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Everything posted by mrbigtanker

  1. mrbigtanker

    My 1971 521

    And about 6-8 lbs only. Don’t be like me and try to put the bolts through the block.
  2. Dam liberals.lol Funny you say that , I have tested to see if counts your own. The answer is no, because then I would have 1.75 million views.lol
  3. mrbigtanker

    My 1971 521

    Yes use a silicone also on both sides. nice smooth even amount.
  4. mrbigtanker

    My 1971 521

    Mike if I make a stroker block out of my L20B I got the Nissan NOS long rods, what pistons do I buy ? The wrist pin needs to be moved up correct.
  5. Untitled by raymond medeiros, on Flickr Untitled by raymond medeiros, on Flickr Not bad for a turd.
  6. Untitled by raymond medeiros, on Flickr Untitled by raymond medeiros, on Flickr Untitled by raymond medeiros, on Flickr Untitled by raymond medeiros, on Flickr Got me one.
  7. Untitled by raymond medeiros, on Flickr Untitled by raymond medeiros, on Flickr Untitled by raymond medeiros, on Flickr Untitled by raymond medeiros, on Flickr One expensive hot wheel.#7 of #25
  8. Untitled by raymond medeiros, on Flickr Untitled by raymond medeiros, on Flickr Untitled by raymond medeiros, on Flickr Untitled by raymond medeiros, on Flickr Got one. This dam toy cost more than some of your guys trucks.
  9. I turn my hat and its like a switch. That was a real dumb show.
  10. mrbigtanker

    My 1971 521

    Its awkward but that's not heavy. Fuck im 48 and I can lift up and carry it. But a fork lift is much easier.lol
  11. mrbigtanker

    My 1971 521

    Carry it you pussy. I would just pick it up and carry it. Not that heavy.
  12. That is correct. ITM is pretty good stuff.
  13. Nice stuff, I don't even think I'm going that hi tech. Love it.
  14. Well not over the over the top.
  15. Well said it’s to bad the ghetto ass cities of the major democrat controlled states are devilcrats. Look at Oregon almost all gop except shitland I mean Portland. Oh well at least if Biden wins Bruce Springsteen won’t have to leave the country. Hate loose a asshat like him. Lol
  16. Well I agree with almost everything you said. Not interested in Cumala or a Killary. What gets me is all the support for trump and this old asshat might win. If the GOP holds the senate they can make the dummycrats life hard. Arizona with there so called marsh pen markings of the ballot Nevada now will wait till Thursday to release the winner and Michigan at some point last night got 126,000 ballots in and for some reason all Biden. Hope all these fuckers burn in hell. These coastal states are all fucked and Hawaii were I come from. Oh well electric Datsuns anyone.
  17. At this point I think its safe to say President Trump is the clear winner.
  18. mrbigtanker

    My 1971 521

    What does your dog like, I see you though.
  19. Oh I see the OCD is strong with this one. Nice
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