ban on homeless people sleeping outdoors" https://www.newser.com/story/352312/scotus-homeless-can-be-ticketed-for-sleeping-outdoors.html "Homeless people can no longer stay at Logan" https://www.newser.com/story/352325/state-bars-homeless-families-from-overnight-stays-at-airport.html Small moves in the right direction are always welcome. MM
  21. Thanks again Jeff! I need to clean up that whole area. There is dust, dirt, and road grime everywhere. Thanks for the heads up on sliding the shifter out of there. MM
  22. Hey Jeff, Thanks,...... What's the best approach to replace that unit? From the top? from below? remove the trans and do it on the bench? Thanks in advance! MM
  23. We would nail coyotes when they presented themselves, because they were taking out the rabbit population. A good rabbit area could soon become not so good because of coyotes eating the rabbits and their offspring.
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