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Everything posted by 71DIMER

  1. Ok no rain...see you guys there! :)
  2. I hate running wheels with no center caps, looks cheap to me so I've been testing these center cap 'alternatives' to see if they hold. They're not wheel center caps so don't have any tabs to hold them in place but are the just about the right diameter for my Watanabe's but are not made of hard plastic so I couldn't wedge them in tightly so I wasn't sure if they'd fly off while driving. So far it's been 2 months and they're still holding on!
  3. fiveanddime, I just shipped yours. I have 1 left for pickup/shipping right now.
  4. What happend to "Auction style postings will also be removed."
  5. Bump for this week's meet.
  6. I knew you'd like it Mark! I was joking too...I know how much Mark likes the Shiek :P
  7. No, I sold my 521 a while back but like we all know it's good to pick up good parts when they pop up right? :)
  8. Ah ok I gotcha. I guess I assumed all 521's didn't have the chains missing but I guess that makes sense. Thanks Jefe, nah not new, they're originals. Got them awhile back locally on CL from a guy selling his dad's Datsun stuff.
  9. I think this is what Mark really means... :P
  10. Am I missing which ones you're talking about? Here's a pic of my bumperettes but I don't see any 'tailgate' stops. Unless you're refering to just the rubber stop on them?
  11. Today through Sunday take 15% off your order of $40.00 or more! Coupon Codes: US: THANKF CAD: CADTHANKF
  12. It's all good man I replied to dimerforlife13 PM and told him just like Creepycruiser (cool guy BTW) whenever anyone asks for larger ones or different colors I always refer to him or anyone else that makes them. I'm not trying to be a monopoly or anything, just thought I'd point it out that's all. I should have more for sale up soon...which I bumped my thread up. Thanks for the compliments on the quality guys, I know I wouldn't try to sell junk to fellow Ratsun owners. I agree, more different stickers are always cool...I have plenty of space on my goon window to fill up with more Datsun orientated stickers. :)
  13. Just wondering if you realize I sell the same stickers that you also call 'Rat-N-Wrenches' sticker? http://community.ratsun.net/topic/13024-ratsun-rat-n-wrenches-decal-part-ii-new/
  14. Skib and Blitz, I have ordered more so they'll be available soon. :)
  15. I heard JDM510 might make it up.... hahaahahahahah, sorry after last nights 'fun' I couldn't resist. :P
  16. Guys I don't think more name calling is going to help this matter out. I think JDM has a chance to do this right and I for one am going to give him the benefit of the doubt but we all now know this happened and will wait to see the final outcome. Hopefully you two can agree to a revised timeframe for the remainder of the money or parts to be exchanged and end this for both sides. I'm sure we'll hear updates on this thread. Best of luck to JDM for selling whatever he needs to and to Jas-ifras in getting his money that's due.
  17. Well from what I read it was you that came up with the negotiated pay scale along with the time schedule as well...so he simply expected you to stick to that since you were the originator of it. I know you don't like all this in the open but he was rightfully frustrated at the situation. It's tough luck for you, but that's not supposed to translate into tough luck for him. So like I said you can still fix this by letting him know (and the rest of us that think you're in the wrong) how you'll correct this. Why not sell off some of your 510 parts to make up some of the money...just an idea.
  18. Look JDM, before you get too defensive like you've done in past threads where you're called out on stupid shit, why not save face here and just appologize for it taking this long and say you'll pay him back as soon as you can and just leave it at that. Saying things like now you'll take longer to pay him is just idiotic and makes you look more like an ass. I don't see how you can justify anything since it was you that made the decision to start this whole transaction. He didn't force you to go beyond your financial means to get it and be stuck in this current situation.
  19. Did you realize all private sale car sales are AS-IS, so unless you pointed these flaws out at the time you took delivery of the vehicle, it's not his fault things broke or didn't work. You still owe him the agreed to price. Don't try to get out of the agreement over emails/PM's whatever you two agreed to because technically that's a binding agreement that you can't get out of.
  20. JDM, sorry to say but that $400 you paid for gas/truck/trailer/whatever that's all YOUR loss since it was YOUR decision to go up there and buy it. Nothing more, nothing less. You seriously didn't think this out too well so you need to 'man up' and pay him the $450 (you agreed to $650 then tried to lowball down more once you realized you were in a financial pinch). If you don't have the money you need to send him parts that are of equal value that he wants, not parts that you need to get rid of. This isn't something you can try to back peddle with your goofy ass postings. Seriously...man up to your mistakes.
  21. Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez, all that for less than $300. Christ almighty JDM pay the guy will you. Something 'similiar' happened to me years ago when I paid $400 for a transmission for my Honda Prelude to this guy half way across the US. Long story short....he would reply to emails and answer his phone asap in the beginning. He said he was busy and he's ship it out later...so I made the mistake of telling him I wasn't in a huge hurry to get it so it was ok. Fast forward 6 months later and he hadn't shipped me anything. He wouldn't answer the phone or reply to emails much if at all, he moved...so I started tracking him down. During one of our early emails he mentioned he was working lots of OT due to a storm knocking down a lot of power lines poles and that he worked at an electrical transformer company...so I looked up electrical transformers up in his area using a 50 mile radius from his original address and found 7 such electrical companies, so I started calling them one at a time. When I called the first number it was a disconnected line. On the second company number on my list they answered and I asked if the guy worked there and I was totally surprised that they told me yes but he works during the night shift. So that night I called and asked for him, he got on the phone and said he's send me the money the next day via Western Union but for me not to call him at work since he's not supposed to get personal calls at work. I waited 2 days and didn't hear anything....now I was beyond pissed. I called his work number again and before he could tell me any more lies I told him that if I didn't get all my money the next day send via fedex (this is before paypal) I would call him at work every hour on the hour just to get him fired. I told him that would be worth the $400 to me....the next day I had my money. :)
  22. I'll trade you a fat $5 bill for them Mark! LOL J/K You can always swap back to stock 510 front suspension and run them. I can give you my old complete stock struts assemblies if you decide you want to run them, let me know :) Well...good luck with the sale amigo!
  23. Well it's time for our regular last Thursday of the month So. Bay meet, so wash off the dirty rain dirt off your rides and come on down. There's some light out at the beginning to take some good pics of our rides and also plenty of light in the parking lot and plenty of hot coffee and/or hot chocolate at Starbucks once the sun goes down, so get in your dime, z, whatever and come on out for what's turned out to be a good meet! WHAT:Nor Cal South Bay Old School Import Meet WHERE:3605 El Camino Real, Santa Clara CA (Starbuck's parking lot) WHEN:Thursday 05/27 at 7pm until whenever
  24. Nah I drove all they way out there just to take pictures! Mas Puto! Hahaha :P Yeah I grabbed the rear bumper, the front was thrashed. I called a few other Ratsuners while I was there if they wanted the doors, they were all straight...well most of them if not all. I took parts I wanted/needed but overall the car was pretty straight. I have no idea what's left of it now but when I got to it the engine bay was gutted as well as the interior. Still it was rare to see a 510 at the junk yard. I also saw this while I was there...not as rare but still a Datsun.
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