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Everything posted by mrbigtanker

  1. I'm not biting you count chocula,take it easy.I am just stating the obvious,no one said or i know i'm not sticking up for them and they aint paying me to talk good about them,don't call me a moron and you don't even know who the fuck your talking to.And i just re-red my post and i don't know were i insulted you.And were is the tuff guy shit come from,talk about grow up. It would be great if they did different classes but i guess plaque's cost money and if goes in to profits they wont do it.just have fun bro chill out.hear i will leave this picture for you. I will say i am fuckin good lookin.
  2. you got it.green truck next year.
  3. i would ship it,im from there and nissan does good,toyota thats another story
  4. Rock just curios why dont you turn the fans the other way so you can hide the wiring on the bottom side of the fans,i know its going behind the grill but in the long run it would look cleaner.looks good i wish my whole truck looked like that valve cover. :thumbup:
  5. Dale if you go down be cool with them i am almost confident they will ship it,but if PAsha is cheaper then go that route,Matson is the life line of the Hawaiian islands so they are strict but they can be forgiving.Let me call my dad and see if he has any contacts at pasha or Matson.Let me get back with you.
  6. heater cuz you dont need that trow it away.lol
  7. The difference is your so called dog show is a investment,and dont bullshit me on this,you show,you place and guess what every one wants your doggy sperm or you have litters and sell your dogs for profit and yea yea to cover costs,then you mention the Oscars give me a break,dude read there website they tell you point blank if you dont like dont come,it is as simple as that,im not defending them at all just stating the facts,people are starting to sound like the married couple that buys a house just outside from a oil refinery and now there complaning about the noise traffic the smells.Next time dont buy next to the refinery that was there first.I hope this all makes sense.I can go on all day about this but i wont ive posted to much about his already. I will be there next year with my other truck with tons of money being poured in it,but hey if i dont win i dont win,its all about the good times.
  8. Then you have the wrong attitude but i cant help that.
  9. Right on bro,now get your ass to bed son and no ratsun at all for you tonight.lol
  10. Dude i love your truck,bare metal the whole thing and let Hawaii do the rest for you.
  11. I love you old timer and yes the right hand drive 520 took first place last year,i took second and that UTE on ebay for sale right now took third.The green one is really clean to but you got to admit it was nice for some fresh truck to win to like John's 520.
  12. Were is your JCCS sticker on your car.it was a very clean 510 i might add if you remember i stopped you on the street,i was the first guy to welcome you i think,how about that.lol
  13. No not me sir the owner i just wanted to let people know.
  14. winner first place.Congrats John.
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