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Everything posted by goes2fast

  1. Now that is a Big Mack Attack! ?
  2. I think the car is an Austin, but what is the aircraft?
  3. Same truck with trailer in front of the plant I was hauling for.
  4. My first new Big truck just after having the lettering, and pin striping done.
  5. Mike Ryan kicking ass on Pike's Peak.
  6. This is the same truck after I got it painted.
  7. My first big truck again, with a big load. That is 1/2 of the bed from a Cat rock truck.
  8. That's what happens when you get old, just ask me! I'm lucky to remember who I am when I wake up. ?
  9. You are getting picky in your old age, used to allow as long as it wasn't spread, so....
  10. In my opinion this was the best looking paint we ever had, I miss this livery so much!
  11. And now for something completely different.
  12. I still have some flannel shirts in my closet.?
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