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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. Fuck me running! I would give both kidneys a kidney and a lung to see Pantera play today. Shit man. But seriously, the fact that you saw David Bowie and Limp Bizkit kill your cool factor old man!
  2. No, that's not true. Mainstream racing would lead you to believe that, but you don't ALWAYS compete to be in front. Dirt racing has been in my family for decades. My cousin's picked up where everyone left off and races now. Not sure what class. Might go see some dirt action tonight.
  3. Why isn't it racing? the dictionary defines a race as: -a contest of speed, as in running, riding, driving, or sailing. -any contest or competition, especially to achieve superiority So what if the point isn't to finish in 1st or complete your lap before a certain time? Grassroots drifting may not be racing. But there are plenty of sanctioned events where drifting is judged and their is a goal.
  4. I like all forms. Especially Australian V8 Supercar and F1. Those of you who have never been around grassroots drifting will never see at for what it is. We all like doing out of control things. Burnouts, donuts, hard launches. Drifting incorporates some of the most out of control actions that any form of racing is famous for. it's about looking like you're as out of control as possible, but still physically being in control. Not about finishing 1st, or before a certain time. it's about fun and adrenaline. There's nothing about it even remotely close to figure skating or dancing. That's just how some of you older guys see it. it's new. Just something unusual that most of you guys aren't used to. Watch an event, smell the burning rubber for hours, the sound of screaming cars flying past you sideways at (sometimes) 90+MPH is pure fun. Watch this video and maybe you'll see how we see it. From 8:40 on is good ;)
  5. I don't think there's a band out there that looks as energetic on stage as Pantera seemed to be.
  6. We just replaced a ton of lawn equipment at my house. New push mower, since the old Craftsmen that was about 30 years old finally gave in at the carb after the last few years of Ethanol. New trimmer. It was about 10 years old, and after Ethanol increased here, we noticed it running worse and worse. Our blower is shot. Carb is crapped up. Tried cleaning it, but it just won't run. None of the above were repairable. Either the parts needed weren't readily available, or the carbs were shot to hell so bad that it wasn't worth rebuilding. Ethanol is a monster and I'll never support it. I'm in shock looking at the way gas prices have increased in the last few days here in Indiana. Yesterday afternoon passing through Indianapolis, we stopped to get gas and the station attendent said the price the night before was $2.98. Outstanding!! The price that we paid was $3.48. Now I'm seeing prices all day today from $3.60-$4. total shit. There's just excuse after excuse and none of them actually worth a grain of salt. Just....total....bullshit.... And now I'm having to pay extra for 93 octane. And it fucking sucks. but worth the little bit for all the torque i get.
  7. Nice. Can't wait to see the results. Even though I know what's going to be the worst ;)
  8. Shits crazy. The chick I 'used to date' came to visit me from Florida (if you've been here long you know why she's in FL) for my birthday. Planned on moving her back up in August, surprising her with a datto, apartment, and she was SUPPOSED to come on this trip here. I was gonna propose to her tonight since our first real date as a couple was 4th of July 3 years ago. FUCK that. She dumped me the day after my birthday while I was here. Long story short, we got back together a few days later. Sent her back to Florida, started planning moving her back up, and then she told me one night it wasn't going to work. FUCK IT. Still don't understand what happened. Don't know why, but fuck it. It's over. Worked my ass off for 2 weeks trying to fix it and show her how much I care but again, fuck it. SO we decided tonight that we're going to blow a fuck ton of stuff up in this big ass yard we have. About $250 worth of fireworks that I bought.
  9. hmmmmmm..... alcohol? Leaves no residue.. don't know how it would affect the picture.
  10. Yup. Long story, trying to work on fixing it but I'm not so sure. Too soon, still kinda raw. Don't need another FML thread. :poke: Picture from my last visit 2 years ago, when they were tearing down what was left of the Studebaker plant.
  11. I really want the Z32 setup because I'm looking to really get my truck stopping hard and quick. I have a new master, but I'm not sure what size. I'll have to look when I come back from vacation. So you're saying that the Z32 calipers are physically larger and may have trouble clearing even 15' rims??
  12. ^^THAT is an awesome idea. I totally forgot it was there. Last time I was there, I actually watched them tear down the South Bend Studebaker plant. Ironic, since the cities history was built around that plant and they ripped it down. I'm always watching :thumbup: Dunno that anything in that area is gonna be worth shit. Gonna be hitting up Craigslist for sure! And you'll have a response to your PM in a little bit ;) We weren't in the reactor room, but we were on the outside of the reactors on the ground floor looking in. it's crazy how complex all of their machinery is. The security there is CRAZY. They used to give tours back in the day, but after 9/11 they stopped letting outsiders in, so it was rare for people to get that close. We had to all have background checks run and ID's checked before entering the gate by a few armed guards with fully automatic rifles. I do plan on going to Notre Dame and going through their machine show. The teacher is a friend of my dads, so we get in and play with their 100 year old lathes sometimes.
  13. My Datsun is a Datsun. I don't like to associate with the shitty crowd that surrounds Nissan.
  14. Saw the article on Yahoo news this morning. AMAZING. I know someone that's talking about going to the auction to buy several cars.
  15. Naw didn't get shit. I don't work on my shit lol
  16. So my family and I are getting ready to make the drive north 13 hours to South Bend, Indiana to visit sick grand parents. Which is good, given I just got dumped by Monkeygirl after a 3 year relationship and need to get that shit off my mind. Grandpa had a stroke about 3-4 years ago, and Grandma is suffering from total kidney failure so there's not much time left on the board so it'll be nice to see them. Anyways, looking for shit to do. Last time I was there we visited the Studebaker museum which I plan on doing again, went to the Cook Nuclear facility where my uncle works and walked around the reactors and shit, and went to Shipshiwana to the old school amish flea market. Lots of cool ass antiques. Wondering if there's any Ratsun people in the area that might have some ideas of some cool stuff to do there. Gonna be a long week, so I'm gonna need something to occupy my time with.
  17. not even the slightest. Ive run the timing every direction possible but it never pinged on 93 octane.
  18. fixed. You're looking in the wrong places mate ;) I see them every day on my side of town. Where do you live?
  19. Roger dodge bieber inbound. Hey noobie, Welcome to Ratsun. Another Georgian here. I would recommend HIGHLY aiming to go with another direction. You're going to spend so much time/money just trying ti make this work. You could build a mild L20B and be happy with it. There are lots of L series go-fast parts around here that would make your Datsun much more enjoyable. An SR or RB would be too much power for someone who has never owned a car that weighs less then 2000 lbs. I wanted to do that with my 210 but I'm glad I never did. The last thing you want to do is underestimate a built 510 and kill yourself. These cars weren't designed to go as fast as an SR/RB would make them.
  20. Welp. No more monkeygirl. Just thought you guys should know I'll be contributing to a certain thread very soon,...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. flatcat19


