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Everything posted by goes2fast

  1. What is that beauty connected to? Can't tell with all the plumbing and turbos around it.
  2. Yea that's a nice pair of small blocks! :rofl:
  3. goes2fast


    No one likes Jungle Pam?
  4. goes2fast


    Here is the original Staging Girl!
  5. That's why they make custom grills. :rofl: There is also the possibility of a swap to an earlier grill?
  6. What's wrong with a 57? It's got the cool hood!
  7. I still work at a physical job, and after working on my home and yard, I don't seem to have much left for my cars any more. If I could afford to retire, then maybe I could do more on my Dattos. :crying:
  8. OMG! I don't think my heart could handle that! :rofl:
  9. I might give him a call, if I can't find someone close to me. I can't afford a big tow bill to get it to a shop that is not close.
  10. Darrel, Thanks for the info, If I can't find some one closer, I'll try and get in touch with them. Do you have an address or phone number for them?
  11. Thanks Mike. Bob just works on his own cars, and has the race track to run, so his plate is pretty full. I don't have the physical endurance to do what I used to before my back surgery. Now I have a bad knee that is slowing me down more, so at 67 the old saying what I used to do all day long now takes me all day to do applies. :crying: :rofl:
  12. Any one know of some one I can take my truck to that knows Dattos, and will not take me to the cleaners? I don't have the time to work on my 620, and need to get it running again soon. Thanks!
  13. I always heard "If it don't go, chrome it!" :rofl:
  14. I'd take any one of them, but I want the Stude! :thumbup:
  15. Now some one needs to post a pic of the freight train?
  16. I would kill to have one of these in my Fairlane! :wub:
  17. Why is she sitting there when I have a vacant face? :rofl:
  18. Then you have a big block that eats even more gas, and makes the same power as a LS. :rofl:
  19. Yea, I remember one used to show up at Big Willie's drag strip at Long Beach, was very disappointed when I saw how slow it was. If I had one, I would drop a LS6 in it. B)
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