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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. About the heater hose,,, i cant remember which one it was but one hose goes into cabin then winds behind heater to nipple ( meaning you have to remove whole heater unit to get to it) and i believe the other goes straight in but the nipple is also inside cabin... What i'm saying is ,, i don`t believe there are any nipples sticking out of firewall... I can`t prove this because sons car is 150 miles away,, but i'm pretty sure.
  2. That will be great since it`s right across the hiway from the 165,000 seat NASCAR track they built a few years ago.. :rofl:
  3. Hey i told you earlier... Like the Mariners , the Seaturkeys motto has always been . " there's always next year" :rofl:
  4. ^^^ he is just a short trip away from you ,, that`s probably exactly the answer your looking for.
  5. He "had" it but Elmerfudpucker owned it ... At this time , I would like to take this time out for a little memorial, to Elmer and his BBQ ,,,,,,,, we miss you bro.. More the BBq but you probably knew that. :D
  6. I'm picturing the dude sticking his dick in the Rover tailpipe. :rofl:
  7. Yeah most of the Datsun transmission info i have learned, has come from this site,,, so if i can do it ,, anybody can..
  8. If your talking about the block where the arrows are pointing. No i wouldn`t try welding those , to much skill required to get them right.
  9. Don`t forget the 720 short trans ,, but a little work is needed to make it work with an L motor. looks complicated but it`s basically removing 12-15 bolts and a snap ring ,, not that hard for the reward you get how to below, clickity clickity http://community.ratsun.net/topic/28473-how-to-put-together-a-shortshaft-5-speed-for-a-l20b/ If you use longer Z or 620 5speed here`s a quote from CarterB i used to shorten mine and it came out perfect. crossmember i used that made it a slam dunk type install i bought here http://vg30.com/510parts.html
  10. Pictures would be the only thing that could possibly put a end to the debate ,, so posting some would help 1000%.
  11. You guys are soooo stuck on sematics but ,, YES !! you can weld anything that is made of metal ferrous or non-ferrous . who cares what broke them he is asking if you can weld them ,,,NOT why are my mounts broken.
  12. I'm not sure what the hell these other guys are talking about ,, but of course you can weld the mounts ,, either the ones on the engine or the ones on the frame... I have done it many times , to fit engines in cars they didn`t come with originally.. just make sure they are clean and straight before you start ,,, no big deal.. Yes a dogleg 5speed will hold up behind a Z24 ,, they are known to be weak ,, but not so weak that it will fly apart if bigger engine is hooked to it,,,, it wont know the difference.. If you have big tires and peal out all the time the torque from the bigger engine might cause it to wear out quicker,, but that`s kinda up to your driving not the tranny.. And stock.. the Z24 no matter how you look at it has more torque and horsepower than a stock Z20 so why not change if you want to.
  13. I don`t think it looks that bad at all, if you took off that 1978 Chevy truck bumper and put ,,,, anything else on there.. I would totally cruise that bitch everywhere. It looks like it needs to be driven to the beach ,,,,,,,,,, by me.
  14. Having seen it in person a few times whom ever bought it will be very happy with their purchase. At least it went for more than i could afford right now,,, cuz i was starting to have chest pains for a second there
  15. I know that the ride height of this thing makes it faster and safer,, but i would much rather have a ill handling nightmare all jacked up in the air,,, maybe i'm just old.
  16. Funny i gave one of those away for an auction on this site a few months ago. Member Qtip won it , don`t know if he even wanted it ,, i think he felt generous ,, people on here are weird like that sometimes.. :wub: . Maybe he still has it(?)
  17. Have you uploaded them to a host site? you can`t upload them directly from your Pc or tablet. Here`s a thread,, some of the info is changed a little over the years but for the most part still accurate. http://community.ratsun.net/topic/691-how-to-post-pictures-and-keep-online-photo-albums/ And welcome
  18. Maybe they should just give everyone a trophy like a toddlers soccer team.
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