      Yeah. You need to update your thread, Monkey.

    3. Ranman72


      agreed TEASE

      I mean sorry to hear about monkeygirl

    4. tdaaj


      Well that's just a bummer

  21. I'm running no t-stat right now :P I'm gonna toss a new stat in again sometime after my vacation and see how it goes. I'll go down a step tomorrow and see how it does with the plugs :thumbup: I'm not sure what size idle jets I have, but I really need to look. I'd like to say off of the top of my head that it's a 60, but I'm not 100% sure right now. Preciate the help :thumbup: It may be running a little rich. It still stumbles whenever I open the secondary after opening the air jets on the primary and switching the old primary to the secondary. When the secondary opens and it stumbles I actually feel sometimes like I'm LOSING power. it's a strange feeling. It's fine if I'm at high speeds and high RPM's pounding down the road. Z20E block Z22 Crank 86mm bore Forged pistons w/ fully floating wrist pins Z20 Long rods A87 Peanut Head W/ ... -L28 Valves -1 5/8 intake ports -Racer Brown .475 Cam -C/R comes out around 9.4 Port matched intake manifold Shorty Header I'm sure I'm missing something. EDIT: Just realized that's all in my original post.
  22. Well I do a lot of high speed cornering. I'd like to get some track days in at Road Atlanta in the future so I need to be able to brake hard. We also have the Tail of the Dragon (in the mountains) that I'd like to power down. I plan on doing the rears as well soon. I want to best braking I can get for the $$$. If I can get the Z32 calipers for near the same price as hardbody, I figure I'll get the Z32. The hardbody has 2 large pistons, Z32 has 4 small. Decisions decisions.
  23. oh god here we go again....
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