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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. So does anybody know the link to the thread that got the whole Font thing-a-mah-jig going?
  2. That supra cracked me up because it bounced so much going down road,,,,,,,,,,,and going over those speed bumps.. :rofl: :rofl:
  3. Not sure about what member is being discussed in here ,,but. I have been censored about many things on here but i have never been put on mod revue for posting large font,,, now that's not to say i haven't noticed some of my posts have miraculously changed font size overnight ,,, but that's about it. Was member asked to stop and refuse too in confontational way,,, cuz that'll do it.
  4. I'm thinking 6" ,,,,,,,,,,, isn't that the one with headbolt cannons??
  5. TENDRIL ?? How much for the (AT-ST) Chicken walker ,,Or a newly made facsimile, delivered to Canby??
  6. The color that seemed closest to me is Pontiac blue . It's kind of a Lt blue with a tint of green-ish
  7. He doesn't even know who Captain Spinout is,, Or why he's named that?? ,,,,,,,,,, and now he has become the cruise leader?? WTF Chief?? Probably doesn't even know who lando calrissian is either after what JRock described as his "Star Blazers Dukes of Hazzard re-entrance" ,, Hell i think the fucking moderators on here have went to more meets than this guy.. ...
  8. My 1987 F150 is running Michelins we bought for the truck it replaced . They have just recently started to weather check,, almost 30 year old tires... My wife put unidirectional Toyo Proxes (pretty expensive at the time ) on her 88 supra,, they replaced all of them because of cracking within 2 years . so you never know
  9. It's junk science ,, but you are obviously going to believe what you want. If it carries any weight,, since i have identical twins,,,, we are currently in our 4th university case study and have had every test known to man and some you will never hear about already done to the boys.
  10. Yes you are absolutely wrong.. Read up on the subject and you will find the doctor that claimed that has came clean and admitted he falsified all of his test results,,,,,,,,,, all of them. What gave that myth such legs was Jenni Maccarthy using her celebrity status as a platform to champion that junk science. Seriously it has been definitively disproved by all of the major groups working on finding the cause.
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