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Everything posted by IZRL

  1. I keep forgetting that even if all goes well in these coming elections and the left is booted. We still have to contend with AI and the countless ways this will without a doubt go wrong. AI changes everything that we know as real and true(Television/Media/Elections). I think AI is going to do the complete opposite of advancing technology for the betterment of human kind, I think its gonna take us back to the stone age. This is the new Jordan Peterson/Elon Musk interview where they talk about AI among other things. I think it was meant to stay on the DailyWire and someone copied and put it on Rumble for free. https://rumble.com/v5825f9-jordan-peterson-interviewing-elon-musk-the-full-interview-the-daily-wire.html?e9s=rel_v1_b
  2. Well when the messenger trashes most videos I post cause he acts like he's got such high standards when it comes to youtube/TV character's credibility and intentions. Then he goes and posts this pair of pissed off menopausal deranged feminist who are just painful to watch and who sound like they talk mostly from what they "feel" about a subject than from the facts. Yeah I think the messenger deserves to get his feathers ruffled a little bit 😆. If we go by your criteria and what you've said so far about the characters I've posted, it does matter who says it. I personally could care less who says it, if its right its right. But those two?...JESUS! I could go to a Pro-Palestine protest and find better.
  3. He is blue, but he is JFK blue which by today's standards is a skip and a hop away from being extreme right.
  4. I seem to gravitate more towards what I would call "technical" drummers. In spanish I would say he is "estudiado" which means "studied"(It doesn't translates well). But in short, to me, this is another level of drummer. There are many great drummers out there and then there are elite drummers or professional drummers "IMO". Every hit is so clean, crisp, and effortless. "Gavin Harrison" Skip to minute 1:58 to skip intro & go straight to drum performance.
  5. I agree with 99% of what RFK Jr. says he would do if he was elected. But I know he wouldn't be allowed to do any of it by the people who truly run the world. I do believe these actions would jump start the country towards improving the people's lives here. But improving our lives is the opposite goal of the elites/left and possibly even many of the republican politicians who are also knee deep in the swamp/establishment. Here's a Harris ad. Every single word that comes out of her mouth is a bold face lie and the complete opposite of what this administration stands for and what they did to this country. The song they play "Freedom freedom freedom", bullshit we've never had less freedoms than with this admin. "Unity", we are the most divided with this admin than we've ever been in HISTORY. Also their entire campaign revolves around vilifying Trump and fear mongering dems into believing that democracy will die with Trump(stirring up hate, so sad it's their only hope). "Less gun violence" are you kidding me, they purposely burned down the blue states and there's never been this much chaos and violence there. It's hard to believe the left eats these lies up even though reality says otherwise!
  6. Really Mike? Jordan Peterson and Tucker Carlson are untrustworthy hacks and are too much of a waste of your time to watch according to you. But these rabid flee infested angry feminist dikes you like and give your precious time to😬🤦? You keep posting these miserable hateful snakes. Which means you're either subscribed to their channel, or you watch so much crap similar to these two, that they are recommended to you regularly. Your "TV personalities" judgment cred just went down a notch in my book. And you were already at notch 1.
  7. They played a tiny snippet of this song on a TV series I was watching recently, never heard it before. Simple song but kinda catchy. "Thrown Down"(2003) by Fleetwood Mac.
  8. Ha, I would have appreciated it if I wasn't so slow. I got confoosed 😀. Ah, good point, way too many patameters to truly get an accurate average mpg in an uncontrolled environment. On top of that the truck spends 99% of it's life in stop and go traffic, so no highway miles to add to the equation.
  9. Ha, while posting the question in the fb group I realized that my truck is frankensteined and I'm pretty sure my truck/engine/gear ratio combo didn't come stock anywhere in the world. So only real way to find out the mileage on my truck is to test it correctly myself. I still posted the question to see what people said.
  10. Not believable?😆.... not believable as in I might be lying about something, or not believable as in I might have done it wrong 😀? Thinking about it you might be right about it not being correct. There was a couple of times where I carried significantly more weight than just myself in the truck. but only about 5 miles each per test. Didn't think it would make that much of a difference on such a short distance. I'll give it another go without trips with extra weight this time. Although I'm not really sure why I'm trying to figure this out. I can just ask a group i belong to that is specifically for these trucks. What they're getting on average.
