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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. You guys don't know ,, maybe an out of work priest is making them till he gets back on his feet.
  2. My opinion is that they should enforce the rules about rust and dents,,, but have another section ( way off to the side somewhere) so guys can still have a comradery of driving their vintage Japanese car. Also not have to worry about their car being damaged by some dingleberry in a in van or parts taken off in main un-watched parking area.. Sound familiar?
  3. I may be a little late as i will be driving your mom. Well,,, taking my turn anyway.
  4. 22re doesn't have carb ,, hence the "e" part of 22re ,,,, but the stock 22r carb has a different base pattern, they look very close but not the same enough to use.
  5. That is the one. Weird we were told of it by MHub91 and we searched Pick n pull site and it wasn't on there. Just checked and it still isn't listed. And i just realized i totally brain farted on getting me some new style injector conectors off an Audi.. dang it
  6. There is a 82 ZX in Tacoma pick n pull with 5speed still in it ,, as of Saturday afternoon. should be an easy pull as the exhaust was a straight pipe,, not stock ............ if you know what i mean. Struts were gone all the way to the arms which was weird. It won't show up in any search but i can guarantee it was there as i took some fuel injection parts off it. Middle section.
  7. I went into the parts store to buy a new headlight and the counter guy sold me something like that over my many skeptical protests of it being just another snake oil bullshit... I went back and thanked the dude after using it,, it worked so good, ( and easy ) and saved me something like $190. .
  8. We've been so betrayed. We have been so terribly betrayed. But we've tried,,,,,,,,,, if this only works one day it was worthwhile
  9. So all those bad things i keep hearing about ggzilla aren't completely true.
  10. What kind of tensioner holder do you have ,, the plastic dick looking one?? Or wood wedge? If wood wedge the chain might have slightly bunched a tiny bit below the wedge .. Have you tried sticking something into gear hole and prying up against head. At the same time ( BEING VERY CAREFUL HERE) slightly pulling up on chain holder. To relieve chain tension. NOT all the way out just up a tiny bit. If it doesn't work push the wedge back down By slightly i mean a very, very tiny amount. I could post pics in morning of what i'm talkiing about as i have a engine on stand but garage is in lock down mode.
  11. Your gear is on backwards ,, the V notches should be facing the notch in plate. But it should line up like that . I couldn't find a picture of one that was perfect .. just these. first one shows notches not quite lining up as they should. http://i408.photobucket.com/albums/pp162/oilslinger/Sprocketnotch.jpg http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&docid=wOtf76Jv4APcaM&tbnid=FvCYCkZv4dQoQM:&ved=0CAUQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.zdriver.com%2Fforum%2F240z-280zxt-s30-s130-tech-tips-275%2Fcheck-adjust-l-timing-chain-stretch-l24-l26-l28-l28e-l28et-30099%2F&ei=S0hUU8j2JKPYyAGy8YEY&bvm=bv.65058239,d.aWc&psig=AFQjCNFp6AtFd39g1nUJXqDhPY9JVD3rHw&ust=1398118752484216
  12. Makes a website dedicated to Datsun enthusiasts getting together,,,, never comes to any meets.

  13. wow. now that's rust.. What kind of wheels , are they early celica? Where is Dansville is it in Kentucky ? Cuz there is a member Elmerfudpucker there .. He's a good guy for sure.
  14. Met a young guy at Pick n pull that seemed pretty willing to come ( after i sold him on it for 20 minutes :rofl: ) with his 74 620. So i'm hoping he shows as he says he might get his buddies outta Gig Harbor to roll up with him in their Datsun trucks.. Talking with him he seemed to think his beautiful gold 85 720 wouldn't be welcome ,,, so i'm i'm putting this out there to the new guys,,, ANYTHING Datsun is welcome to our meets, we have no body style cliques.. We are only there to laugh, talk about cars, complain about the weather,, and plan our overthrow of the goverment . Bump?
  15. I hate almost everything that was done to that car. I'm ok with wide bodys / box frares and alot of stuff but that clearly crossed the line of good taste,, very early in the construction phase .
  16. Jeeezass you should change your name to JBustarock i just clicked on here and it was page 51. :rofl:
  17. I vote for coming up with a cruise plan early and just going with it.. Nobody ever wants to cruise around sight seeing,, well i kinda dig the shit outta driving around, so I/we will go with you on a drive. To many lights make it hard but if we could map it and print it out we wouldn't have to yellow light drag race as much .. Tell us what your plans are.
  18. Took a video of it wanna see it ? Here you go. It will be right after the drunkerd in the white wagon.
  19. I read 12-15 lbs and i go with about the low end of that , locktight is better than stripped threads. some books say 25 ft lbs but don't even think of tightening them that tight as they will strip very easy.
  20. Oh it's on now muther plucker ,,, it's on like donkey kong. :sneaky: :rofl:
  21. If you have enough cash to drive 3 cars and tow another why are you worried about trying scam a way to get the cars in for free?? The young ladies at the gate aren't completely stupid they will charge you to bring your cars in even if you say your parking in the back field. There is parking in a parking lot across the street for those to cheap to pay 5 dollars. We are bringing 3 and paying for tent spaces for all three and parking for them for the 2 days and my son has never slept in a tent , always in his car and the year before that ,, my brothers car. And we will still have enough green to hit Fracks burger,,,,, HARD!
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