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Everything posted by IZRL

  1. It was definitely getting a little squirrelly up front.
  2. Wheel base measured at about 9'3" (111"), so 110.8" sounds right. It has 4.62 gears. According to the engine tag it originally came with a z22 and a 4 speed manual. Previous owner swapped in the Z24 with 5 speed manual. Has c-200.
  3. The brake master is on the left side of the clutch/break pedals. On the firewall behind the fuse box. Shine a light up their and look to see if the rod/rubber boot are wet.
  4. Good point. Gonna have to look into that. Someone posted 20 mpg with weber 36/32 for king cab. So I just figured it was something close to that. It didn't dawn on me that it could be this much heavier. So empty I'm hauling almost as much as regular cabs haul fully loaded. This means from what you guys are saying about these transmissions. My tranny must be taking a beating. Do you happen to know what the difference between the heavy duty trucks and the regular ones are? Edit: The curb weight of 3,420 lbs that the truck weighed in at is the weight I carry on the daily not "factory" curb weight for these trucks. Didn't account for the fact that the truck has electric seats that are quiet a bit heavier than stock. I also carry a small tool box with bare essential tools. Also jumping cables, Lug nut wrench, a few tow straps, and chain. Also was looking around for 4x4 king cab curb weights and can't find a straight answer yet but looks like they're heavier than I initially thought they were.
  5. These are the frame measurements / body alignment for all 720 models. Somebody on facebook has the Workshop Manual and were kind enough to post them. The text & lines from the pages that are behind these pages were bleeding through and made these pages harder to read. So I painted over them which is why the pages look all patchy. Regular Bed Model Frame Measurements Long Bed & King Cab Model Frame Measurements Double Cab Model Frame Measurements Body Alignment
  6. Just went and weighed the truck. There's a semi-truck weigh station that is left on and unattended at night here in town that we found back when we were street racing. This son of a gun is a fatass, curb weight is 3420. Here's the door tag. Says GVWR: 2445(KG)/5390(lbs) -- GAWR: FR 1000(KG)/2204(lbs) & RR 1700(KG)/3747(lbs). According to google payload is curb weight minus GVWR which = 1970 lbs payload.
  7. Those Africans weigh like a buck 20 each...wet. The trick would be to put the same amount of Americans on one of these 😆. I'm the size of 2 Africans. I was cruising in 5th at 50 mph and I believe 2800 rpm and was engine breaking every stop (20 miles). No hills, no passing, and no wind. I also took the back/county roads for less traffic and less stops.
  8. This ⬆️. The gov/elites are making some drastic/insane moves to supposedly prevent "Global Warming". All of which are unrealistic and filled with Bullshit/lies. Pushing towards going 100% EV and getting away from fossil fuels ASAP is one of those bullshit moves. This "solution" has so many holes and lies in it, it's unreal. There is clearly an ulterior motive behind it. I don't get why this isn't raising some serious red flags for more people? I've said it before, I think the right is equally responsible for the mess we're in as the left. but, tell me if I'm wrong? The Democrat elites have the leftist population right where they want them. Gullible AF and begging for their God given rights and freedoms to be taken away from them (not all but most of them). How many republicans you see doing this? We're taking your freedom of speech "Words hurt people, so yes please take our freedom of speech". We're going to take your guns away "Guns kill people, so please take our guns". We're gonna force you to stop driving your car of choice and you're gonna buy an EV you can't afford and that limits your ability to travel in order to combat global warming "Well I'm not sure if any of this is true but if you say it's gonna save the planet, than I'm in!" I can keep going but I'll stop there. From here, convincing them that they should be eating crickets cause it's better for them than beef, is gonna be a breeze. Which believe it or not, reducing the amount of beef in our diets and replacing it with insects is actually part of this elitist planet saving agenda.
