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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Don't put a L motor in a 411,, it's too tall.. the link paradime posted is a dude that changes his mind about his 411 more than his underwear.. Also I have seen 2 L motor swaps and both have holes in the hood ... blaaah who wants that?? J motors aren't as bad their reputation ,, they do the job .. Most guys on here complaining about the performance don't own one.. I drive my j13 all over hell at freeway speeds .. i drove 500 round trip just last weekend and i didn't get ran over even once.. I am driving 3 1/2 hours up the freeway to Canada meet in just a few weeks and have no doubt i will be sailing along at 70+ with all the rest of the cars. I switched out the rear gears for 3.90 and i don't have any problem climbing hills as EVERYONE is petrified of happening... Lucky for me Datsun conveniently installed this device that lets me shift to any gear i may need ,,, and at any time i want. Anyways,,,,,,,,,,,,, the j16 is a good horsepower upgrade just by itself ,, if it has front motor mounts just like the j13 . Tune it to within an inch of it's life with ignition and carb and stay on top of that tune,,, and it is a great little motor.. .
  2. For what it matters ,, members titles don't seem to even show on my " mobile" device , right now
  3. How about a random picture of Richard Petty as a young girl, sitting on Santa Clauses lap? edited it
  4. It is common practice to switch sides with struts to eliminate the brake interference problem on the cheap . It don't cost nothing and you have them out already.. bahda bing,, bahda boom
  5. The reason is is because some like to keep the ignitor box farther away from exhaust heat.. Whether it's warranted or not i don't know You're welcome /
  6. Much like this ,, Just open jaws enough for part on left to be held and still let part on right ( yoke in these pics) fall through.. You can flip it around and if separated just use u-joint against vice as you're throwing them away anyways. .
  7. Instead of trying to drive cap into end in order to drive the other side out... If you put halfshaft in a straddling position in vice and pound with a hammer the caps will back out rather easy.. I use a lead hammer to reduce the scarring on shaft i will go out and take a couple pics tomorrow and add arrows if no-one beats me to it.
  8. Well, roll down there and get them.. That shits still sitting on that trailer as our metal hauler one arm John has been feeling poorly as of late and we need him healthy WAY more than a trailer of junk taken away.. . Get well ,, you fucker. . .
  9. Went down to Grayland and fixed my nephews clutch and then traveled south from there and cleaned some scrap out of my late parents garages ... but Ted had went home .. Didn't get pics of Honda Dream(S) that went on that pile as phone went dead. I told you not to move as you would mess my artistic vision,,, you were obstinate,,,,,,,, now you will be punished.
  10. Oh i didn't notice it was 310 stuff even though i looked at the add trying to dump the rest of stuff .. Not learned on if drum to drum is wider but the leafs are the same distance so virtual bolt it. Your tire/wheel setup looks like you have a little distance to give,, but may be optical illusion . The egg mobile has already got a b210 axle implanted in its rear because he installed 1500 and 5speed first thing
  11. Me, Juan-Ear and Fuckin Ted are driving to the coast, out to WetPit rod run tomorrow ( Saturday July 21st). We are leaving here in Tumwater WALMART aboot 8-8:30am so we can stop and get breakfast and be in WetPit about 10-10:30 . After dinking around there for a few hours ( if we get in that is) we have to go to Grayland for an hour or so, to parents old house .. There is a bathroom and what-not there ( this isn't my place in North Cove ) this is in downtown Grayland. Car/truck will need to be a 72 or older vehicle to get in show but you could still drive down with us and shit Roll with us or not ,, we are going to talk shit about you either way. It's this facebook link https://www.facebook.com/EastsideStreetRodAssociation/ .Buttlickers
  12. Yours must have been one they double dipped in the seawater before they shipped it over..
  13. Aaaaaaand the groups facebook link. https://www.facebook.com/EastsideStreetRodAssociation/ Funny thing is my parents house is almost right across the street from the picture on top of that page. Car/truck will have to be PRE 72 to park with other in show there is also a poker run but i don't know any of those details We are thinking of leaving Tumwater Walmart parking lot at about 8-8:30 and travel to Westport and have breakfast somewhere after we park .. If they let us park.
  14. Pasted from first page Me, Juan-Ear and Fuckin Ted are driving to the coast, out to WetPit rod run tomorrow ( Saturday July 21st). We are leaving here in Tumwater aboot 8-8:30am so we can stop and get breakfast and be in WetPit about 10-10:30 . After dinking around there for a few hours ( if we get in that is) we have to go to Grayland for an hour or so, to parents old house .. There is a bathroom and what-not there ( this isn't my place in North Cove ) this is in downtown Grayland. Car/truck will need to be a 72 or older vehicle to get in show but you could still drive down with us and shit Roll with us or not ,, we are going to talk shit about you either way. It's this http://www.westportgrayland-chamber.org/photos_eastside_street_rods.php# .
  15. As much guff as i gave you, guys in other thread,,, we ( olympia guys) are going to a hot rod show out on the coast up here.. If we get thrown out early we might roll down.. This new emoji selection is terrible ,, but i'm going with this one. ? .
  16. Oh,, not sure if you remember,, but when we talked at Canby about when we "fumigated" for rats with our Datsuns,,,,, the other night it came to me,, it turned out it was rabbits digging all the holes. The neighbors are old as dirt, and are bird feeders,, so we have been hunting rats around the garage area now though. fucking rats Was kinda out of it at Canby . Anyways ? .
  17. Why not just use the whole B210 axle ??
  18. What's crazy was the only guys we seen cruising the loop were old ,,, there weren't but maybe 2 cars full of youngsters. What has happened to the ne'er-do-well youths of today, in their souped up hot rods spewing toxic gasses into the atmosphere ??
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