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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. I'd love to, but in order to do that I'd have to pull the engine out. I don't have the facilities to do it or I would have re-ringed the engine already and replaced the fuel pump. I was kind of thinking something may have gotten caught in the screen when the oil ran low. I'm just playing the fields at the moment for more ideas.
  2. I believe it's Kendell 10w-40 Synthetic blend. That's what ProSport had be do and that's exactly what she did.
  3. Good suggestion. I'm gonna pick one up in the zone tomorrow morning and test it out on lunch. I know my oil pressure was minimal though. I opened my valve cover and didn't seem like much oil had made it up to the head.
  4. Okay, so this just adds fire under my ass for getting the engine swapped Current engine is an A15 Monkeygirl (woman friend) mentioned earlier this afternoon something about oil and asking me general car questions. When I drive I occasionally check all my gauges out of habit. I looked down and noticed my oil pressure had dropped to zero. Temp was about normal but I still got super worried. Clearly my first reaction was to get into the first parking lot and kill the engine. I was only a few minuets from home, but didn't want to risk it. I Checked the oil and the dipstick read ZERO. I had a quart of oil in the back and since she burns oil, I make a habit of checking the oil regularly. I topped it off, started it up and still read zero. No funny noises at all. In fact, I do seem to get about 20 psi of pressure at about 2K, but nothing more then that. I rolled her home and parked it. In the mean time checked the wiring, sender unit and gauge (ProSport) as per their directions given over the phone with a multi meter. All were within spec and gauge functioned as it should. I started it up and still had no oil pressure. I didn't want to risk hurting her so I left it alone for a while. I came back out an hour or so later when the engine was cool, checked my levels and started her up to move it a few feet into the driveway so my dad and I could take a look. When I started it up I instantly had 20 psi at idle and about 40 psi at 2000 (rough numbers). All where they normally would be. Keep in mind, nothing on the engine changed between the time I left it with no pressure and when I came out to move it. I'm honestly baffled by what caused this. Input?
  5. Such a sad loss :( I'll be making a donation as soon as I have money
  6. metalmonkey47

    Sick521 ;)

    You know the drill. Oics or ban.
  7. My Datsun lost oil pressure :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. INDY510


      Did the Dr. Pepper go flat again??

    3. metalmonkey47


      I pulled over at the nearest Autozone. (I hate that place)

    4. Jayden71


      Where did you lose it? Better retrace your steps so you can find it

  8. It looks cool, but remember what Icehouse said. That things gotta be a PITA to work on. Chances are it's not driven much though. I have a friend shaving the engine bay of his Z32. Haven't seen it yet, but it's supposed to be like that.
  9. Theres no snow here. It's 70 degrees out every day.

  10. Good point Charlie. It think Z22 may be where I go And use some L parts on it. You want my A15 when I pull it? I'll give you a an excellent deal on it ;)
  11. Hmmm.. suppose maybe an L16 cover got swapped on maybe assuming they are interchangeable? The block it's resting on is the Z22 IIRC. Wheres the identifying casting on the block?
  12. I see what you guys mean now I thought it seemed odd that it had a 210 head on it. Ain't that the truth. I'm going to go make him an offer and see if he's willing to part with it. If not, I'll still put the L16 in there
  13. In the pictures then engine is bare with nothing on it, so it might be difficult to identify. Off to use the search feature
  14. Maybe it's an L16 and he didn't realize it? I looked for castings on the block, but didn't notice any indentifying marks. i was kind of in a rush though. You can see in the second picture the 210 cast into the head.
  15. I've heard of rings sticking after a rebuild for nearly 2K miles. When I rebuilt my brothers Chevy V6, it smoked for a few hundred until we added seafoam to the oil. The shop that did the machine work suggested it since sticking rings aren't really uncommon in newly rebuilt engines. My 73 Honda bike smoked after I put in new pistons and rings. Never did get it to stop before I sold it. My 210 emits smoke clouds that are the envy of WWII destroyers
  16. To keep it simple, I met a local Puerto Rican Datsun guy and ran by his shop to see his 210. Long story short, he's working on a turbo 3TC swap. It's already got a 5 lug Chevy rear on it. Upon arriving, I saw an L20B and quickly offered him cash for it. He called his brother, and it's now been claimed by me for $150, although he also had a Z22 that came out of the 210. Should I stick with the L20B, or should I go for the Z22? The L20B is in pieces clean and ready to be rebuilt and run. It has a 210 head on it, which IIRC is a low power head that wasn't good for much power. What kind of power would I expect to see from a stock L20B with a 210 head? Oics of said engine if you say please
  17. I think for the sake of keeping my car driveable, I'm going to leave it alone and order a re-man from rock auto.
  18. metalmonkey47


    PM me your info and I'll mail you some for the cost of shipping.
  19. Ouch, very scary thing to go through :( They're in my prayers,
  20. Saw a 620 earlier loaded with bikes. A stack about twice the height of the truck. He was going too quick to get a pic.
  21. I'm underage so i plead the fifth. But I do enjoy a nice Dr. Pepper
  22. Wouldn't it just be simpler and cheaper to reduce the timing a few degrees and run octane booster?
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