  9. Well damn.... Scratch that. There's no way this truck was meant to carry this much weight. I've made 3 trips to pick up bricks. First 2 trips I loaded the truck with about 175 bricks each. I guesstimated the bricks weighed max 2 1/2 lbs each. Today's trip I loaded the truck up with 222 bricks. Thinking 555 lbs doesn't sound that bad. But then I double guessed myself after I took a second look at how bad the truck was squatting, which is why I asked the question. I should've weighed the bricks instead of just taking a wild guess. Got home today and weighed one of the bricks just for kicks. It weighed in at 7 lbs 5 oz. Rounding down to 7lbs. I was carrying 1,225 lbs the first 2 trips and 1,554 lbs on today's trip 😲🤦‍♂️.
  10. Just loaded truck with bricks. Truck moves well enough. More wondering about the the strength of the bed itself.
  11. The 720 manual says 6-10 rachet clicks.
  12. The government's plan is unrealistic. This plan is equally unrealistic. So what are we even talking about here?
  13. I never said they were going to burn batteries to dispose of them. I meant accidents happen, and when batteries burn it's not you're typical camp fire. Really? They are mandating stopping the production of combustion vehicles in 10 years. How many years do you guesstimate before the world completely weans off their primary source of energy and we stop producing both types of pollution? My guess is that at best, we will keep using the same amount of fossil fuels to keep up with the increased demand of electricity. So again, I call BS on the excuse that all this is being done to save the planet.
  14. 1. Have you ever burned a Double AA battery?...😳Holy Shit! 2. Exactly the same way plastics, chemicles, and metals have always ended up in the soil, water, and air. 3. Worse...We already established that the drilling, burning, and spilling of oil will continue to keep up with the higher demand for electricity. Now we're adding batteries that WILL leak lithium phosphate gases and liquid electrolytes. Are we seriously gonna pretend that these chemicals are somehow gonna be magically contained? What about the increase in the mining of lithium and metals necessary to make these half ton batteries.
  15. Exactly⬆️.. If you believe what the gov says and you believe they're pushing for 100% EV cause they want to save the planet. No part of this plan makes any sense. There has to be an ulterior motive behind the smoke. Another reason EVs are shit for the planet in the short and long run that hasn't been brought up here is. Not only are they packing these EVs with toxic chemicles/materials that will end up in the soil, water, and air. A typical EV battery is made up of about 17 lbs Lithium Carbonate, 77 lbs Nickle, 44 lbs Manganese, and 30 lbs cobalt. There's gonna be some serious destruction and fuel consumption in getting this stuff out of the ground. And lets not forget what the extreme cold and extreme heat does to batteries. They should put that in their pro EV schpiel.
  16. If the grid can't handle it. EVs getting cheaper and more efficient doesn't really make a difference. We are a long ways away from getting our grid to be able to handle even 25% of gas vehicles being replaced by electric vehicles IMO. If I can see this as an average dumbass. You think the government doesn't know this? So ask yourself, what's their play here? Short of the government saying fuck you guys, no more gas for you. So either you get an EV or you don't drive. I don't think much will be changing in the next 30 years. If you look at the entire picture, it's damn near impossible. I'll never buy an EV for the reasons I listed in my previous post, and I'm sure a majority of the population feels the same way.
  17. Going 100% electric has nothing to do with saving the planet. Sure, the end product(EVs) run clean, but where does that energy come from? Most electricity today comes from dirty fossil fuel plants. Also where are all these car batteries going to go? The process of "recycling" these batteries is very involved, expensive, dangerous and bad for the environment. Even now they're sending these batteries to other countries who cut corners when it comes to the environment to save a buck. On top of all that, the grid can barely handle what we need right now. California isn't capable of powering itself even now. They rely on power from other states. Rolling blackouts are not out of the ordinary in Cali. And surprise, surprise, what is Cali blaming for not being able to produce enough electricity and the rolling blackouts.....Global Warming 🤣. What going to full electric is truly about is having more control over the population and added surveillance. First off, EVs are basically desktop computers on wheels. They also have a microphone and are littered with cameras. So right off the bat they know where you are at all times, and where you've been. They're going to convince this brainwashed airheaded population that for their safety and the safety of their families (worked like a charm during covid). They should allow for law enforcement/government to have remote access to their vehicles. And have the ability to control/disable vehicles, but only in case of emergency or to prevent car chases of course..😏. Secondly, who the hell has the money to buy an new EV? People can barely keep a roof over their heads and feed their families. But buy a brand new EV sure why not. So most people can't afford an EV and the grid can barely supply what we need now. In my mind this means "if" you can afford a vehicle. The government decides the number of vehicles allowed per household and also decides if and when you can drive that vehicle. "Surviellance and Control".
