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Everything posted by captaingamez

  1. Well obviously a well designed car that puts power down and goes where you point it and a car designed like shit that doesnt are two different things..... I was more of a fan of watching the absolute precision. Just my opinion, not really here or there.
  2. I appologize for not wanting to listen to a car which sounds like a loud Vacuum cleaner I guess?
  3. Seems like your bitching just to bitch about me, If you notice and look really carefully, I am not the only one "arguing". Actually I dont see much of an argument coming from my direction, just opinions. I guess this "discussion forum" thing must be new to you....... And its actually quite boring. I found the "point and shoot" days more entertaining to be frank. Watching people struggle with a car is boring to me. And frankly it means to me that the cars are designed like shit because of all the rule changes and BS they have instituted. WTCC is much more interesting than this is now.
  4. Those are nice, my dad had a 1229 in college. I am after a Micro, but definitely not in my price range.
  5. I also own studio downmixing decks and master decks........... Cassettes for me at the end of the day, I dont enjoy LPs as much since I got my Nakamichi and CT-F1000, and I have hundreds of LPs and a nice Technics....
  6. Its okay to not understand it. Everyone is inexperienced at some point in their life. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  7. Nobody seems to get this point. Are any single one of you going to pay $500 for an audio cassette tape deck? No. Two of them sit feet from me worth that at minimum, at a moments notice I could get over $500 each. You dont think stuff is not worth that much? Too bad, because what you think doesnt mean dick to the market.
  8. Nobody actually cares how much more power and torque, so "say what you will about power and torque" they care about the spirit of the race, and its going, going, gone........ Seems like noise and gas engines are still relevant in that aspect.
  9. Ugh, why did people replace the stock dampers with inserts.....

  10. Yeah, I will not be following this season. F1 is sort of dead to me now. That was quite boring. They sound like really loud Honda Civics. (and I love Civics and I am unimpressed) F1 is dead anyway with all the driver aids and regulations. Someone needs to come up with a new race series now that goes back to the roots. Its all about WTC to me now a days.
  11. I can tell ou one thing. I would never pay that. Because for that kind of money, you can import or buy any Skyline you want. Anything is fair game and cheaper than that, from the Hakosuka to the BNR34. If I had that kind of money, Driving a 510 would not be in my considerations of Nissan products.
  12. Well, I take that with a grain of salt. When he says something like that he was likely looking at the rarest of the rare and doesnt know the diff because he is a TV comentator. So he sees a $90k 240z on the internet that is actually a Z432 or something like that priced at $90K and hes like "oh all those 240zs are worth $90k"
  13. Okay its really easy to hear him say that and not actualy think about the history of the S30 chassis, and then just quip back " oh I would like to see one of these $90k Zs" So essentially you are saying a Z432 or Z432R is only worth 90k? Pretty sure they are worth substantially more. Or an original with almost zero miles on it in a sealed environment its whole life and then brought back running What would that be worth? :rofl: :rofl:
  14. OMNfg I nearly died of laughter at the Tosh.O one with that guy.
  15. Have fun with (attempting and failing) that.
  16. Maybe someday my Maxima will be worth 510 baller money too. I probably will not sell it then either, but I wonder.
  17. Anyone saying its to show off a paycheck. Pretty much all of those people don't give a shit what you think of them, much less to show off to you, or anyone else.
  18. Thats a pretty narrow view. What should everyone drive? Please tell us?
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