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    Cleveland Ohio
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    1972 510 4door
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  1. Hi guys look for high Ratsun Rat and wrenches high resolution logo to get a vinyl stencil made to have it painted on my car if anyone still has I can’t find a high resolution anywhere. Or if you know someone that makes them for painting Thanks.
  2. just let you know it's very important! If it is made from PLA most common for 3d printing it wont last very wont in a hot car.
  3. looks like I need to get a new credit card for shopping lol.
  4. That will not work, it is a longer rod.
  5. I would use the Z22 motor and put the W58 head on that, also witch timing cover. That would be more power and easier then switching everything over.
  6. What type of cutter is this? like the size of the cut wheels.
  7. Thanks, I thought that I mite just have to cut and replace metal. Was hoping for some good news, but this project just keeps going down hill. I will start a billing thread soon and upload the rest of the photos.
  8. Hello everyone, I have been working on my very rusty dime and found out that it had to of been hit on passenger side. it looks like the last owner pulled it back out but did a crapy job at it causing it to rust really bad. shitty welding never seeing anything so shitty!!! :geek: it was all covered up with all most an inch of mud on it. Guess thats what I get for buying a car with out seeing it in person. My question see photo, The firewall on passenger side is dented in a little bit. I can't figure out the best way to fix with with out taking the hole front frame aport and I don't want to do that. that is more then I can do. any thoughts? Oh and I did not cut that square in the fire wall don't no why PO did that :confused: Thanks
  9. I sold him the purple one, guess another project that won't get completed. :crying:
  10. Yes it is hard to be a Datsun fan being on the east cost. I live in Ohio and the only thing that pops up is Z-car club and that is still couple hour drive for me. If I wanted a muscle car I could go to car meets every day! so sad. :crying: Then when you talk about cars with them they think your nuts for bring up a Datsun!! I think I'm venting a little bit.
  11. Thanks I never looked at car-part.com and found a completed engine about 3hr drive from me. Getting it tomorrow they did not know what to ask for it so we came up with $150.00! :thumbup: that is really good for E-cost, the guy was shocked that they had that old of a truck still on the lot.
  12. Sweet that does not seem that hard to do thanks!
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