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Everything posted by mrbigtanker

  1. So quick update I got nothing. Just got some new cool stuff and trying to make time to work on it.that is all
  2. mrbigtanker

    69 521 Build

    So let me say this again,I got my battery in the bed useing a billet mount,some were down the line I am going to make I mean pay some one to make a drop box in the bed on the front passenger side to put battery in..I am also going to do the same with the wagon under the back seat passenger side because there is room for it. Now back to progress updates, I sure wish I had your money that's for sure..
  3. mrbigtanker

    69 521 Build

    You were fine driving VW's around with the Dist right next to the the fuel pump right.
  4. mrbigtanker

    69 521 Build

    Front passenger side, just forward of the wheel well cut a hole and make a drop box you put in the floor of bed
  5. Oh no buddy you aint going to weasel your way out of this one.lol :rofl:
  6. A blow job and a hand shake.
  7. mrbigtanker

    69 521 Build

    I just put it in the bed with a Optima billet mount.
  8. Hes a good guy even with bash each other,but they are nice. Were's the picture.
  9. You paid nothing but your fuckin old asss mouth is real sore not to mention your ass, but hey it was free. :rofl:
  10. what is this a fuckin english class,were da pics? lol
  11. mrbigtanker

    69 521 Build

    I see you already got a FJ manifold there buddy. Coming along real nice. :thumbup:
  12. eBay got one right now,I am buying the left you can have the right.
  13. Hawaiian nice truck,you got 2 more Hawaiian boyz with 521's to cuz.HAWAIIAN
  14. Bro updates already shit, i am waiting so i can get my car to you already.lol
  15. Yea Duncan your a animal. No shit on the prices but glad you had a good time, shit if I was off I would of went with you.
  16. Oh its a love hate thing.
  17. Its a 620 take that puppy back,Nah just kidding it looks clean from this angle.
  18. Come one come all, to the IE meet, just dont park in Robert's spot.Have fun guys..
  19. Another Portagee from Portugal, right on might be the new parts place over seas..Very nice car..
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