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Everything posted by IZRL

  1. I've been meaning to learn a Ragtime song for a while now like the entertainer. But seems since these songs are meant for the piano. You have to have a custom tuning on the 5th/6th strings so that you're not having to stretch your fingers too much. I'm too lazy to have to re-tune just for one song. I'll have to see if this version is standard tuning. I like the acoustic delta style blues like the one you posted above, over the B.B King electric guitar blues. Needs to sound like they recorded on an old raggedy porch in the south for it to be real blues IMO Edit: just saw you posted a gypsy jazz song. I'm not fond of most jazz but I love gypsy jazz. This is Justin Johnson. Another excellent guitarist I follow.
  2. Dang that's a good point hahaha...need to start myself on a daily regimen of vitamins🤞 😆. Fleetwood Mac has some songs with complicated finger pickin style guitar in them that I really like. I grew up playing a few different styles of guitar (Metal, Rock, Early Mexican Ballads). But about 4 years ago I heard Chet Atkins & Doc Watson play and I just had to try and learn that finger pickin style guitar. It's harder than it looks. I transcribed to Guitar Tablature, the Tommy Emmanuel version of "Windy and Warm" & Doc Watson "Deep River Blues" songs below. Then I took on the task of trying to learn them. It usually takes me a week max to learn a song. but it took me a month to learn 1/2 of Tommy's Windy and Warm. Then once the fingers on your right hand get used to playing that style it gets easier. Doubt anyone will like these songs but I'll post them anyway. "Windy and Warm" played by Tommy Emmanuel. "Deep River Blues", by Doc Watson "House of the Rising sun, Winy & Warm, Mr. Sandman" version by Chet Atkins
  3. I'm not sure if you recall I mentioned that I was going to go to one of my bucket list Spanish Ska/rock band's concert years ago. But I got sick the day before the show and I couldn't make it? Well I got to thinking I better go see them before they split up again (They split up once before). Well just picked up some tickets today and we're going to see them in Mexico in November 🤘. The band is "Los Fabulosos Cadillacs". "Mal Bicho" by the band "Los Fabulosos Cadillacs" , Here's another song from this band
  4. No sir. I'll be the first person to admit that I'm of below average knowledge when it comes to politics and many other things. Having said that, I've been of this opinion for a while now. I posted this opinion previously on here. I only take the fact that many other non idiots feel the same way as a confirmation to myself that I'm not an idiot for thinking this. Unlike some people I don't just take everyone's word as truth. I'm probably the most paranoid least trusting person you'll ever meet. I think my posts on this thread where I question everything and everyone, left and right, speaks for itself. I've never been a big fan of Trump but if you were to zoom out and look at the bigger picture you'd see that this is much bigger than Trump.
  5. I'm sure he means the justice system pre-current admin, pre Trump trial. Tulsi Gabbard, Elon Musk, Tucker Carlson, Bill Maher, Megyn Kelly, and a host of other left, right, and center "TV" personalities. Have all denounced this blatant attack on democracy by the left. All intelligent folks with different political views saying the same thing. But we should take your word for it cause it's just "all sour grapes". You need to zoom out and see the bigger picture. People give Biden way too much credit. He's in the whitehouse watching reruns of Sesame Street and eating animal crackers. They're feeding him Gerber and changing his diapers. And you guys act like he's somehow still making the big decisions and running the country.
  6. "Evil Woman" By Electric Light Orchestra
  7. Here's a song a friend of mine played last night. I was feeling the effects of alcohol and second hand smoke so it sounded extra good. I do like a song with a funky groovy bass line like this 👌. "So Young"(2017) by band "Portugal The Man".
  8. After all these years I'm still finding new to me, Marley hits. The back up singers and the bass player in this band are under appreciated by most. But those Marley songs wouldn't be as great without their contributions IMO. "Pimpers Paradise"(1980) by Bob Marley. "Misty Morning"(1979) by Bob Marley.
  9. Still waiting for you to list all the crazy shit you guys insist the "deranged" MAGAs are doing. As far as I can tell, they're not out blocking roads (just stop oil-lefties), burning down mom and pop businesses(BLM-Lefties), supporting terrorist organizations at universities (Pro-Palistine-Lefties), or grooming kids in schools pushing for more Trans BS (LGBTQwxy&z-lefties). They're home waiting patiently to vote.
