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Everything posted by mrbigtanker

  1. Your right i wanted to do it,again the honda boy thing is he works on honda's
  2. Nice :thumbup: :thumbup:
  3. You know Koyorad pissed me off but they make a good product for very good prices,check out there website they have measurements on there radiators for all cars,find one that matches.They got there regular and racing sites,check um out go.
  4. Right on DAWA,well i am sending my parents up here to California to spend thanksgiving at my house.Smoke any good Pakalolo yet.lol Ask KAi he get the hook ups cuz.
  5. DAWA you are the man,you enjoying the islands bra.
  6. you know what K-trip i would even push the number to about 5000.00,its just the side mirrors and interior and other stuff besides the body thats just such a deal breaker.
  7. You see what you made me do,now i got to clean the fuckin screen,damm this shit is sticky and salty.wait a minute i should not have typed this.lol
  8. Whats up big bopper love the C-10,is that a fast intake,and the wheels are those HRE's.Love it man just love it,i tell you more and more i want to sell my toy trucks and build a man's truck. :thumbup:
  9. Money check,talk to Erik check does not call back ever,oh thats the problem.Its ok i am a lot happier with what i did to my truck now.
  10. Hose connections in the wrong place will it work yes does it look sloppy yes,but what ever floats your boat and i got a big ship.lol
  11. Nice truck is that a l16 or 20b,what is your drop 3",i would leave and just drive it.Very nice truck by the way and welcome aboard.
  12. That truck is not worth the money,if had no body damage yes,but not with how it looks now.
  13. The swap is cool its just he is a Honda man then,and i tried to get him to do the swap and thats when the second part comes in.To me he is a flake.
  14. That guy is a HONDA boy,why does he even come there.I will tell you one thing he thinks he is a god and he does not return phone calls.
  15. Its the type of people these events draw thats it,i said it before and the people that heard me say no who you are.Dude the place is to small and packed you got to park your car a mile away if you cant get in,no thanks.But in the end i hope it works out for everybody.
  16. Soooooooooooooooo hows this swap going.
  17. Dude you dont need a CBR one,just search a little more for the right one,the reason why i went with them was i was going to get a koyorad and i drove down to there place looking for assistance and the budda heads there just kind of blew me off so i said fuck em.If i get a chance i will take a picture of what the patch looks like and you will see,they can make them cleaner but not clean enough for my taste.
  18. To bad they dont make one John.And think of the fridge you would need for the one outside.
  19. Sorry bro its not the same.I have the real deal,this is the industrial model with the LED's and everyting.
  20. He is my little thai massage boy.I dont think jealousy looks good on you.
  21. Looking good,i love the fact that something as simple as running the fuel line on the back side against the fire wall instead of the front is s so much cleaner.
  22. It can be done but they put a patch over it,and even if he does it good you will still see the patch,it's your truck though,that's why I spent the money on the CBR one.
  23. We're did you get those mirrors from,they must be rare as he'll
  24. It don't fit ah,can you mount it lower or are you all the way down to the front cross frame rail.by the time you mold in the cap and by one of those it will look like shit to just get another radiator,that's what I will do.
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