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About MaxChlan

  • Birthday 02/01/1997

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  • Cars
    1986 Nissan 720 Deluxe King Cab 4x4 (SOLD); 2005 Infiniti G35 Sedan 6MT
  • Interests
    Lacrosse, accounting, and general automotive shenanigans
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  1. Awesome video! I did the exact same job on my 720, but I had auto-locking hubs, which I recall were a bit more finicky than the manual hubs, as it doesn’t come out as a nice clean assembly like yours did. I remember thinking to myself how on earth I was going to tighten the weird nut for the hub. Keep these videos coming!
  2. Interesting. Is your truck actually a late 84 model?
  3. The end of an era! Yesterday afternoon, I sold my truck. It was a tough decision, and one that I might regret when I am older. But like most things in life, hindsight is 20/20, and I definitely will have "rose tinted glasses" as I look back on this truck. I have plenty of pictures, and memories to remember it by. I wanted to send a quick token of appreciation to everyone on the forum who helped me along the way, because without you guys I would not have nearly the depth of knowledge on these trucks as I do. I also appreciate the sense of community that this forum brought me. I plan on being a bit more passive on this forum, but of course I am a sucker for pictures of what everyone is working on. I invited the new owner to join Ratsun, in hopes that he'll continue on with this truck. I'm still not done with Nissan, though. Since March of 2019, I have been daily driving a 2005 Infiniti G35 Sedan, with the VQ35HR motor, and a 6-Speed manual transmission. Regardless of how much faster, more economical, and comfortable this car is, it will never replace the memories and "smiles per gallon" my 720 gave me. I hope you all enjoyed my journey, because I sure did.
  4. I have a 1986 FSM in PDF form if you would like. Feel free to send me a PM with your email and I can send it over.
  5. MaxChlan

    Rebuild begins!

    I think you're talking about part number I had an issue with here. I believe it is 92422M in the diagram within that post. My solution was to about ten inches of 7/8ths hose, because it is mostly a straight shot from the water outlet to the bottom of the carb.
  6. I do this too. I live in MN, and drive my 720 maybe once a week. My normal procedure is two pumps, and it generally it either starts and stays running, or will starvefor fuel and die. In that case I'll let it sit for a couple seconds, then start it again. The only time I've had to break out the starter fluid is when it was -27 ambient. Below is the fuel pump wiring/operation from the 1986 manual: I can definitely see how you'd have a hard-start issue if the bowl is emptying for whatever reason, combined with a weak fuel pump or semi-clogged filter. I think a good solution would be to wire it to accessory with a switch.
  7. From what I can see, it seems like the bed and cab are mostly the same. The roofline seems to be extended with fiberglass maybe an inch or two, with steel tubing used to reinforce for new roof and bed area. It’s no doubt that the fiberglass isn’t meant to be taken off.
  8. Subbed on here and Youtube. She looks really rough in the video, but the nice part is that you're starting with something really rare and really cool. If you need help with posting pictures on this forum, see my write-up here. Please DO NOT use photobucket. If you'd like, I have a PDF version of the service manual for the 1986 model year that I OCR'd and bookmarked, so you can use the search function within Adobe. I'm fairly certain your truck is a later model 1984, so everything should be mostly the same. One question I have right away, is where the fiberglass starts, and how much modification you think they (Matrix3) made to the rear of the truck in order to make this work. It doesn't seem like there is a good source of information on the details, so if you document your progress right, you could be the definitive source on the topic!
  9. So, it seems like there are two solutions: Like what @67_1600 said, if you search for four or more characters, the search function works fine within the Ratsun site. Alternatively, you can use Google as described by @thisismatt , searching for results just from Ratsun. Of course we can thank the all-powerful @datzenmike for translating users' topics into english for the rest of us. Thanks guys!
  10. I am having an issue, and hope that someone might have a solution. No matter what I search in this forum, I get no results. For example, lets say I would like to search all posts containing the word LED: I go to the search bar, and type in LED. I went into the advance settings, and played with the options, still resulting in nothing: Even when I search the exact title of my build thread, nothing appears: However, when I simply search the word nissan, I get results. Is there something I am missing here?
  11. Where is that tool from? Would have been great to have that when I did my head gasket!
  12. Holy shit... heat heat heat. I would be scared of snapping the head off the bolt at this stage.
  13. Yeah, I had a similar struggle, which is why I never bothered to replace the cracked seals on my king cab slider. I used some silicone to fill the cracks, but since your window is already out of the truck, that obviously won't work for you.
  14. My truck currently does not have a fast idle adjustment screw, and I would like to get one in there. The screw fell out some time ago, and I was wondering if anyone could pull one off of an old carb they have and get the thread pitch/size for me. It’s probably M6 or M8 x1.25. I would just go to the store and buy a few screws to see which one fits, but the fast idle cam is hard to get at with the carb on the manifold and I’d rather not mess around trying to fit a screw that’s too large in the hole.
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