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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. I bought almost every drivetrain part for my 71 510 "Datsun" NEW 3 years ago ,, hell there are even brand ass new fenders doors , hoods being reproduced right this second,, soooooooooooooooooo ... Where would you buy IH parts again?? Oh you would buy another HOPING that it doesn't have the same part broken already :rofl: :rofl: Having 14 broken down Harvesters in your yard doesn't make them less worthless,,,, well other than very heavy chicken coops. :rofl: :rofl:
  2. Oh i was mistaken ,, sorry bout that.. :blush: :blush: it was really more about a scenic cruise up to Mt. Hood and possible BBQ with a buncha Oregon weirdos as much as go karts really.. Keep on keepin on and we will try to make a Locos meet a few times this summer.
  3. Yeah, or a fucking hole.. Cuz rebuilding a existing ( working) structure would be just what they were expecting us to do..
  4. I always make sure and grab the exhaust manifold close to engine on any car i am buying and making sure it is stone cold,,, because if it runs terrible till it warms up,,,,,,,,,,,,, you will never know till you already bought it .... Trust me i have warmed up many a used junk car for sale for that exact reason.
  5. Skycart was mentioned but that is too hardcore "bro" type carting for my taste... and it's indoors.. I'm more of a goofy goober cart type guy myself. And it looks like i could talk the wife into maybe rolling as there seems like things my youngest might be able to do also.
  6. Cliffnotes version of any IH ownership I bought my truck and was so happy with it,, and then a part broke,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and it had to be scrapped because it was NLA.
  7. I was looking to take my sons on road trip to Tigard to the Malibu Raceway,,, and apparently they have moved up to Mt. Hood.. I mentioned it in my status that day,, and I believe brother-Loco-Loren said he might be able to loosly plan it late this summer.. Maybe. :D Hell all we need would be a meet up point that he tells us to be at really.. I assume there would be picnic areas and large parking areas somewheres there too ,, since it is large ski resort http://www.skibowl.com/summer/ ^^^ Link
  8. B210 is looking good ,, who is that? Also ,, I hope you are still considering taking us up to Mt. Hood play area thing, later this summer.
  9. I'm sorry i won't be able to make this either,,, i have some arbitrary bullshit story ,, but i couldn't remember it all yet.. It's really just all about the our love of ,, Datsuns datsuns datsuns datsuns datsuns !!!!!!!!!! Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah ,,,,,, Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight
  10. You guys crack me up ,, what with Paradime and pre fight analysis using every pugilist cliche he could find type into one post and you other guys now whining that Maywethers "dancing around" is not what "real" boxing is all about........ :rofl: :rofl: There was this fight along time ago where this relatively unknown boxer took on another somewhat known boxer ,, and the winner of that fight leaned on ropes only coming out and laying a couple jabs when other fighter backed up ,,, most of fight to wear the other guy out ,,, then came out and defeated that arguably "tougher" fighter.............................. Maybe you boxing historians have heard of it,,,,,,,,,,, The Thrilla in Manila ????? Arguably one of the greatest fights of ALL TIME. Seriously i think the real crime is all you guys willingly let the cable companies vigorously fuck you in the ass so they can build a bigger empire........... :rofl: :rofl:
  11. You guys still doing this at a Silverdale boat launch ? Not sure if we can make it since FAT now works Saturd days and my other son doesn't drive a Datsun ,, but you never know..
  12. I looked up your location , and if i was you,, ( i live 1500 miles away) i would most definitely travel down to Busta-nut BBQs he has about once a month... He and his buddies are really nice guys and i'm sure would make you feel more welcome.. First page gives you address ,, the title of thread changes to give date of next BBQ,, which seems to be the 30th of this month. Clickity -- clickity http://community.ratsun.net/topic/59555-datsun-lifenorth-bay-meetbbqmay-30th10am-4pm/ And welcome to you
  13. Tigers have Ford V8 and the blower would lead me to believe the car was Chevy powered.
  14. I walked by my tent poles laying in the backyard earlier today,,, so i have half my supplies rounded up now.
  15. She packed up her bags and she took off down the road Left me here stranded with the bills she owed She gave me a false address Took off with my American Express Sunspot Baby She sure had me way outguessed She left me here stranded like a dog out in the yard Charged up a fortune on my credit card She used my address and my name Man that was sure unkind Sunspot Baby She sure has a real good time I looked in Miami I looked in Negril The closest I came was a month old bill I checked the Bahamas and they said she was gone I can't understand why she did me so wrong But she packed up her bags And she took off down the road Said she was going to visit sister Flo She used my address and my name And man that was sure unkind Sunspot Baby I'm gonna catch up sometime Sure had a real good time
  16. RatVonDude you ignorant slut ,,,,,,, i said FAT510 said he saw it ,, and as that may be construed as hearsay i would not go so far as to qualify it as a "lie" .. Abraham Lincoln
  17. So FAT510 says he saw a roadster with a V8 and a blower on it,, cruising around Centralia the other day,,,
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