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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. ummmmmm get a weber? Then no moar problems!!
  2. Cool beans dude!! I'm still watching for the frog on the cereal at work, so I hope to find one soon!!
  3. Nah, it's blue with a 390V8. I actually just got offered a BMW M6, so i may take that offer and flip it, then get another Datsun.
  4. Got an offer for my car. it's a BMW M6. The fuck?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Guest


      that's mostly what makes them a pain in the ass. I pay BMW prices for some Cooper parts. No fun.

    3. bananahamuck


      Pooper carts, fun no??

    4. Guest


      Oh... Ok, I see what you did there :D That's cause I'm a smart feller... fart smeller?

  5. Actually, thats one of the cars I'm going to look at. lol It's between a 620, the 200SX, and a Ford Galaxy.
  6. i'm a fatty

    1. 510kevin


      me too, we should start a club and get jackets! lol

  7. The 620 has a rebuilt L series. I'm just trying to avoid spending money on this thing right now. I've had it a year and haven't hardly driven it. Seems sensless to keep dumping money into it. I need something to drive NOW
  8. Fake? I don't give a fuck. They look SWEET!
  9. Thanks guys! This was just a rough draft. I will be starting a new one soon and it's going to be even more kickass!
  10. I've been contemplating using my mad video editing skillz for Ratsun purposes for a while but could never find the right sound track. I think I finally found the right one. I pulled a few pics together and heres what I came up with.. hopefully youtube doesn't disable the audio like bitches... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RV3MMHdyTlg
  11. The plugs are brand new as of 2 days ago and are black and oil fouled. Clevite has a re-ring kit for $118 including gaskets and bearings, but I think I'm going to sell it and get a 620 thats in much better shape and drive that until I can afford something to screw around in. The oil is definitely coming out the exhaust. I put an old sock over the tail pipe and started it and the sock was full of oil within seconds. I checked around the engine and there was no sign of it seeping. I'm going to get a video of the smoke tomorrow. But seriously, it does smoke like a goddamn WWII destroyer :rofl:
  12. I've been having second thoughts about it for a while. lol I posted in the wrong section and had to take it down and it won't let me repost yet. I feel like total shit, but I have to let it go. I'm looking for another Datsun/Nissan. Need something more reliable to drive.
  13. http://atlanta.craig...2051457120.html Theres my craigslist add. Ratsuners get a special price. I hate to do it, but I have to let her go. I'm open to trades of any kind. Something reliable and driveable. Another Datsun is preferred however I'll look into just about anything,. Since I have to post a price, it's $2000 OBO.
  14. PSH,. I'll never own a fail wheel drive he's just an indiot Thats what I want. thinking about a 620.
  15. Well, all I really need is a reliable Datsun. If I can drive it, then hell yeah! I just think I've gone too far with this car. Too many projects at once. It's almost finished, the engine is just holding me back
  16. He has a good point Skib. I could sell this thing and make a decent amount of money. hitch has a 620 that he spoke to me about selling for $900 or so that may be a much better choice here. I don't think a 210 is ever going to be worth as much as I want it to be. Spending much more money on it at this point is stupid.
  17. Thats my biggest thought right now. I'm just not so sure I want to get rid of it. It's my first real car and I love it to death, but at this point I'm considering posting it up on craigslist. Just not sure what to ask for it. I don't want to give up on it. But at this point it may not be worth spending much more money on.
  18. Yeah, theres no doubt it's oil. And it's coming out the exhaust for sure. It's all over in my tail pipe. When I have the manifold off before to replace the head bolts that i suspected may be it, I had liquid oil running out of the tail pipe. It's got about 50PSI of compression on average. I suspect that it may be a stuck oil ring. The engine has over 200k miles on it and doesn't seem to have been cared for in its past life so I figure the best thing to do would be rebuild it.
  19. That's what I was thinking. Are there any internals that I need to look at changing?
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UIdI8khMkw&feature=related
  21. Decided i was going to take my car on the street again today after making some carb adjustments. I just so happened to look underneath and this is what I see... Yeah, thats fucking oil running out of the exhaust. Me and my dad decided we're going to rip the engine out in a week or so and re-ring it and shitttt. My question is, do I really need to have the crank miked and machined? I want to put new bearings in the bottom end, but my dads telling me if I'm going to replace bearings, it's going to have to be machined with oversized bearings. Do i need to worry about replacing bearings and machining? I really don't have a lot of money for this kind of stuff right now. I'm trying to do minimal work here, but replace everything that's going to be a problem. I don't want to see more issues in the future. What would you guys recommend doing while I have the engine out? I've already rebuilt the top end. Theres also very little cylinder ridge so it shouldn't need to be boored. Just a fresh hone. Again, I'm trying to to spend a few hundred dollars here. I'm poor.
  22. I used permatex once. lol A ratsun fix for sure. It allowed me to remove it and put on a new one after I got another.
  23. You can buy a nice rubber tie down with metal hooks at Autozone for $6 and some change. lol Thats what I use. At least, until I relocate my battery to the back and get a marine deep cycle battery.
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