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Everything posted by mrbigtanker

  1. were is this truck,lost in the broken down 521's yard like another guy i know,wait thats me.
  2. Thank you,I do work for TESORO[ARCO] and I am a Fire fighter actually engineer on our department,we are external fire fighters and hydrocarbon specialists.But we do save lives and have in the past many times.
  3. Oh i am,like i said if it had the stock bed for it i would consider it.
  4. http://For 2014, JCCS will celebrate a true milestone--its 10th anniversary! It is a huge milestone, one that has seen the larger collector-car world warm to the idea that Japanese cars are as historic, important, collectible and fun as any other automobile. We have all walked together to represent the beauty and historic importance of Japanese classic cars, and your participation has helped change the prevailing tide of opinion. No one raises an eyebrow when we say "Japanese" and "classic car" together in the same sentence anymore. We are forever grateful to you for helping to make this happen. In order to continue this march toward respectability, we will be making some important tweaks to the rules of eligibility in the months ahead. Stay tuned for more precise details, but we are going to be looking more closely at entries; particularly those cars with dents, rust and primer. We love and appreciate unrestored vehicles, but for 2014, we will be limiting entries ofunfinished or accident-damaged vehicles. We mention this to you now because we know that many of your cars are works in progress, and machines cars like the ones that form the foundation of JCCS cannot be built overnight. Acceptance will be handled on a case-by-case basis, and so we ask that you aim to have your car finished for September 27, 2014 so that we can have the strongest JCCS show yet!
  5. Pm me if you want to sell one of the bluebird or sss coupe.
  6. So this is the truck i guy wants to trade for my red 521.If it had the stock bed i would do it,but like this i am a glutton for punishment.
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