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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. First time i ever went to eye doctor was last year.. Did the eye chart thing a buncha weird electronical tests ,, Dude says all the tests show i have 20/20 vision ,, i'm like ,, you're bullshitting me, right? I got Hydrochloric acid splashed in my eyes when i was like 26-27 so my right eye waters constantly some times,, i use Systane ,, works like a miracle cure .
  2. This Saturday Sept 10th . Apparently he is to "busy" to post here so i'm going to. If you wanna drive from the great Wolfs lodge gas station (burger claim) down through the backroads out to Adna ,, then out to covered bridge near Cathlamet ,, then "maybe" do cruise through rod Run at the edge of the world ,,, then maybe go down coastal hwy ,, nice curvy road,, and loop back to Chehalis or Montesano ,, depending which way is fast at the crossroads. .... Show up to the parking lot by the CHEVRON gas station near Great Wolfs lodge BEFORE 10 am this Saturday. mostly country backroads ,, no freeway . https://goo.gl/maps/WgxQq8co6GQjRUT1A If that isn't enough info i don't know what to tell you. i have no clue how to link a facebook thing to here, so now you
  3. i probably got something laying around that would work,, just have to figure out what I did with it. .
  4. more on the subject Last month .. my wife’s cousin Doug went on a trip to Oklahoma and died of sepsis. He was only about 62 .
  5. If it matters, Me and FAT510 were reroofing our beach cabin and,,, I had a heart attack .. Was at the end of July . Was in hospital for 6 days .. put in stent but it busted artery so they jammed another inside that .. “I think”. ( was on enough morphine and fentanyl and Ativan to buzz pretty easy breezy through most of their talking points .. Apparently I’m still only pumping at 30% ( normal is like 50-60) because 2 arteries are/have been dead and they aren’t sure how long they have been dead…. so going through all the tests to see what’s to dead to hook up to so they can figure out what steps to take in my open heart surgery.. probably in November. Although 30% does seem better than it was . Haha But hell,,,, at least My doctor ain’t stressing so much about the diabetes I was diagnosed with in November . Life ain’t easy out there for the fat man .
  6. So this is our new project ,, 67 RL411 ,, very rare JDM clam shell version.
  7. We have a quite a few take outs laying around down here in Olympia,, i'll PM you with phone number .
  8. Tap around on or behind front tire , under the mouse And no I’m not messing with you
  9. It's been a few weeks ,, wife was driving me around.. Martin way and Marvin Rd intersection. Saw this.. at first i'm like WTF? I think it was the old clock guys car.. .
  10. Last weekend ,, was set up on facebook , but here's some pics
  11. didn't get @hobospyder cuz girl was sitting and gave me the creeper look.. So i wandered off then you bounced,, but good to see you out. I barely get PC so posting IMGUR on my phone is sucky cuz it doesn't want to separate files ,, but fuck it,, better late then never
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