  10. She was rejected by the left even back when she was part of the party because she apposed a lot of the crazy shit they were up to. She saw where the blue train was heading and she jumped off. Tulsi is a beast, she's the only woman I would vote for if she ran for president. It's only a few minutes long so I'm sure mike will watch it. If it were longer than 8 minutes you'd be pushing it.
  11. I'm not gonna pretend I know anything about Muslims or the Koran. But from multiple debates I've watched between Christians and Muslims. I understand where iceman is coming from. The Quran has a handful of extreme teachings. Where it says believers will be rewarded for killing others for various "sins". You give a people this book of laws and leave it up to them to decide how deep they're willing to go. It could be a slippery slope. This is one of the debates I've watched.
  12. I think the left throwing an ex US president and current candidate under the bus. Is at the bottom of the list of reasons why democrats who will be voting right this year made that decision. The only benefit crooked Joe and his mangey hell hounds (Clinton/Obama) might get from a pardon. Is that Trump might have mercy on them and not bring the skeletons in their closets to light if he wins. I voted for Biden last election😬. I won't vote Democrat again. I'm not sure there's hope for them to come back close enough to the center for me to be on board with them again. Especially if Clinton and Obama are allowed to keep running the country from behind the scenes. The issue nowadays is that some of these so called Republicans are actually dems in reps clothing. Like Michael Johnson, probably got paid a premium for his soul.
  13. Honestly wasn't looking to get back into the EV debate. It's just so unrealistic of a plan and which is also clearly not being done for the good of the planet. That there's no point in spending more time than ive already spent on the topic on this thread. Just posted clip to show yet another wrench thrown into this unrealistic EV equation.
  14. RFK Jr talks about almost having to go to one of these underground bunkers as a kid. From the way the bunker was described to him. They sound more like small underground cities with restaurants than bunkers. Of course we all know noone will survive a nuclear war. But the elites believe they will. As delusional as that may sound.
  15. Yeap, California's EV plans are going smoothly and are right on schedule to be fully implemented in 2035. If you still believe going 100% EV is possible, I don't know what to tell you. This also supports my last post that the left can give a shit about what happens to us. I would love to believe that the fact that they're allowing blue states to burn to the ground, is an accident. But no, there's no possible way they're just that stupid. The left is deadset on destroying this country.
  16. I don't think they care one way or the other. I believe they have an agenda and they're going to push recklessly towards it, damn the cost to the rest of us. They're trying to thin out the herd, a nuke would be a happy consequence to their actions. The top government officials and the elites have fallout shelters (more like under ground cities). Not sure if you know that Russia changed their nuclear policy recently. In short it went from "we will use nuclear weapons if nuclear weapons are used against us". To now include "in the event of an armed struggle, the usage of nonconventional arms that ensure state survival is warranted." So as I said before, Putin does not plan for Russia to just go quietly into the night. The idiots currently in office know this, and still they insist on escalating this war. They don't care.
  17. "Rock And Roll Hootchie Koo" by Rick Derringer
  18. Today!.......are you living under a blue rock? Everyone is saying this. You seriously think Putin/Russia are going to go quietly into the night? Edit: And also this ⬇️ "As of January 23, 2024, the Doomsday Clock is set at 90 seconds to midnight, which is the closest it has ever been to midnight. "
  19. What's new about this. Most presidents have done this. At least from G. W. Bush on. Biden and Hunter just did it and I don't see you mentioning that. As long as they don't make things worse than they already are (not sure it's even possible). I could care less if he surrounds himself with hookers. Don't threaten us with a good time. The real criminals are currently in the whitehouse/gov (Biden, Hunter, Clinton, Obama, Pelosi, Fauci, AOC, FBI, etc..)
  20. Exactly, how much worse can it get after this administration. Give me an example of another admin that has done more harm to this country (directly) in such a short period of time? Worse part is that it was intentional. If they would have poured gas on the entire country and tossed a match on it (if it was possible they would have done it), they would have caused less damage. They've got us closer to getting nuked and WWIII than we've ever been. But ooooo 🧟"be afraid of the boogieman (Trump) 😱" I guarantee that if Trump got elected. He would get blamed for the aftermath of everything this administration started. "See we told you trump would ruin this country". I feel bad for the next 4 administrations. They have to try and salvage a country out of the broken pieces this admin left in their wake.
  21. The man in black. What a story teller 👌
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