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Everything posted by 71DIMER

  1. Congrats...check out some of my before and after pics of my wagon (same color as yours) to give you some inspiration on how much of a difference some interior tid bits make on it. Here's the link to my thread page with the pics I'm talking about: http://community.ratsun.net/topic/8106-i-also-scored-a-510-wagon/page__st__80
  2. 01_VENM: Just so you don't get continually flamed on here, this should set you straight and help clarify since you're new to Ratsun. The picture below shows both a Nissan Bluebird coupe next to a Datsun 510 4 door sedan (even if was a 2 door pictured it would still be called a 2 door sedan), the only coupes sold were in both Japan and Australia, they weren't sold here in the US. Notice the extra slope on the Bluebird coupe's C pillar and rear window while the 510's rear window and C pillar is more upright
  3. Mark: I'm 99% sure I'm getting this local one...so I know you're in a time crunch so go ahead and store it...I really do appreciate you offering it up to me, it's just that this is SO much easier to get it up here locally. I'll give you a call tonight!
  4. For what it's worth, PACIFIC COAST DATSUN (Mark) had a hell of a time dealing with getting his sweet goon titled. He spent well over a year and was still unsuccessful so just a bit of warning for any perspective California buyers to keep in mind. Best bet is to have the owner get the DMV paperwork straightened out BEFORE you buy it. I can't see the pics for some reason but heck for $1500 for a running 510, heck it's worth it alone to just keep it a running classic to enjoy, rust be damned, just drive and enjoy it as-is.
  5. Thanks fellas, I got a deal on a L16 lined up...thanks though, definitely appreciate it!
  6. 71DIMER


    Hey glad you are happy with it Ryan. Sorry about the tracking number getting to you almost on the day you got it! The seats in my 2 door are from a Nissan 350Z. I have a 350Z so I like the seats, so I found a spare set and had a buddy of mine weld me some brackets so I can bolt them right onto the stock locations. :)
  7. Since I started looking around for a replacement L16 just over a week ago here's what I've come across: - Free running L16 from buddy - Free shortblock from stranger - $300 for a 10yr old rebuilt L16 with less than 100 mile (what the seller said) with stock 4-speed -$250 L20b disassembled but complete -$350 L16 runner local guy A few other leads to follow up with but that'll give you an idea, oh and I'm in Nor Cal.
  8. NOT MINE but wanted to pass it along: http://www.autogator.com/details.php?vstockno=R6236&template=builder $1400 Location & Contact Information: AutoGator Auto Dismantling 1961 PFE Rd. Roseville, CA 95747 California, United States Store Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00am-5:30pm Saturday & Sunday ... Closed Phone Numbers: 855-456-0456 916-583-8040 Contact: Doug - Whole Unit Sales doug@autogator.com
  9. Can you be anymore Yosemite Sam sounding? Seriously you sound like we should be showing off our military might like some kind of school yard bully.
  10. You do realize it's the Muslim tradition to bury their dead within 24hrs so since our government has custody of his body, it falls upon our government not to drag this out and/or parade his dead body off in the way that would upset other Muslims around the world that currently aren't trying to do the same thing al qaeda...why would we want to stir that hornet nest even more by being disrespectful to a huge part of the world population? It's called being respectful of Muslim traditions and smart not to make his grave site some kind of shrine. They did DNA testing to verify it is (was) him, so unless they dig up his greatest hits on old recorded tapes, don't expect new material.
  11. Really metalmonkey...did we not listen to the same President give the same speech? He only gave credit to both the military and the intelligence gathering...here's the word by word since you have apperantly missed it: Military credit: "Over the last 10 years, thanks to the tireless and heroic work of our military and our counterterrorism professionals, we’ve made great strides in that effort. We’ve disrupted terrorist attacks and strengthened our homeland defense. In Afghanistan, we removed the Taliban government, which had given bin Laden and al Qaeda safe haven and support. And around the globe, we worked with our friends and allies to capture or kill scores of al Qaeda terrorists, including several who were a part of the 9/11 plot." Intelligence credit: "Then, last August, after years of painstaking work by our intelligence community, I was briefed on a possible lead to bin Laden. It was far from certain, and it took many months to run this thread to ground. I met repeatedly with my national security team as we developed more information about the possibility that we had located bin Laden hiding within a compound deep inside of Pakistan. And finally, last week, I determined that we had enough intelligence to take action, and authorized an operation to get Osama bin Laden and bring him to justice." Then if that wasn't enough credit to the military, he reiterates toward the end of his speech: "We give thanks for the men who carried out this operation, for they exemplify the professionalism, patriotism, and unparalleled courage of those who serve our country. And they are part of a generation that has borne the heaviest share of the burden since that September day."
  12. I talked to Ben last month about his emblems and he was trying to improve the casting process so to not make a bunch of emblems with air bubble flaws, so he's taking his time to get out good quality stuff. If you guys can live with some flaws, let him know to post a pic of what he has now and if you guys are ok with it, for him to sell them to you as-is.
  13. Really? Really? Doesn't your common sense tell you that if this 'intersting' fact was actually what you're implying, that this would have taken place a lot closer to the elections themselves? Geez, I guess I should have knows this would have been going through some people's mind, just not this quick...really?????
  14. Yeah because it's the soldiers that plan missions and have the official say on whether start the mission. I'm sure you realize soldiers don't do anything without orders, and it's the generals and other high up military officials that plan any strategic missions and then with the President's approval, the mission can get started. I'm not saying he came up with the idea but it is under his Presidency that this finally got accomplished. Imagine if the idiot birthers and other nonsense noise didn't take valuable time, hell we might have had this done months/years ago!
  15. News flash, all Presidents use a teleprompter, just that some actually know how to read better than others. You do realize he is our military's commander in chief so without his approval there wouldn't have been any operation toward pulling this off. So yeah Osama was killed under his direction. I wonder is we still have that big ol' "MISSION ACCOMPLISED" banner Mr. Bush used...we can actually use it now...well not really I'm not dumb enough to think this is over. Killing the leader of this piss poor terrorist organization won't stop them from being third world terrorist but it's a damn good start.
  16. Hope to get my goon engine replaced soon...I hate just seeing her sit there!