  18. You can't vote in a presidential election even if you're a permanent resident (Green Card) or if you have a Visa. You must become a Naturalized citizen to vote if you were born outside of the country. Or at least that's how it's been till now, and how it should be IMO. We have yet to see if the cheatin SOB's who are currently office pull off the biggest election fraud scheme ever. Say what?!? I'm all for legal immigration and up until the border gates were left wide open by this administration. I really didn't have much to say about illegal immigration. But shit is getting out of hand now. There needs to be some kind of order for any country to survive. This reckless move the current admin made to try and illegally get more voters is going to royally fuck any chance we might of had to get out of the mess we're currently in.
  19. The above Japanese band reminded me of this Argentinian. I had a ticket to see them in Mexico in like 2010, but I got the worse flu I ever had the day before the show. They're still touring so might get to see them yet. "Matador", by the band "Los Fabulosos Cadillac" from Argentina. Here's another Ska band I got to see live in Phoenix Az. They are by far the best live performance I've seen! "La Dosis Perfecta(The Perfect Dose)" by the Band "Panteon Rococo" from Mexico.
  20. I had no idea 👌. Damn! This song is getting downloaded and placed in my music collection. This is the concert live version of the Japanese song "Skaravan" you posted above. What a performance, great song.
  21. My first language was Spanish. But I've been in the US forever and a half. So I speak Spanish, but writing it is a whole nother story. I'm ok at but I haven't had to use it much over the years, so I know what you mean. I got to see the two Ska bands I posted above, live (Maldita Vecindad and Victimas Del Doctor Cerebro). They put on a show! I also got to see "Caifanes" and "Mana" live. "Soda Stereo" was one of my top bucket list bands but they split up before I was able to see them. The vocalist passed in 2014 so no chance of there being a reunion.
  22. Here's some music most folks will never come across. This is some of the music I grew up listening to. All these bands fall under the "Spanish Rock" umbrella believe it or not. There is so much variety in this genre its unreal. I'm not sure if there are any spanish speakers here, but I figure music is music whether you understand the lyrics or not. "Entre Canibales( Between Cannibals)" by the band "Soda Stereo" from Argentina. "EL Esqueleto (The Skeleton)", By the Band "Victimas Del Doctor Cerebro" from Mexico. "Mama(Mom)" By the band "Los Amantes De Lola" from Mexico. "La Selva Negra(The Black Jungle)" By the band "Mana" from Mexico. "Solin" By the Band "Maldita Vecindad" from Mexico. "Avalancha "Avalanche" by the Band "Los Hereos Del Silencia" from Spain. "Poli Love" by the band "Zoe" from Mexico. "Pensando En Ti(Thinking of You)" By the Band "Mago De Oz" from Spain. This song is a spin off of "Dust in the Wind", but with different lyrics. "Afuera(Outside)" by the Band "Caifanes" from Mexico.
  23. I'm gonna throw a female vocalist into the mix as well. I just heard this band performance recently. This is the band "Jinjer" performing at the Wacken metal festival in Germany. Crazy how big the guitar sound is with only one guitarist in the band. Girl has decent vocals.
  24. Funny story, up until not too long ago I thought the band members of War were Mexicans, because of the song Lowrider. Since it was Mexicans who started the Lowrider culture. Also on the song "Cisco Kid" there seems to be someone talking Spanish in the background. But just now that I paid closer attention to what the guy in the background was saying. It's mostly gibberish. It sounds like spanish but there's only a couple actual spanish words in all that. Been a while since I heard "On The Road Again", Great song. Reminds me of "Green Onions" by Booker T & The M.G.'s .
  25. It's crossed my mind a few times, to ask Mike how long he's been working for the CIA. There's a conspiracy theory for you guys. Mike, a deep under cover CIA agent implanted in destruction with only one mission.... to shit on Trump 🤣🤣. Keep all 5 of us who follow this thread on our toes.
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