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About Raggleflaggle

  • Birthday 09/07/1993

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Next door to Florida Man
  • Cars
    '77 B210 GX, '85 720
  • Interests
    underwater basket weaving, pineapple dwelling, world domination
  • Occupation
    taking things from one dumpster and putting them in another dumpster

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  1. I fail to understand how any of you people get cheap/free datsuns.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Draker


      mmm.. datsun cereal

    3. '70dime


      tell everyone you know that you are looking for one, show them pictures tell them to tell their friends, then when they come across one, you'll be their first thought

    4. LeviGideon
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