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Everything posted by Jassifrass

  1. <_< yea so about that...seems easy enough but it's kind of hard to do that alone...like move it just right and see them coming on, then off, then on.... I did check the fuses...i swear...
  2. it didnt help though....it started pouring on me so i may have been a bit rushed. I'll try again when im off work but i dont know if thats the problem.... The lights are coming on and everything, they're getting power. Just one side i way way dimmer than the other. The turn signal right under it is fine. Nice and bright and blinks and everything....so very frustrating. :(
  3. yea the kid is holdin an hourglass. and yea theres good concerts. Les Claypool was here not to long ago even.
  4. oh come on i just forgot the L <_< and you did know what i meant so there :P wouldnt solder be better? I have a soldering gun around here somewhere....
  5. it's also not the turn signal switch i just put in. I dont think it's my stereo causing it either. the lights are just as crappy when the car is off and the stereo is not using any power.... :(
  6. damn it, i pulled a jessi and didnt check if i was loged in to my profile.
  7. i found the pics skib left on my pc, so it started to rain goons turns out the 4-2-1 heads i had are not for a l20...... but also turns out i have a early l16 exhaust manni so thats better any ways. this is a pic of what on the side of the 4-2-1 headers skib geting a better viwe worth it beer back track, geting the intake off the 510 bunch of datsuns jncbot is a fast learner all by myself more of that dank dinner that stupid little box was in the way, so it had to go told you i put the gas tank back in
  8. i'm still learning all this stuff. im also a visual learner....try to bear with me :D what do you mean by plug connectors? the socket deal is stuck on a bunch of wires wrapped together that goes somewhere else.... i dont even know... is it safe to assume all the wires stuck to my battery with the little washer like things are ground wiresfor something? 2 of them are red...one is red by the battery then goes into where the voltage reg. lives and looks like this... looks like it's just loosly twisted together there. no soder or tape or anything...
  9. ok more to add i guess. My left side lights are being crap. :angry: They are on but barely. If i have the lights on the blinker gets really dim. I have tried just about everything i can think of now and nothing it helping. I took out the bulbs cleaned the plugs and bulbs. It doesnt matter which bulbs i put in the left side i just really dim. it's not fuses, they're all new. I even cleaned it with a wire brush again. I even swapped out the volatage regulator and nothing. Im not good with wiring, i dont even know which is the ground wire for them. that's the only other thing i can think of and i dont know how to do it :( help of any kind would be cool. i really dont know what to do.
  10. oh well it's been suggested i see :blink:
  11. :( white german shepards are the most beautiful dogs i have ever seen. I really hope he gets better. Maybe you can get him a doggy wheel chair and he can just roll around.
  12. I started it on kellys profile :unsure: I needed something to take my mind of all the douchbaggery. It worked very well too!
  13. yea its a bummer those images arent in color :(
  14. if only someone would come rescue it from you...it will be happy again someday
  15. NOT MY PROBLEM. You made a deal . Bottom line. Stick to it. I do not agree to a change in our agreement there for it is NOT OK. I dont need to go into detail. Do you have any idea how much money i make or how much i pay in bills and other expenses. NO. you dont. Im not rich. i can get by, April is a good month for us. that was why that worked. That doesnt matter. We did you a favor and you made a deal.
  16. yet you couldnt make any kind of payment to us....anything at all? convenient
  17. you continue to make youself look worse and worse. just grow up, admit you wrong, and deal with this. if you dont want it to be a public specticle just paypal us the money. You have the info, i'll pm if you dont. go to a payday loan store and borrow enough to pay it off and deal with it. Its really very simple. then all of this just goes away
  18. i was nice and talked to you. your girl stood by the car with her arms crossed lookin like she had a bad smell on her lip.
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