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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Jesus you worry so much,,,, , :rofl: We can bring disposable plates and plastic silverware,,, and bring sweet onion and tomatos to slice up . we can throw some ketchup mustard and thousand island dressing into a cooler and bring too . With all the kids, we buy mayonaise in industrial size containers so don't really have a small one to bring.
  2. We are rollin into Costco Saturday and snagging some cow patties and glutten enriched buns and what-not so if Hobo can't make it we got it covered... Probably bring a sweet onion and fat tomato or two to slice up also
  3. I'm with you man,, here's a picture of the front cover seal "kit" those fucks sell.. All i got was,,, "har har you have to order the oil pump gasket separately" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, yeah i should have known that before i ordered it, even though the less expensive Felpro ones at Oreillys INCLUDE THEM!!
  4. Is this that Dave dude that makes those start buttons??
  5. Albert ,, as in Gingersan. Ted and his sidekick Tonto seemed pretty stoked about rolling over.. but you know how Indians lie... Apparently,, somehow he has a wedding every single weekend of the year ,, but we will see.
  6. Signed my goofball neighbor up for the Datsun section as well.. I can't seem to locate the confirmation e-mail so as to let you know my earlier entry fee is now a donation for sure and so someone can slide into that space...
  7. It's to bad there is already an Americas cup ,, cuz that would be a more suited name for this.
  8. Here's a thought for the "master" engine builder ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, make one ?
  9. With the next door neighbors dad passing last week,, the herd of deer looking for green grass,, and the neighbor across the streets daughter suddenly growing boobs............... There is much honking around these parts lately .. Especially from older guys in windowless creeper vans. 1. Me 2. Albert and girlfriend ( parked in the Toyota section down the street) 3. FAT510 (for at least a few minutes as our septic is out of order right now) 3-1/4 JJ 4.Maybe one of the twins of it isn't to hot. I have talked to 3 other people around town and such that might show,, although my brother won't but i am counting him as one anyway.
  10. Sorry dude,, he gave all of them away already.
  11. I am not trying to sway you but to look at a different way,,,,,,, 53 corvettes are very rare and beyond valuable but i will still like the much cheaper,, and by corvette standards plentiful,, 68-69 better. L16s FOREVER!! :D
  12. Meh,,, i got the reference when you posted it.. To bad all you great Steely Dan ah-fishinardos couldn't catch the blatant Steely Dan one a posted a few days ago........... Sad,,,,,,,,, very sad. :no:
  13. I really don't see the appeal of the bluebird over a "regular" 510 BUT i love the fact it still has a ripping 1600 with huge carbs.. :wub:
  14. Wow that's your wife ? But i guess you love her and that's what really counts right? ................. I'm thinking it must have been your mom we all had in that drunken orgy of rage,,,,,,,, cuz ,,,,,,,, damn.......................... seriously ,,,,,, damn .
  15. You are watching your son watch a video of me watching my son ,,,,,,, trippy .
  16. I'm high bidder on a ratsun lighter case on Ebay!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. EastBay521


      my pot smoking experience is no longer the same....it was a good run maybe it was for the best. rip. I have a feeling I might have left it in my work pants and some one at the uniform place found them a $30 piece of leather.its been a week now with no sign of it maybe its time to report it to the authorities. stay tuned

    3. flatcat19


      I have lost lots of things in my uniforms just to get them back a week later. GL.

    4. EastBay521


      got uniforms today. nada

  17. Sorry, we just couldn't come up.. wife was going to follow us up and go to her brothers this time but weird shit came a calling. Well at least it wasn't Meningitis,,, this house(?) smells like the inside of a hospital. I see that Brodster took time off of torturing cute animals to stop by..
  18. Carne asada,,,,this ,,,, carne asada ,, that ,,,,,,, fuck carne asada,,,,,,,,,,, if i wanted to choke down something that was invented to keep the sewer workers in Mexico in business by giving tourists the shits, i would import some water........ We want fucking hamburgers and some god damn cowdicks, chicken lips and pig anuses mixed into a long tube that we in AMERICA call ,,,,,,,,,hotdogs!!!!!
  19. The first time you see that ending it really sticks in your head for quite some time... You should go places with uberkevin ,, dang we have met some extremely creeeepy people for sure.. One guy kept talking about the end of the world,, and was completely serious.. The next were a family that were German speaking hog farmers that were a cross between children of the corn and the peoples temple and the stepford wives.. no bullshit .
  20. Last year my son and my brother fillied all the farm machinery with diesel one day,,, it's weird you would think it would just smoke but it really makes them sound like they are going to explode or something..
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