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difrangia last won the day on November 24 2023

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    SE Oklahoma
  • Cars
    78 620 Longbed, '63/64 NL320, '64 Beetle Type 117 Ragtop, 61 FIAT 500D, 3 Vespa Scooters
  • Interests
    Unique cars, microcars, military sidearms, violin refurbishment
  • Occupation
    C/NC Programmer; Retired

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  1. https://www.theburningplatform.com/2024/09/26/former-cdc-director-robert-redfield-praises-make-america-healthy-again/#more-349871
  2. Mike, I'm not a technerd but I believe you're correct; I wasn't implying that Ratsun was spell-checking. It was directed at anyone who read it, not you. I'm an old codger but, seems to me that the populace, in general, are becoming too dependent on techie gadgets. A good portion of that is good but people get lazy and abandon too many of their own natural abilities to make things easier, save time, 'keep up with the Joneses', or the Hell ever. Sure won't catch me talking to any of my devices or the wifey's car and they're all neutered so they won't talk to me. Sure, ya can't go through life rejecting technological advancement, but a bit of selectivity goes a long way. For me it's 'A Question of Balance' (Moody Blues helped guide me through some pretty turbulent times in the late 60's and early 70's). I help with the conducting of a little local coin show by creating dealer sign-up document, advertising flyers, reminder post-cards, etc. There's a periodic drawing for door prizes throughout the day in which the entrants fill out a little ballot-slip and drop it in a box for the drawing. The slip just has lines for name and mailing address and we use them to send out postcards a couple of weeks prior to the show to stick on the fridge as a reminder of the show. It's disheartening to me at how many of the slips that I have to just shit-can because I can't read the writing. People, a larger portion than one would guess, just can't write in cursive enough to communicate any more. Everybody is so used to pushing buttons, touching screens, and talking to devices, I guess. End of rant, as I said, I'm an old codger.
  3. How bout y'all turnin' off the spell-chek; maybe it's just me but I'm more tolerant of mis-spelled words than some of the shit that pin-head geek software supplants into some of these communications. Asking for myself.
  4. I finally found out what happened to that old 'Cabbage Patch Kid' the daughters had decades ago; It grew up.
  5. Spell-correct; only one of the gadgets that gets turned off when I first fire up a new device. If U'll note in my posts, I purposedly mis-spell lots of stuff and intend it that to stay that way. None of my cars have the ability to talk to me either and that's a good thing. They'd most likely cuss me just as much as I cuss them when I have to work on em.
  6. This pretty much describes the scruffy 'Baker's Dozen' who can be counted to be on the 'Destruction...' thread pretty much day in and day out. Sluggin' it out from kinda opposite ends of the playing field and usually in a fairly semi-sane manner. Let the games continue.
  7. I'm too busy/lazy to research it, but how many border crashers are being sent to Alaska and Hawaii ??
  8. difrangia

    Heater hose

    Good info there from Crashtd420. Just be gentle with that valve and it will rebuild and work pretty much like new. Someone on here or Facebook 320 owner forum 3D printed a run or replacement knobs; Might have been Jake A.
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