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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. 4 active posts and all are threads ,, 2 of which are asking how to use a forum.. :rofl: :rofl: http://community.ratsun.net/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=user_activity&search_app=forums&mid=8514&sid=3b7028fc04ef8192c1c920ecc23645d9&search_app_filters[forums][searchInKey]=&userMode=title :rofl:
  2. The 720 i was going to drive is still in Grayland.. Was hoping to swipe the old geezers Kubota and pick it up at the same time ,,,which i would guess better be pretty soon :rofl: ,,, maybe. If we show we will bring enough brauts and buns to more than cover filling our bellies but probably going it alone because everybody works afternoons now. Oh i sure don't want to be the only old man at this shindig so maybe some of you old fucks get off yer ass an roll down.
  3. Not a craigslist but so what? who cares? First year in a while Sutherlin Blackberry festival isn't raffling off a chevy....... :thumbup: :thumbup: http://www.blackberry-festival.com/
  4. Fuck that,,, i am going to haul all my stolen copper in it.
  5. Oh,, and nice looking truck man... B)
  6. This ^^^ ,, but i don't think it's laziness just more like it should be in there but,,,, it will work without it. Just keep-her in a spot where you can find it again,, but i don't think it will cause head gasket to fail. and he's right about the canister also.
  7. i have put a dent in the windshield like that a couple times and, it's probably a good idea to just let the truck go for awhile,, and just catch up on peoples court re-runs. It will still be there when your better.. :)
  8. Well it sure isn't because they used all the funds to make it to any meets last year ,, or the year before,, or the one before that.. :sneaky:
  9. It's all good,, We knew that and but we asked around and most couldn't do Mothers day and others didn't want a day to close to Canby and another that couldn't do a day to close to Packwood swap meet.. Hell we even located the start place so a guy that works "nights" could get up later than all the rest of us,, and only have to drive a couple minutes to get there... <_< You guys in Pullyoop should map out a summer cruise closer to your places so us outta towners can see stuff,, even though you guys have seen it a hundred times ,, it would be new to us man..
  10. Those gifs are funnier this morning ,,,,,,,, now that i can see them!!! I thought that money we donated was going to be used toward get this,,, keeping the god damn site working correctly.... Jesus This site being wonky sent me over to another site for a few seconds,,,, but it was all dark , empty and scary like a hospital basement n a horror movie.
  11. I think the real question would be,,,,,,,, where in the fuck is the guy in front going with that milking machine ??
  12. That's what it's doing to me,, and the pages aren't fully loading either.. Hell i'm typing this and there is still no pictures showing,, not even the 510 at the top.
  13. is this site acting funky as fuck for you guys,, or is it just my connection??
  14. I forgot your dogs name was Deizel, and picture didn't show up at first,, i was thinking to my self,, how in the fuck did you get the female to agree to let you name your son THAT?? I got away with Carsen but that's as close as i could get. :geek:
  15. i think that is rear wheel drive
  16. i get that in real life... :lol:
  17. So your ditching that damn bright red old ladies car and driving this to Canby this year then?? I used 3 or 4 hard drive magnets once to hold sheet metal once and it wouldn't weld for shit... Really weird,, you take most of them off and it did just fine.
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