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Racer X 69

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Racer X 69 last won the day on April 19 2017

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    The Great Pacific Northwet
  • Cars
    Datsun 240Z (a 70, couple 71s,and a 72, a few 75-78 280Zs,79 280ZX, 72 Camaro, 48 Ford 8N, 48 Adams
  • Interests
    Cars, what else? 48 Adams Motor Grader, 95 Eddie Bauer F250, Kubota L260, and assorted implements.
  • Occupation
    Wing Nut, or, Work Sucks, I'm Goin' Racin'!

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  1. I gotta rant. Since I’m too lazy to find a more appropriate place, here: A local 27 year old dump truck driver was shot and killed at a quarry a few miles from my house today. The initial report is that a 22 year old stranger engaged him as he was exiting the quarry with a load of gravel. After an argument the stranger produced a firearm and shot the truck driver, then took the truck and trailer, according to a companion of the truck driver and witness to the argument and shooting. The stranger was stopped by sheriff’s deputies a few miles away and arrested. Earlier this year a motorcycle rider was killed after colliding with a dump truck. The highway that connects the town I live nearby with the city has had a number of fatal accidents in the past couple of years. Often excessive speed or passing in no passing zones is involved. There is logging, mining and several quarries in the area, so there are lots of big trucks on the roads, and they are involved in a high number of these accidents, although usually the other drivers are at fault. There has also been a half dozen fatal accidents involving young drivers, and alcohol. You know, homecoming and all that. I have lived and worked in this area continuously since 1970. In the last 20 years things have changed. The population has exploded, the roads are clogged with all these people. Seems like everyday anymore crazy stuff goes on. Like the 27 year old truck driver that died today because of an argument.
  2. Lately I’ve been feeling like the character Fish on the 70s sitcom Barney Miller. 30 minutes is about average. So, 2.5 hours a week, around 130 hours a year. Fuck, I hope the IRS doesn’t catch on, they’ll figure out a way to tax me for it.
  3. I’ve heard the Skymaster referred to as the Skybastard more than a few times over the years.
  4. If you can find a rewind shop absolutely. There are a few left, but most rebuilding is done in Mexico anymore, so the domestic shops are slowly fading away.
  5. A couple hundred bucks probably. Also bigger than the Delco unit he has, and a bit more output. They used on heavy trucks and construction equipment.
  6. Why not go all out and use a Leece Neville 200 amp alternator?
  7. Those crazy Canadians will try anything, won’t they?
  8. It used to be I dropped one load a day. As I got older things changed. Now, at almost 66, I drop two loads before I get in the shower. Then after I get to work I drop another just before first break. Sometimes I drop another either just before leaving work, or right after the get home. See what happens when we get old and have to increase the fiber in our diet? Some days I feel like a goose.
  9. Lawyers and politicians, all low life vermin. Every one needs to be eliminated, vaporized and jettisoned into deep space.
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