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Everything posted by goes2fast

  1. Yep, flowed right down the quarter! :rofl:
  2. Don't trust this guy, he said you got it, so I sent the money, then he sold it to someone else! :no: :mad:
  3. It's pretty much the same except for a few hail dents, had to pay $280 to the high dollar guys in Japan for new cowl scoops because the hail broke the old brittle ones into a million pieces. I have all new rubber seals for every where except the vent windows, which still are not available. I also have a new headliner, all waiting for new paint to install. Between my body falling apart, house needing work, and my other car projects, I need to be realistic about what I can get done before I kick the bucket, so the 1200, the SC300, and my Cherokee have to go. :(
  4. I am interested in the new one also, please pm me. Thanks, Jim
  5. $3500? That would include all the parts I have collected for it too!
  6. I don't think we have fought a war to really win since Korea. :(
  7. I'm wondering what is under the hood?
  8. At my age I need to get more realistic about my goals, and get off my ass to do what I can. :rofl:
  9. Kind of like me telling myself I'm going to get some work done on my truck! :rofl:
  10. I'm finally going to try and get back to work on my KC, going to reduce my projects so I can finish the ones that mean the most to me. :thumbup:
  11. Due to financial issues, and health problems, I'm thinking about selling my 1200, any one interested?
  12. Thanks, I never knew there was any aircraft plants here, although my aunt worked at a plant during WWII making aircraft windows, but never knew where it was located.
  13. Should be in pin ups too!
  14. All turbines, and jets will run on diesel, we used to run our diesel trucks at DIA on jet fuel, almost the same stuff. They made us stop because no road tax on the jet fuel. :rofl:
  15. It's that way here too, but you have to get tested once to get your plates the first time.
  16. If you have to get an emissions test to get the first license plate, that gas cap will not fly, experience speaking.
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