  11. This guy has the world record for fastest shot(first video). This is semi-auto(1 trigger pull 1 shot). The 5 shot burst that Crookes supposedly shot sounded this fast or a hair slower. Edit: Crookes supposed 5 shot burst was 0.775 seconds. The worlds fastest shooter(below) fastest time in this video is 0.53 seconds. Below is a suppressed full-auto so you can compare the shot rate speed difference.
  12. There is audio from multiple cell phone videos in multiple locations. Shot rate is much faster than most shooters can get off in that time with a semi-auto, but significantly slower than full auto.
  13. Ok, I've tried to get the mpg's for the truck twice since you asked, but both times have been cut short(only 6 & 8 gallons). On top of that I only drive the Truck about 2X a week max. So im gonna take both numbers and cut it down the middle. Im gonna say it gets 16 mpg give or take ½ a mile. Has a Z24 with stock weber 32/36.
  14. "Some people are saying", means exactly that.... "some people are saying". Where in that phrase did you get I was saying it was official and an unquestionable fact? Experts in ballistics and similar fields who are outside the gov are doing their own assessments of what happened that day. Something the SS should be doing but isn't. The FBI seems to be more occupied in getting rid of the evidence than trying to solve the crime. And as usual they're keeping all of it under wraps and haven't released and will most likely won't release any of their findings. Might not be official but you can't ignore it completely.
  15. Some people are saying there might have been two shooters. The guy they bring up in this video analyzed the audio of the shots. It's interesting to say the least. When I heard the last 5 shot burst. First thing I thought was, I can't shoot that rapidly on an Xbox controller. I've attempted to go as fast as possible with an AR in the past and it was miles from being that fast. I doubt that kid could do it either with his lack of experience. The guy who analyzed the sound did go on to say it was real close to being as rapid as the world record speed. Video is for others to watch, I know you're not gonna watch it.
  16. So it's legit because he missed by like ½ an inch while under some serious pressure? If there actually was foul play, I'm sure they knew he was gonna miss by a ½ inch.
  17. Hahaha, I'm not trying to trick you into liking anybody. Just trying to trick into watching more than half a minute of their content so you can have an actual reason to hate & trash them.
  18. Come on Mike. You need to stop getting your info about people that you and the leftist hate, from leftists YouTube shorts. ➡️"and tell us all to 'clean our rooms'."⬅️ This is the lefties Anthem for Peterson. Peterson IS more intelligent than all of us combined and seems to be as honest as they come for being a "YouTube" personality as you call him. Also he does not just debate people on YouTube. If you actually knew anything about him and weren't just cherry picking opinions from leftist video shorts. You'd quickly find that he has had many debates in front of live audiences. He also tours and has talked in front of thousands.
  19. There are too many holes in this bucket for foul play not to be one of the possibilities. Another possibility is Cheaple making decisions on Trump's security solely based on how she felt about him and his politics. According to the hearing, she denied multiple requests to beef up Trump's security for a couple years now. For what reason? Cause she's a slithering snake who's making decisions based on her feelings, or because she's had the Biden admin in her ear this entire time or both. These are the only two possibilities IMO.
  20. I'm sorry for assuming that after 159 years the secret service (established 1865) might have learned these lessons by now. My point is they know all these things and either they dropped the ball or there was foul play. There is nothing in this incident that shouldn't have already been known.
  21. I'm sure he signed willingly. And after, it would not surprise me if they took him behind the barn to tighty things up.
  22. WWWWHHHHAAAATTTT!!!! 😂 I've seen better security at the local Fair Grounds. The SS needs to wait for an assassination, or in this case an assassination attempt to learn the lesson that a building which is within 150 yards from the person your job is to protect needs to be covered?!?!?!?
  23. Let the useless finger waggin and question dodging hearings begin. They're gonna leave with the same questions the came in with and the director of the SS will go on her merry way and continue with her position in the secret service.
  24. Here, I have something that's more to your liking and I know you will enjoy. It's only a minute long and he's vomiting hate towards Trump the entire time.
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