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Everything posted by goes2fast

  1. Where's the gas tank? Oops, now I see it, I don't think I would ride it to have, too easy to have burning balls! :rofl:
  2. Back in the 50s and early 60s all the bras made women look like they had cones. :rofl:
  3. Much more impressive than blipping a throttle over and over again in a parking lot with lots of valve clatter!
  4. I always heard Makuni took the Weber design and improved it?
  5. Don't feel sorry for you, just wait til you are my age! Went to the Tri-State swap meet yesterday, and after 4 hours of looking at cool cars and parts that I couldn't afford, I went home hardly able to walk, and only found a dvd of Vanishing Point to buy. :baby: :(
  6. Must be a really long weekend! :rofl:
  7. You think NY taxis smell bad, I bet that one smells worse! :rofl:
  8. Found this today, Europeans do everything different, so many different types of engines, didn't know weather to post here or aircraft porn. The announcer must do soccer too.
  9. It's been proven more than once that you can make more power with E85 than with race gas.
  10. I didn't think about the rear view mirror, better look again, you can see the bar and rear brace in the mirror. :rofl:
  11. How can you tell no roll bar, view is just out the front? Could be a 4 or 6 point behind the camera.
  12. Maybe no rubber marks, but it was fishtailing and going side ways more than once.
  13. I wasn't blaming you, just the ones that ignored my post. :thumbup:
  14. No, they would have nuked us, that was what the stealth bomber was for, they were working on nukes, and we got their scientists after we beat them, and used them to build the nukes we droped on Japan.
  15. I'll admit it didn't sound too good at part throttle, but when he got on it, it reved fast, and sounded pretty good. The ticking sound could have been pebbles kicked up, but it sounded like something inside the car to me.
  16. The ME262 was a jet, not a rocket, and the allies found that even thoug it was much faster than anything they had, it was not as manuverable, so they out manuvered it to make the kills. The German flying wing used the same engines as the ME262, which were unreliable, causing the crash of the first prototype, and the second prototype was not finished before the end of the war. They were also developing a larger bomber version that was to use 6 engines, and would have had enough range to hit targets on the east coast of the US. If the Germans could have held on another year, the out come of the war might have been much different. It's a good thing that Hitlers ego caused him to make so many bad decisions.
  17. But I said it first! :frantics:
  18. Looks like this just starts your engine, instead of turning the key another notch.
  19. Looks to me like they were going for a rear wiper?
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