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Everything posted by CWhip

  1. For some reason I can't PM you. I need some help with my 210 and since you tha man up here in the NW, I was hoping you could get it sorted out! Hollar at me! Thanks in advance! Whip
  2. I feel the same way about mine! Congrats! Looks good!
  3. Thanks! Now it doesn't feel like I'm going to roll the rubber of the rims when I push it through the corners! :D
  4. I got the 5 speed installed and put some wider tires on.
  5. CWhip

    Dual Su's on a A15

    Thanks for the replies! Looks like I need to start looking around for a SSS manifold. Wayno, would you be willing to sell one of the manifolds you have?
  6. CWhip

    Dual Su's on a A15

    Thanks MetalMonkey, I've been all over the place with the search, dual carbs, dual SU's, a15, etc. Seen them on plenty of L series just not on the A.
  7. Just wondering if it's been done before? Pics? I've got a couple laying around the garage and would like to fit them up. Suggestions, good idea or bad? I've looked into the Weber 32/36 DGEV Carburetor but since I've got these already I'd like to do something with them. The motor is completely stock and I'm looking for a little bit more out of it.
  8. How much for the hyd clutch line from the res to the slave cyl shipped to 98321?
  9. Finally got another 210. It's an 1981 and is in great shape!
  10. Anybody out there want to help a newbie drop a KA24DE in my roadster? I've been trying to read up on the process but I think I may have overloaded on info. Any pointers would be great!!
  11. Mine is just bare metal. Not painted.
  12. That doesn't look like the manifold in my roadster and I've got a 1600. More pics?
  13. I just wanted to say thanks for putting on the event. I know I had a good time. I didn't get to talk to as many people as I would have liked but there's always next time. And yes, the ranger did look like he was getting pissed!! Chad
  14. I couldn't agree more!! I got mine pretty cheap and have dumped more on parts than what I paid for it!! And I'm nowhere near being finished. I guess it all depends on what you want to do, keep it original or mod it out. There was quite a few on the Seattle CL recently but now there are none. Keep your eyes peeled, the good deals are out there. Good luck.
  15. I'm down for that in the coming summer months!! I've got classes on friday nights till June!! Also interested in meeting some more folks for BBQ's. Chad
  16. Lots of great info over here as well. http://www.311s.org
  17. I have the same milk crate, the grey one!! :blink: Congrats on the new house!! Chad
  18. Hey Pete thanks for the link over to this site, LOTS of good info. I actually got a headache last night when researching the KA. Info overload!! That and I've got two more boards to look at now!!:blink:
  19. Is the timing correct? I thought my carbs were out of sync and got really frustrated trying to get them dialed in. I got them close with the uni-syn and the plugs looked alright but it was popping and stumbling on acceleration. It ended up that the timing was just a little off and now it runs great. Something simple to check after you get it warmed up. Good luck. Chad
  20. Sorry I haven't given you guys anything to bitch about:D!! Here a few more pics.
  21. First off Hello, I got directed over here from the 311's board when I was researching how to install a KA24DE. Been looking around the site and liked what I saw so, here I am, just another smart ass with another website to check every couple hours. You can check out pics on my webshots, everyone likes pics. My first car was a 1980 210 and I've regretted getting rid of that car everytime I see one, which isn't that often. I was looking around on CL to find another one when I found my Roadster, and now I'm obsessed!! So I'll have some questions, most are probably going to about the oncoming KA swap. And if anyone is interested in free beer in exchange for some hands-on engine wiring, let me know and I'm sure we can work something out!!:blink: Chad
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