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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. It's up to you cuz he likes driving down to Eaglerock and selling all those sunshine soakers his hard to find shit now. .
  2. A few months ago , Farmer was selling a couple of unfinished short blocks so i asked my "pushrod" guy if he could get gaskets, bigger pistons, and rings and such,, and he turned me on to a machinist that had built a J15 to be shipped to Alaska a few years ago.. Apparently they decided to buy new forklift ( or something) so it was never picked up.... So i am in the "process" of saving up enough change to buy that.. Man, If i could get my hands on a J18 i think i would completely abandon my plan for a "modern" engine swap.. i bet something like that would get that tiny little can barreling down the freeway effortlessly. . These J engines get such a bad rap for being pukey,, but honestly with how i drive my 411,, the change in rear gearing for freeway driving was the tits more than power at launch.. Cuz light turns green,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, look both ways a couple more times,,,,,,,,,,, slowly roll out. .
  3. Ted has been hunting feverishly for a Advan 510 to no avail ,,,, and he does have tons of 521 parts.............. Just sayin .
  4. I want to see pics of your car,,,,,,,,,,, you know,,, for histories . .
  5. I don't know anything about E1 and how much alike they are to J13,,, but here goes . :rofl: I believe you can stick mgb exhaust manifold on without changing anything but , the mgb has two outlets and are directed at crossmember so some unique exhaust pipe action is required... AND i think it hits the fuel pump so electric one is needed , check out this link.. http://www.cardomain.com/ride/534452/1966-datsun-410/ He uses the mgb intake ( and it's a J15 ) but i think he does that for the wow factor more than having too. I haven't completely read through his blog in a few ,, but think he actually switches back to downdraft setup . click on box with pictures as there is more than just the ones you first see on screen. Trannies i don't know ,, never tried sticking one on a MGB engine or vice versa,, someone probably should ,,, for science. In this link towards the bottom there is mention and picture of rear plate with gasket of some kind purchased(?) at a British auto parts or something.. The guy says it's a direct fit,, Clickity clickity http://forums.nicoclub.com/e-1-engine-rebuild-parts-info-t595575.html . .
  6. Hows your brakes? He said with a chuckle ,.
  7. For future reference I don't identify myself a "native American" i am an American Indian ,,, because none of my family has ever chased Gilligan around no fucking island . Much to member Scalpum's irritation, i might add .
  8. So you are for country wide voter ID then?? Guilt card my dick ,, i simply wanted to prove ( which i did) people that aren't WHITE can do things as easily as you much more socially advanced peoples can.. Guilt card : Is that like you saying over and over we should forgive your horrific spelling cuz "i got a disability" said in the whiniest voice possibile ?? Or is it just because i pointed out you're a closet racist,, so it's the only way to save face?
  9. Yeah but the good thing was we weren't the biggest bunch of weirdos in town that weekend. All i needs is enough acreage to flop down in,, and i'm all good
  10. Yeah it says FOX news. but watch it.. Cuz this is what i think of you 3 "helping" us poor unedumacated minorities ,, help ourselves
  11. Ok ,, i'll say what the white guy above can't.. Exactly why in the fuck do you think minorities such as "native Americans" wouldn't be able to get a ID card.. You think they are so unintelligent or not as "sophisticated" as white people to find out where to get one?? Or are they just not capable of figuring out how to go down to the DMV and get one cuz ,,,, you know,,,, their Indians that haven't figured out the white man way ?? it's funny how you group Native Americans,, and i am positive by "minorities" you are referring to Hispanics and blacks,,, with the homeless and mentally unstable . FYI EVERY ONE of my relatives,, and their relatives ,, have not only Federal id ( SS card) ,, state issued ID cards such as drivers licenses but also carry tribal ID cards so they can use services our tribes grant us Racism takes many forms ,,, but yours Paradime and that Josh Behar dipshits,, are genuinely laughable . FYI Mennonites aren't like the Amish ,, they drive cars,, own businesses, and interact with their surrounding communities ,, if you looked it up you would know that. . / You're welcome for clearing that up a tiny bit . .
  12. Yeah they have later ones but I'm almost positive they are different .. If worst case you could get later one and make a crossover pipe and get creative with hoses to get over to the other side . .
  13. What's crazy is we live close to a large mennonite "village" and those people dress very much like the people in the picture. Except the females wear little beanie doily caps instead of scarf
  14. Looks like the rear of an Audi SUV so probably a diesel. And YES I was that far behind. .
  15. Yeah, mine was more oval than square also, I don't see one like that currently on there though
  16. Man its hard to type on this thing .
  17. ^^^^^ Rock auto doesn't show one for 80 (on my handheld anyway) .. 1980 are different from all the rest 720s cuz L20b so if i remember correctly necks aren't on same side.... I don't have one right now so I can't check .
  18. I think you misunderstood ,, Mr. Molester already switched trannies last weekend. .
  19. I run a Thaistick boot off ebay and i'm happy as a clam with it. .
  20. So since it has been proven FACT that ANYONE that believes what Steve Bannon says is a Neo-Nazi / racist,,, i say this to you my fellow Aryan brother... Heil Hitler dude. :thumbup:
  21. Well ,,, in Chester Molesters defense, his tranny looked like this just a couple days ago and some on here wont go cuz their radio doesn't work .
  22. My oldest sons both registered at about 116/70 (or less) when they were in school,, but they are both were in very good shape ,, the one you have met outweighs his brother by probably 30-40 pounds . Here's mine from July . And pumped so full of Nitro i could have powered Kenny Bernstein's Budweiser funny car. :rofl: .
  23. What i SHOULD do is post his number in status updates and have everyone call him. .
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