  17. Yeah my drivers side broke at the pivot point, luckily I was able to fix it!
  18. Yeah the 68 hinge assemblies are much smaller/shorter than the rest...ask me how I found out! LOL
  19. Yeah Mark this does suck. I'll give you a call soon to work out when I will go down there, as soon as I'm done with my current work schedule I will make the cruise down there. I know you're already packing so I hope it leaves us some time, otherwise we may have to make other arrangements but we'll figure it out. As far as what I'm looking for, it really doesn't matter too much I just want to get it on track to get her back on the road running. I would like to get a nice running L series but if I must I'll take one to get rebuilt just to know the condition of what's going back in so any leads are appreciated guys!
  20. Thanks Abe, like I said I knew there was damage already made to the engine so I figured on at least limping it home but man when it went BOOM, I knew it was toast. I could have coasted a lot further but some damn BMW was also stranded at the side of the road. By the time I did make it out to Del Valle, it was almost 3PM and most guys had already left, plus the wife and I set up our late BBQ so I didn't even get a chance to really walk around until later when most all left. So I'm glad to see all these pictures!
  21. Great pics guys...well hell...I really tried to make it out this year. Last year I lost a nice muffler tip, this year it was just a little worse! I was on my way but got some engine problem so I tried to limp it back home (only because my idiot roadside assistance told me it would take 2 hours to get to me, and that was after 40 minutes on the phone with them to begin with). I knew the damage to the engine was doen after making sure there was enough oil in the engine but it was the oil pump that went so I figured on at least a rebuilt was necessary so I figured on limping it home. Well on the way home my poor overstressed engine finally blew up on me, just 5 miles away from home...I was so hoping I could write that at least it made it home but just like that horse on True Grit, my poor baby couldn't make it! Here's a pic of what would have been at the meet, see she was all cleaned and shined up! Here's a pic of the 'minor' engine damage: So now I'm on the lookout for another L16 guys so hit me up on PM if you have one or know someone that does! I'd appreciate it! :)
  22. Well some bad news this past weekend. Long story short is I need another L series engine. I was on my way to the 2nd annual Japanese Classic meet up here in Nor Cal but along the way I had some 'minor' engine problems... Here's my wagon along the side of the road all helpless: Finally getting towed home (only 3 hours later and only after a bunch of idiotic roadside assistance mishaps along the way!): And here's the 'minor' damage I was talking about...doh! So if any of you local Nor Cal guys have a L16 laying around, please let me know, I want to get my goon back on the road asap!
  23. Hey guys I'm looking for an L16, hopefully someone has one laying around they want to get rid of. Local to Nor Cal would be best...thanks guys
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