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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. First off, welcome to Ratsun! Post pics of the car, because we're all pic whores. Also nice choice in Datsun! Someone will be along shortly to answer your tech question, since I can't.
  2. Steering wheel is the Grant GT right?
  3. I know theres tons of threads on this, but none really answered my question. I'm looking for a good CHEAP sound deadening for my car. I've already stripped out all the plastic crap that was in there, stripped the floor, and primed it, then covered with truck beadliner. Whats the cheapest sound deadening material out there that actually does a decent job of quieting the interior of the car? Doesn't HAVE to be intended for a car as long as it works. I know some people on the internet talk about using other stuff. Just wanna see what you guys recommend seeing as I have never done it before.
  4. wouldn't matter. Sears replaces any broken Craftsmen tools for free. STILL, a cool idea
  5. He won't get banned, I'm telling you. This whole thing is stupid. SOMEONE out there isn't going to like your truck. Who cares? Get over it. It's a nice truck. As long as you know that, it doesn't matter. Ignore him and it will go away. Acknowledge it with a whole thread devoted to him and it will only make it worse. Like gas on a fire. I'd say stop replying this whole thread before Skib gets happy with the ban hammer, because he will ban EVERYONE. Cereal, he's like a fucking viking with that thing.
  6. ahahaha a certain someone should do that to their car
  7. Yeah, well kids these days are stupid. I fought for my Datsun. i didn't care what was wrong with it at the time. It was kinda like a "love at first sight" thing. I knew nothing of Datsuns, all I knew was that the car looked cool. It kinda annoys me about how people just can't take care of their investments. But guess thats just how it is. I'll take care of my car and thats all that matters
  8. Get us pics dude. Welcome to Ratsun! We will get ya get the ball rolling.
  9. Theres lots of cool ass cops. In fact, i know most of the local cops. I just don't get why these two cops are total DICKS.
  10. Oh did I mention the people that live at that house tow cars in at night and repair them for people and then tow them out? Yeah, they're illegally running a car repair business And they suck ass at it. I figure, someone ought to give them a REAL problem to fix
  11. Yes, it is quite cold outside in the dark corner of the neighborhood where there are no street lamps to keep me warm Oh yes, I won't do anything because I'm a good Christian boy But once upon a time, my friend dumped nitro meth and alcohol into some assholes gas tank along with some chlorine and the next day, the guy couldn't quite figure out why his engine wouldn't run right an suddenly detonated. I thought it sounded kinda cool, but i would NEVER do that. hehe
  12. lol me and a friend are waiting for them to leave later like they always do and then were going to make it right I'll explain later what I'm going to do. BRICKS. Oh and I edited the "T" word
  13. Welcome to Ratsun dood Get to postin pics! Make a build thread and lets see what you got to work with!
  14. She's a drug dealer. Their house has burned down TWICE. One of the other kids that lives there tried selling me pills once before. Fuck that. I bet the car was stolen. It had Alabama tags and I don't recognize it. I recognize the car though.
  15. We have security cameras that caught the whole thing on tape. Usually the cops are helpful around here. They usually at LEAST go to bitch at people that do something wrong. I guess these cops didn't have their coffee.
  16. I walked outside to work on my car earlier and some bitch comes flying down the road in an Altima and comes within inches of hitting these two kids that were playing. She flys by without even slowing down. The kids are screaming their faces off and yelling, and the neighbor Fred from the other side of the neighborhood was yelling at them an saw the whole thing. The lady stopped and started yelling and threatening to kill him if he called the cops. I walked over there with a 1/2'' drive wrench as she pulled away. We went down and got the license plate number at her house and called the cops. Fast forward two hours the cops FINALLY showed up at Fred's house and were being total assholes to him acting as if he was the one that did it. We gave him all the information and even had the kids sitting there talking to them. One was just another cop and the other was a supervisor. NEITHER of them did a single fucking thing. They just drove right out of the neighborhood without even hesitating as soon as we gave them the info. They didn't even stop to talk to the lady! What the fuck, seriously? A cop AND a supervisor? Are you fucking kidding me? This lady got off without even having been spoken to.
  17. Mine is an old Inductive. It's my dads thats been around for 10-20 years. Works great.
  18. Sister got married today. CONGRATS!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. metalmonkey47


      Because the reception ended at 6:00 (almost 6 hours ago) and sisters fiance's dad is a cop and I'm underage.

    3. INDY510


      I didn't know your Dad was a cop

    4. metalmonkey47


      lol I guess now he is.

  19. Ouch dude!! Thats pretty nasty. Is that what you were telling me had happened when you picked up the carb the other day?
  20. I think I need to update my build thread... but first, MOAR Dr. Pepper!

    1. Pumpkn210


      Had some with my Wendys last night! DELICIOUS!

    2. butters68


      dr pepper keeps the doctor away.

    3. INDY510


      no see no updates

  21. I wouldn't recommend it. You really won't see a benefit. In fact, it's my understanding that you actually loose power off a header on a street A series. You would need much more power out of the engine to justify a header. 1.75'' exhaust is the best size for your engine. I'll let GGzilla chime in here. He's an a-series guru :P
  22. Action failed: You have reached your quota of positive votes for the day
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