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Everything posted by FoxyRoadster

  1. Nolonger for sale. Don't want to lose more then I already was on the sale.
  2. had 3 people look at the car today and after that I decided I'm going to keep it as they seem to all think its worth 300-400 bucks.:rolleyes: I politely told them that if they find another for that much they'd better buy it as around here I know I have the only one for below 1500. So I guess I'll keep it, rattle can paint it, and terrorize miatas!:lol:
  3. might pull it down, I've had a few craigslist offers on it that make me laugh.. I'm already taking a loss on my price and I dont think the people offering on it grasp I'm not lowering the price and I'm not interested in trading for random junk either. I dont mean to sound snooty but I think my 900 for it is quite fair considering I have 1600 into it total.
  4. The car is in Ardmore, I'm going to take some new pictures tomorrow to post. Fair warning the car is nowhere near done and will need quite a bit of work. It needs the floorpan welded in, which isnt a big deal as this car has a solid frame.
  5. I'm having to sell my roadster due to plans for school. I'm selling the car with everything I bought for 900 cash.. I really don't want to but I need the money.. List of parts I've obtained for this car in the last year: interior kit (paterns for making an interior) shifter foxy datsun decal console trunk lid chrome front brakes body bolt kit brake master cyl mast cyl rebuilt kit repair manuals and sun visors 13" Equip type 1 rims ID plate radiator I just haven't had the time to finish the car and don't see it possible. I'll get pictures up of it and everything coming with the car.. I could part this out for a lot more money but would rather give someone a project that just needs a floorpan, brake and fuel lines run, seats, and a bit of work done to finish. The car is located in Oklahoma
  6. mine is a 74, will be a ticket machine but fortunately my daily driver will stay my VW.. having 3 cars is kinda tasking on the pocket book ya know. lol
  7. well I dont knwo how long I'll have the storage spot for the datto is the big issue.. parents splitting up and not sure of whats going to happen so rather play it safe then do a last second sale.
  8. I do have plans to save up and buy a running and driving roadster, just right now school needs to be on the top of my list.
  9. well only place I can store it is my parents back yard.. where it currently is sitting. I'd rather not let it rot away under a tarp anymore then it has. On the bright side I'll be rocking a GTO now.
  10. I would, but I really don't want it to rot away.. I'd rather let it go to someone who'd love it and finish it verses rotting away.
  11. :( yeah, hate to but really need to buck up and start school which is requiring me to relocate and my datto can't come with me... So anyone looking for a roadster that needs work let me know.. I'll be hammering out the details in a bit.
  12. dang a nice hardtop even, too bad shipping parts would be a pain. I'll link this thread on 311s.org, maybe some of the fellow roadster owners might get some good parts for use off it.
  13. dont forget the forklift H20 as well
  14. Odds are they treated it like most people do their datsuns, which means no oil changes, replacing belts and doing other required maintenance. But I never heard that datsuns are unreliable.. I've always heard the reverse.. just don't expect to haul much with one is it. But this might explain the low numbers of some of the Datsun models in the US like 100ish sold.
  15. Thanks, that looks a lot better then I imagined in my head. Looks like a new direction for the datsun. Lol I've got everything for it, just been taking a year to figure out whats going to happen with it as I fix the floorpans and gather parts.
  16. I've always liked cars laying frames, just was like "Its a roadster, I'll be hauling ass everywhere in it to even bother" but I realized.. why not make it haul ass and lay frame. :lol:
  17. Can someone photochop this car laying frame and chop the top about halfway? The front airdam might need to be trimmed on the picture but not super worried about it, just want to see the look first.
  18. I'm an ass, I'd have had it on video after already hearing the yelling. :lol:
  19. Its like any pawnshop in america :lol: Just that one is for the upperclass.
  20. my poor little vw is like a ductape monster on the dash, I've patched every air hole so I wont feel like I'm riding a motorcycle. lol
  21. I know its cold, I drive a Veedub. :lol:
  22. I wonder who got this badboy for 425 dollars.
  23. any parts on it that didnt work, dents or anything notable along with the ratsun sticker? You might keep an eye on craigslist
  24. Mine is one someone totaled out a long time ago by the looks of it, if I'd have known it was totaled out I'd have taken a torch to it earlier like I'm doing now. The rust wasn't super bad, just a floorpan and few holes patched..Since these ladys have a frame you dont have to worry about pans. I'd say you could snag an okay running and drivable roadster for around 5-10k. I'd been looking for one since I was 14 found it 6 years later literally a block away for sale.. Could have pushed it home lol.
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