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wayno last won the day on March 6 2021

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  1. Well, I climbed up my ladder today to get on a roof, and the ladder broke while I was trying to put my foot on the roof, it totally collapsed, on my way down I grabbed the gutter to keep my body upright, and I succeeded, I landed on my feet, except I was unable to totally absorb the impact and ended up sitting on my ass kinda hard, now it's kinda hard to sit down which sucks, as I am a lazy guy that sits down at every opportunity I get, I am hoping that this isn't a 6 month healing ev...

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Draker


      Damn... very lucky. Maybe you can talk to consult with HRH about butt damage.

    3. skyblue


      wowsers. glad to hear you're ok.

    4. wayno


      I will know more in the morning, I hit/slammed the left side, the right side had my wallet protecting it from the hard concrete, or maybe I didn't land evenly/flat in the first place.


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