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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Wagons made into 2 doors by simply using 2 door, doors have always seemed to be somewhat ,, wrong looking to me... If it was my crazy project i think shortening the body at least 5 or 6 inches would look more aesthetically pleasing too me. Also i think the proportions of the 2door,, door in your rendition is quite a bit longer than a 2door door would be over a 4door , door,,, thus leaving a long distance between door and rear wheel opening. Another question,, is it manditory to keep the Accel sticker?? :rofl: I would however really love to see a corrected caricature of what you got going on in your mind for this project... That is a fact.
  2. It was so much easier when it was just me insulting 510freaks mom.. and his small penis,,,,,,,,,, well i'm not sure if calling it small is actually insulting him as every man he has been with ,, have on many occasions on facebook,,,,,,,,,,, maaaany occasions,,,,,,,,,,,,,, let it be known that that is in fact their own personal nightmares. but i digress
  3. I so stole this picture just now,,,,,,,,
  4. fuck it was wet ,,, even for here. Thanks Ricky for givin me a lift home,,,, after Capt, Potatogun and the guy that can't buy a fucking voltage regulator left me using the tennis shoe transportation system.... And i didn't take the gas tank,, as i thought me and JJ could just mosy on over in the daytime..
  5. That's all those two do all day ,, they just sit there picking up handfuls of gravel and cascading them ,, it's sometimes called stemming... Since it is summer in that pic they probably have no shoes on so they move by scooting around. They are about 5' 9" 190 lbs but about 1 year old in the head. The genetics experts at the Seattle childrens took 5 years to find the genetic abnormalities that caused it... They won't tell us exactly which gene yet as there is only 2 other people in the world that share the trait,,,,( as of a week ago anyways) ,,,,,, and they are writing a paper of their findings,,, so they are in turn being very tight lipped as to the exact gene numbers it is on till that is published.... Everybody wants to be more famous,, in order to get more grant money,,,, and we are talking HUGE numbers of dollwhores They have plans for a gene therapy but it probably is to late to do much good as they are almost 14 years old now.
  6. My neighbors owned a meat shop and as kids we probably dumped gallons of Wisk so our older brothers could do smoke shows up and down the street in the delivery vans,, after steam cleaning machines was done. Shit that was so long ago i don't even think Wisk makes industrial cleaning products any more
  7. Naw,, he doesn't even own a Deere lawn mower,,,, he just needs to be in one of these for his own safety.
  8. Those guys are too hardcore Rick.. I thought you guys were thinking goober speed type carts,, as they are more my speed.
  9. Whidbey island sucks, wind is always blowing even on nice days..hell even the urban dictionary says it sucks. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Whidbey+Island Mt Hood has carts, and a buncha other stuff and it is way closer to you,, and only a tiny bit farther for us. You guys make a cruise date this summer and we will show up. http://www.skibowl.com/summer/mt-hood-activities/malibu-raceway-skibowl
  10. Yeah think it was us being lazy asses that pissed them off. Busta i wasn't sure,, as we feel the same way.. Helping build that thing was fun as hell... So you won't feel slighted if i run my idea asking Eagle if he wants to give it a crack,, for the Lolz,, first?? I figured this would be a project ,, so that's why i asked here and not in our open PM . I guess i could have just called you on the phone after work too,,, but i'm to damn excited!! :hyper: :rofl: No voting,,,, or trophy submissions ,,, it will get done as like Busta put it,.. it is one nights work. :) :)
  11. Not sure if bitchy is the right term,,,, more like slightly aggravated at the rest of us...... I think they were tired of building trophy's because no one but them were making them,,, and i totally agree why they then, stopped making them..
  12. I was talking with FAT510 ,,,,, probably only because he lives here, :rofl: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, BUT besides that,, we were wondering what your thoughts on a Canby trophy was?? We still have some Datsun hotwheels ( 620,510 and wagons) that we got from 510freak and collected for it last year,,and obviously didn't use.... Figured a wagon could be made into a 521 even,,,,,, Anyways ,,, have you guys given any thought to it yet??? My other thought was going to Eagle_Adams house with all the welders, cutting tools,torches, engine parts ,, scrap metal and such and have a trophy building party of some kind.. Obviously that would have to be ran past him first though. What are your thoughts?/ Can you tell i'm already psyched about Canby :rofl: :rofl:
  13. Maybe you should try a normal drivetrain 79 long bed 620 and add a second rear axle ,, i "heard" people have tried that approach before..
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